They're fucking killing it with these updates.
New Horizons 1.1.4 Is Out. Adjust Appearances Rates Of Some Eggs
Is that good "killing it", or bad "killing it"?
it isn't killing anything, it's adding balance which everyone was requesting.
oh good more fucking eggs right?
less, retard, no one was asking for more
so does this affect the big three problems, wood sky and water eggs? or tell me that leaf eggs now spawn less because fuck it all.
your disrespect of the gifts of the one true god zippy is unforgivable
Don't care give me more Sakura Recipies
when do you get the lighthouse
if this affects the balloon spawns i'm already going to update it. I have broken my gold slingshot by combing the beach and breaking those gayballoons.
Nook point shopping. post what color, i'd trade a black one for something interesting like Brick
>when do you get the lighthouse
You can redeem Nook Miles+ points for it very early on.
Good. They're coming out very quickly whenever an issue arises.
there was only the initial patch when it went live then 3 total patches during this disaster of an event. i'm glad shit's being noticed and tweaked because fuck man, i'm sick of eggs.
did they fix the 10th villager being bugged? because quite a few people don't have the option to buy the 10th housing plot and they're stuck at 9 villagers.
thanks guys
Yes that was the patch prior to tonight's
1.1.3? because I'm on 1.1.3 and I don't have the option to buy the 10th plot.
>disaster of an event
not everyone thinks it's a disaster just the vocally annoying trannies on twitter and Yas Forums
i hope to god that if the other holidays are even the slightest bit similar to this that they're already overhauling them, i don't want fucking pumpkins falling out of the sky to make shitty patterned dresses and knocking candy canes out of rocks to make shitty striped clogs
The non easter balloons are constant and unaffected by the easter shit IIRC; 50% chance of spawning every 5 minutes
i haven't updated my game since the day 1 patch, i've just dodged the event. i also still have access to the duplication glitch. do i have to make another villager and place a house for them to do it?
Didnt that rabbit say if you craft one of every easter theme item you will get something special?
>egg furniture is vomit
>fish eggs taking up spots where i want snapping turtles
>too many balloons going WOOOOOOOOSH
and the worst offender IMHO
>wood eggs getting in the way of wood gathering, i can break a flimsy axe before i get 3 wood to upgrade it. makes island grinds worse.
yes but its just the shitty egg arch that goes around a doorframe
>a two week event
>that you can get everything for in three days
>not a disaster
and before you say not everyone is playing all day like "da meen Yas Forums autismos" remember nearly the entire fucking playerbase is locked inside right now
Aw jeez
I doubt that because finding the eggs is supposed to be like an easter egg hunt.
I read those patch notes that's for a different issue
>Fixed an issue where an animal you’ve invited to move from another island doesn’t actually move, leaving the plot of land allocated for them to move to sold and unoccupied.
>How this issue will be resolved in affected save data:
>After the software is updated to Ver. 1.1.2, the sold plot of land will revert to being available, and a new animal will become able to move there again.
>Note: Unfortunately, the animal that was originally invited to move to your island when the issue occurred will not return to their original island, nor will their plan to move to your island be carried out.
>Fixed an issue where a request from Tom Nook for the Resident Representative to find a plot of land for new residents disappears.
This issue is that there is no option to pay $10k bells for a new housing plot for the 10th villager
so from the same source can you greentext the changes in eggs, my good sir or ma'am.
>Fixed an issue where a request from Tom Nook for the Resident Representative to find a plot of land for new residents disappears.
this is what I have. I went to buy another plot and nook would only tell me about the concert
Even then, I'm still working full time and I got everything done in three days.
Though the plethora of free food has been extraordinarily useful for terraforming.
>AC:NH version 1.1.4 is now available to download.
>Fixes Flick not giving you the right model for the "Platinum Kogane" (can't find the English name for the bug, sorry!)
>Adjusts rate of drops for some eggs until Apr 11th
>Eggs become easier to collect on Easter (Apr 12th)
Its the splatoon team I expected it to be regularly updated but this is wack
Good on them
>Eggs become easier to collect on Easter (Apr 12th)
oh no
>Googles Platinum Kogane
dude that's the Jewel Beetle
just copy/pasting what I found
>casuals can't figure out that the egg balloons and fish balloons are extremely easy to distinguish from normal ones
>Nintendo actually gives up and kowtows to the bleating of casuals
Glad to see another developer abandon their vision to cater to shitters
I'm just hoping that Lief let's us buy non native flowers on Earth Day, of all the things for them to make a restricted feature they pick the fucking flowers.
and i copy/pasted what you found onto google, which is fine. just thought i clear that shit up right away.
>fish balloons
No, he gives it away from free. Crafting all the DIYs yield you... a toy DIY, which you can craft to get the DIY recipe for bunny wand.
Fish egg spawns replace your regular fish spawns though, there's no way around that shit interfering with your gameplay.
it's been ten minutes and i only seen one egg balloon and one normal one in that span
i think... i think i'm happy
I'm also hoping they bring back bushes from NL.
They only replace medium fish which are utterly irrelevant right now.
>This issue is that there is no option to pay $10k bells for a new housing plot for the 10th villager
1.1.4 doesn't fix this issue I just checked
Barreleyes are medium right or am i fuckin wrong?
restricted as in multiplayer keeps people from stealing them or restricted as in you can't get them without traveling?
good luck getting a zebra turkey fish
Nah they're smaller. Horse Mackerel sized.
And they still take up a spawn so it's still fucking you up unless you exclusively use bait.
they're small
i thought horse macks were medium
whatever i haven't been ocean fishing since constantly march, i'm easily forgetful
You're right about egg balloons, but fish eggs are a pain in the cock and wood eggs are fucking horrific
>charge my switch to 96%
>so excited to play
>right joy con has low battery
FFFFFFFFFFFUCK nintendo and their cheap joycons
So lets hear those dodo codes. Looking for interesting furnature or clothing, or big turnip money.
Will draw isabelle smut on your noticeboard
You have until November to catch Zebra Turkey fish.
By "irrelevant" I mean no medium fish are going to be gone by the time April ends.
I can potentially see this being an issue if you started two weeks late and are trying to gather up common fish, but if you're starting AC two weeks after launch then you're probably not super interesting in filling out your critterpedia ASAP.
There was never a 10th villager. It's you and 9 villagers. There isn't even room on the map screen for 11 faces, you people are retards.
Timmy and Tommy sell non-natives sometimes.
I just bought roses today but my natives are mums, lillies and cosmos.
theres literally 2 open spaces on the passport, you dunce
>not playing it docked
>not playing with superior pro controller.
They replace barred knifejaws which are common enough that night fishing used to be 25-30k bells for 10 minutes of work
other than my native lilies i seen windflowers which has been the secondary flower in islands. the third has change, it used to be pansies but now became windflowers.
if it weren't for online i would be waiting months for all the flowers
They will only sell 2 native and 2 non-native, you need to trade with others for the remaining 4.
thanks for convincing me not to open
for fucking animal crossing? c'mon that shit doesn't need heavy tactile precision.
What does your passport have to do with other villagers? What open spaces? The fuck are you talking about?
Shit, they do? That's one of the things I've been forgetting to check, but it's time to get religious if I can get non native flowers from them
Where do you get those?
Do you know where I can look up all of those recipes? I'm not sure if I got all of them
>animal crossing
It's infinitely more comfortable than the joycons for anyone older than 12, babyhands.
the passport
on your phone
eggs take up a slot on fish spawn pool
getting in the way of mediums doesn't matter when it effectively reduces the chances of everything else spawning too
Balloons. Maybe bottles but I've never gotten one from them
i'd dock in tangy's vitamin C if you catch my drift
Stay mad then?
>he has a phone
fucking redditors
>the old babyhand retort
fair enough, giant.
Restricted as in very difficult to obtain without traveling to other people's islands.
Anyone have duplicate cherry blossom recipes? I have a cherry blossom flooring if anyone wants to trade.
Literally everyone who has ever touched a joycon in my presence comments on how small it is and how uncomfortably close together the buttons and joysticks are.
Well that's strange. I've been playing a lot and didn't get any from balloons/bottles. I keep trying, thanks.
i'd let you come in if you were gonna draw cute isabelle
That's the exact same one I got a dupe of, what do you know
no no no, i agree, it's all about comfort so go with what you feel is best
I do have smaller hands so joy cons are fine.
not really
Havent played an AC game before. Worth getting?
I have pretty big hands and they feel okay to me. PS4 controller is painful though.
You pretty much have to grind for them considering their drop rates are absurdly low
I made a forest.
>Egg balloons can be ignored
Except for the constant FWOOOOOOOOSSSSHHH