is it the perfect trilogy?
Is it the perfect trilogy?
No that would be GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas.
yes but 2 is dogshit
Ehhh the first game is the only one that holds up on repeat playthroughs
Nah, 3 is basically a GTAV DLC and 2 doesn't have Sam Lake's face.
2 is just okay
Neither does 3 for that matter
No, 3 is complete garbage and hardly a Max Payne game at all.
There is no 3
Rockshit made gta spin off not mp3
Ignore the nostalgiafaggots
MP3 may be the best linear tps ever made
THE Max Payne. The masterpiece itself.
Unwarranted sequel that shits all over the first game's continuity for no fucking reason. Also, remember the old characters? They all fucking die! Why, you ask? Because fuck you, at least the gameplay is good. It still keeps soul despite being inferior to the first.
Fucking lol
Not even a Max Payne game. The identity of the series is completely lost, the gameplay, the cutscenes, the setting, even Max himself, from the design to his personality. It doesn't even reference the old games IIRC, he just mentions his dead wife once and that's it.
Nice try, rockshit, one cj coin deposited to your account
is it the perfect videogame movie?
Max Payne 1 and 2 don't have well written stories theyre just campy pulp held up by good gameplay
Max Payne 3 has a good story and elder-god tier gameplay that blows the originals out of the water in comparison
>good story
>good story
Your last (you) дoлбoeб
Max Payne threads were better before MP3 was released. Now its just constant infighting.
Your taste in storytelling is informed by saturday morning cartoons and other infantile dross so I'm not surprised you don't like the rockstar writing team's more sophisticated material
The faces some user posted with the skin in 3 were hilarious. Now I can't find any of them.
>rockstar writing team's more sophisticated material
1 is the perfect schlocky action-noir game. It oozes style and atmosphere, and you can feel the love and the fun that devs put into it.
2 takes itself far too seriously for its own good, I couldn't care less about the romance between Max and Mona. Some of the gameplay sections are some of the most tedious shit I've experienced in a game, ust thinking of the sniping section makes me want to bang my head against a wall..
3 is fucking great. Yes it's a Rockstar game with Max plopped into it, but it works so well thematically that I don't even care. If MP2 didn't exist I bet people would've unanimously loved it. I mean fuck, the gameplay is super tight, the soundtrack bangs and it has some of the most kino moments in any game.
>b-but muh cover system
Don't fucking use it.
2 is shit so no
>gameplay is super tight
>4 weapon limit
>even more corridor than previous games with 0 interactivity
Get out
the only real payne is sam lake payne, everything else is retarded fanfiction
No Max Payne 3 sucked.
Only 1 and 2 are kino
Absolutely based opinion.
the witcher
>rockstar's sophisticated writing
rockstar's writing is C-tier movie derived shit.
1 > 3 > 2
prove me wrong
Witcher 3 main story was crappy. Plus they retconned many things from the books for Witcher 3
>2 takes itself far too seriously
>not 3 with swearing and other edgy rockhit stuff
Lmao at you retard.
No, but it's the gayest.
3 > 1 > 2 but I respect 1 > 3 > 2 bro's opinions.
1 was a great game with dark humor.
2 was little mediocre,took itself too seriously.
3 was parody of max itself which is shit
>prove me wrong
There is no 3. It's a gta spin-off
I wish max payne 1 & 2 were on gog
>Max Payne 3 has a good story
Just buy it on steam or pirate it.What's the problem?
I'm so sick of Rockstar's writing. It's all deeply cynical and sarcastic with braindead violence masquerading as maturity and depth. MP3 has better gameplay in general but the writing and setting is a massive nosedive in quality
What, you don't like the constant swearing and edgy metaphors? But it's so mature!
Somebody on this board unironically loosing their shit over U r turning people into glue ecks dee.
Because rockshit can't write
>max accepted peace at the end of 2
>suddenly he is a drunk triying to so hard forget horrors of the past
>3 is basically gtav dlc
>gtav came out a year and a half after mp3
What did you mean by this?
Lol your retarded ass has never even heard of relapse before
>whole fucking point of 2 was Max learning to get over it. Even ending un 2 spils it out for retards like yoh
>rockshit: lol no he is a drunk asshole.
Get out
That it's not a Max Payne game, it feels more like Rockstar made a GTAV DLC that took Micheal, made him bald and then he went to brazil for some reason to defend a client and shit went south and he has to deal with it.
It doesn't feel like a Max Payne game beyond the name, painkillers and bullet time.
>It oozes style
>but it works so well thematically
you know what?
it fuckin is
fuck yes
shit opinion you can keep it to yourself, stuff like the music is banger is subjective as fuck and couldn't care less, only MP1 and MP2 exist MP3 isn't a MP game
You're so mad lol
2 is really really short. 3-4 hours long.
I just can't defend that
Max Payne 3 is the most fucking movie game I ever played yet Yas Forums loves it.
You couldn't even skip the cutscenes lmao.
>shit opinion you can keep it to yourself
>MP1 and MP2 exist MP3 isn't a MP game
Practice what you preach.
But he's right. What's the point in calling it Max Payne if it has literally nothing in common?
MP3 was also entirely scripted, like playing one those FMV games.
Now I actually like story in games but MP3 is a generic action movie that has been done a hundred fucking times.
>potential trojan