Has Nintendo resisted porting this for so long because it makes Odyssey look like a step down?

Has Nintendo resisted porting this for so long because it makes Odyssey look like a step down?

Attached: Super_Mario_3D_World_box_art.jpg (250x353, 150.26K)

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Not every game needs to be ported to Switch, you know.

Reception was so-so because people think it's an NSMB game because there's a flagpole at the end of the levels

I preordered that shit, it isn't even as good as 3D Land.

it is a nsmb game

They haven't ported yet it because of the levels that require a touchscreen and a mirophone.

Playing it single-player is a soul-draining experience, like hanging with your friends that keep telling the same joke for ten years and still expect you to laugh.
Playing multiplayer is a soul-crushing experience where you keep murdering your friends before they murder you, in an endless battle of murder for profit and crown tug-of-war.
It was left behind for a reason.

But all Wii U games should.

>like hanging with your friends that keep telling the same joke for ten years and still expect you to laugh.
This. 3D World is one of the most soulless Nintendo products this decade. Only giga-contrarians seriously rank it above the others.

Single player was great and hardly repetitive if that's what you're implying. They did some neat shit in this game.

Multiplayer Mario goes without saying, I don't think it's ever been an enjoyable experience.


You mean the levels with Captain Toad? The same Captain Toad whose game was already ported to Switch?

I want a sequel instead of a port because I already beat it on my Wii U

also get rid of the level timers they just make the levels annoying let me explore, no other mario game that I'm aware of needs time power-ups because the timers are either nonexistent or lax, so why make them (inconsistently) strict here?

What did they add that 3DLand didn't have? 3DL is a way better experience, specially with 3D on.

No, I mean the levels that actually have platforming and stuff.

too kino for this world, apparently. shits on odyssey frmo a great height. IM BACK BAAAAAABBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Odyssey was ok I just HATED the fact they reused several methods to obtain moons in every single course. Worse, there were so many of the damn things. Biggest mistake by far in a Mario game Nintendo, biggest mistake. I liked everything else about it but some levels were not designed with Mario's platforming very well. The Desert had to much running ground. Other than that I hated having to collect purple coins in each course, if I have to do that at least have the decency of not trying too hard to hide them otherwise having to look for them in certain places can suck.

I give that game a 8.5/10 because there were moments I enjoyed very much.

Get outta here. I don't remember that at all. I could swear I played through the entire game on a pro controller, and I only had to switch for Toad levels.

I actually support this. Bring in the timers for a 'challenge mode' or something, but leave the main game timer-less.

there were some levels where youhad to tap clouds or something to make them appear, and you had to blow on the mic to make propellers spin and move platforms

I'll notify Nintendo HQ

It's a Super Mario Bros. game and it's pretty new

I hate the time limit in these

Not saying much, it's been downhill since Galaxy.

eh bla bla bla

Attached: file.png (360x360, 132.22K)

It's so stupid considering you need to find hidden stuff. It's only there because 2D mario in 3D meme.

It's so fucking easy, the only way to have any challenge is to have your retard friends fuckign with you.

all mario's are easy though (only exception is the final hard levels, and some of sunshines dumb postgame shit)

They were probably planning to release it for Mario's 35th anniversary but COVID-19 messed that plan up and they'll probably have to delay that release.

Would be 10/10 if all characters speed and jumping wasn't gimped to accomodate for the multiplayer. Tiered running speed really marred the experience too.

That being said... I still prefer this game to Odyssey. It's so close to being the perfect Mario game for me personally, it just needed control and physics tweaks and a rideable Yoshi.

It was well received actually, when it was revealed people were skeptical because suddenly people pretended to not like Super Mario 3D Land for stupid reasons.

>he never got past Hands-on-Halls

Just emulate it

Maybe as a lesson to people who fell for the sandbox meme and were disrespecting when it was revealed for not being a "true 3D Mario game" when people who actually bought a Wii U and played it loved it.

they just spread stuff like that out so that people crave mario some more.
had odyssey at launch and then mario maker.

more powerups and way better bosses.
the worlds also had themes unlike 3DLand.
postgame was way better too.

I dont get people who say Land is better. World blows it out of the water in every regard.


Land has level design that doesn't have to accommodate 4 players. It has a longer post game. And it controls better with full range movement.

I found Land's level design to be really bland and unsatisfying. World had more interesting gimmicks.

3D World is the most soulful Mario game


If you're looking for challenge in a typical Mario game you're really, really stupid. Go play Lost Levels.

I never see an actual example of worlds 4player world design having a negative impact on the levels.
it just means that most of the levels have wider platforms to accomodate them, which is not a problem at all when the game pushes you forward all the time.
it just feels like a phrase people automatically throw out when world is mentioned without actually thinking about it.

absolutely. the cherry is a really cool powerup as an example and the mario kart track is great.

Same. Land didn't get interesting to me until the post-game.


Because I don't want to own both a Wii U and a Switch.

sounds fun, I hope they port it to the Switch

i have a friend like this, i think he forgets who he's already used his jokes on. it's very punishing. i've heard "corona virus? must go well with lyme disease!" from him about 4 times now.

Why do I suddenly have an erection?

It doesn't help that 3D Land was utter garbage.

The only good thing I can say about 3D World is that it is better than 3D Land, so the bar is more or less subterranean.

>vastly inferior moveset and presentation
>"makes Odyssey look like a step down"
lmfao in what way

stronger level design, and more focus in its objectives.
3D world was easy, but odyssey was way easier. the final "difficult" course was also a complete joke compared to every other one in the 3D games.

3d world was "harder" as a byproduct of the 8-way movement and the separate run button. If you threw it into Odyssey's engine it would instantly nullify the challenge

>3d world was "harder" as a byproduct of the 8-way movement and the separate run button.
what a load of horseshit.
I cant believe people would write something this retarded.

I hope they add Wario to 3D World on Switch. That poor fucker is long overdue for a platformer.

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doesn't help that it came out at the tail end of the "new" super mario bros craze.
Seriously, the "new" series was pretty ok at first, but then they stagnated like crazy and 3d world didn't even introduce new world themes.

There's a reason odyssey was hyped that much, it was the first mario game that wasn't "new" since Galaxy 2 and was actually going back to the more sandbox-y 64 and sunshine

>Why do I suddenly have an erection?
because of the tail, you disgusting furry


I used to think it was impossible for a Mario game to control like shit until 3D World happened

Attached: 455.jpg (410x290, 10.67K)

All of 3D world's platforming was clearly designed with three way movement and quick stop/starts in mind.

Presuming you don't mean something insane like having the triple jump, dive and hat throw in a game designed not to have it. The analogue control of Odyssey would make 3D World even harder.

*8-way movement

God Odyssey was such a disappointment. i can't believe they went back to Sunshine's collect-a-thon crap after, y'know, Sunshine existed. 2 minutes of taht shit and you're like "God I wish I was playing literally anything else"

can a person pirate on switch yet

Odyssey is my favorite 3D Mario, but 3D World is fun to play as if you play as Toad and just play it fast. You can still collect the collectibles but just play it fast and loose and it can be a blast.