Reminder all this ass belongs to Rean and his gorilla dick

Reminder all this ass belongs to Rean and his gorilla dick

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can you romance her?

My god, the characters in this game have some nice ass. I bet one of the designers or maybe the 3D modellers is an ass man, which is weird for a Japanese I guess, but based as fuck.

Asses aren't flat anymore? Totally unexpected.

It’s not just the asses. The attention to detail in some of the female characters is god tier. Based jap ecchi code monkeys

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>those abs
I will now buy your game

Nice, I should get off my ass and finish TiTS3rd already so I could move on to Cold Shit, for those nice asses or titties if nothing else, I heard the games turn shit.

Can't find it in myself to care after Sky2nd, it wrapped up so nicely.

>Been trying for years to get into the trails series
>Still in chapter 2 of trails in the sky

I think I'm just gonna throw in the towel to chase anime girls lads, the coldsteel series looks so much more interesting

I bought this a few days ago. Camera could be better.

She is underage

It's a slow burner for sure, I remember I wasn't into it at all at that part.

It’s actually one of the better Trails series and Rean is a great MC

Gorillas have tiny penises user.

There’s a mod on PC that lets you control it better.

You could never see the maids panties because she wears an ankle length skirt, but someone took the time to model slut panties on her. That’s true soul.

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Not in my country

sorry but I don't believe you when literally everyone is saying crossbell (which I haven't played yet as well) and sky are better, and cold steel is filled with cringe modern anime tropes. And please spare me from pointing out that Sky 1 had a school festival quest like that validats cold steel from being anime cringe.

Haha that's our bean

TitS is a better series, but not much better. Cold Steel is better than Crossbell imo. The problem with listening to Yas Forums is that it’s full of contrarians who like to hate things. That’s funny and why we come here, sure, but you need to remember that and not get your opinions from here lmao

Yes, and?

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Just a reminder that this game has no breast physics

Not real.
Fuck off baiting faggot.

This series literally checks off everything I looked for in anime back when I was 14. Why have I not played this trash yet

And her boobs belong to Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade

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Do girls really?

Sorry, but coldsteel is a shit series where after 4 too long games only thing awaits you at the end is a disappointment.

Imagine the smell...

3 and 4 have awesome jiggle physics


Why are they wearing a towel inside the bath?

I'm 70 hours in Zero on the last chapter, hopefully I can end this ride so I can start Ao...

Then after more 70-80 hours I'll get into CS3.

what game?

read the thread, giganigger


>adore SSS even though they are responsible for crossbell losing independence
Strange girl.

>woman cries
>it doesn't work


lmao look at this sad ass coomer shit

I think I might've missed a recipe in Leeves in ch1, I didn't have the cash to buy it at the time and thought I could just buy it at a later chapter.
Might as well just fucking kms right now.

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haha you can't regrow your hymen haha

Why would you want to. That shit hurts when it breaks for like a week after

T. Real girl

Also Rean is bae

juna sucks in battle, i was glad when i got musse and ash and didn't have to use her anymore

Because your hymen is your only value as a woman

>Because your hymen is your only value as a woman
T. Virgin

>t. roastie

Sorry, perfect innie despite having taken miles of dick.

Uh oh! I think Alisa might have the Calvard flu...

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Literally how? I finished Zero with all the subquests in 58 hours

Not him but some people talk to like every NPC after every event and that can rack up like 10 more hours in the long run.

Gorillas have micro penises compared to humans though.

>from pure qt to this slut

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>some people talk to like every NPC after every event
fuck me, why did I do this with both games

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God she's so ___cute____

What? Pics or didn't happen, also post pics of you taking a dick in that pussy for proof.

I tried with every game, as far back as Sky FC, but just can't bring myself to do it to be honest. I still talk to every NPC on my way to where I'm going and cool ones like Anton.

Nah they're pretty good, everyone here likes to over exaggerate everything though. I'm sure you'll form your own opinion about it like a good boy, user.

I wish someone could headpat me.

Yeah but first I have to finish up Sky3, but it feels like a slump right now, like this weird tacked on fan fiction. Reminds me a bit of Persona 3 The Answer to be honest.

that's why Jingo exists

Better than what I did, user; autistically mapping out and hounding down every NPC with a "talk" option. The fact that you need to get some of the books this way definitely don't help.


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Gorillas have dicks the size of ballpoint pens.

Sorry user, she's already taken.

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I do it in every Trails game.
I feel like the experience isn't complete without it.
Ao was by far the worst game to do that in because you have all of the Crossbell available and Crossbell is pretty fucking huge.

>she's already taken
Certainly is.

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Musse easily best kiseki girl