What's a good RPG to get lost into while in quarantine? Is Fallout 4 worth playing?

What's a good RPG to get lost into while in quarantine? Is Fallout 4 worth playing?

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no, fallout 4 is some dogshit, get persona 5 instead unironically

Already beat it

Fallout 76. You actually get to genocide giant plague bats

then get the new fire emblem game

Witcher 3 if you haven't yet.

If you mod it into a Post-Apoc survival game, yes.
If not, no.

Holy fuck yes, I wish I could replay it without knowing anything about it again

Nice joke, didn't they add a subscription fee just recently?

No, it's just a premium membership

Persona 4 then

none that are recent, and no, f4 is not a rpg anyway.

Sure its ok.

Beat 4, P3 FES and both versions of 2. Tired of modern Persona games I don't like the school sim or the social links and that's the majority of the game.

Fallout 4 is not an RPG lmao
Bethesda hasn't made a single RPG in 15 years

>good rpg
not fallout 4
>good to get lost in during quarantine
fallout 4

Yes, it’s great. It’s an improvement in almost every way regardless what Obsidian fads will tell you.

fallout 4 is only good as a heavily modded survival FPS with romance and base-building elements

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Why isn’t FO4 an RPG? Try to answer it without using memes.

if you have a switch, fire emblem three houses is genuinely pretty solid and to see all the routes you're looking at an investment of over a hundred hours


This. Just mod it and have fun.

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why would you lie on an aboriginal tapestry carving board

do it for the waifus

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>no skills
>no traits
>dialogue completely gutted
>railroaded into a story about finding your son
>lack of options and mission variety (compare Benny and Kellogg)

>without knowing anything about it again
Shaun being Father was so EPIC right?

There are traits and skills though.

kingdom come deliverance is pretty immersive and qualifies as an rpg i think

Too bad it runs like shit

It has no role playing?

It's worth plying, sure. It's just not very good if you've played any other Fallout game.

>There are traits and skills though
With handy dandy Nexus, not what Todd dumps into your hands as vanilla

Um, no there aren't.
There are SPECIAL stats and perks.
Nothing else.

Any Dark Souls
Bloodborne, Sekiro (loose rpg)
Oblivion or Skyrim
Fallout NV, 3, or 4
>4's really not that good, but I still had fun exploring the f4 wasteland and I put in about 100 hours my only playthrough. I never did the DLCs, I could probably get another 15 out of it. But it's an alright time waster, especially if you smoke
Hyperlight Drifter (loose rpg)
Wasteland 2
Witcher 3

Warband and Bannerlord

>Is Fallout 4 worth playing?
Yes, you will probably have fun with it. Just keep in mind that the writing of the main story isn't very good, and every major faction is fucking retarded (especially the super smart scientists). It's still a lot of fun, and there is a lot of stuff to screw around with. This is especially true if you are playing on PC and install mods.

Disco Elysium any good?

>be bethesda
>release game in a RPG series
>bill it as a RPG
>it utterly fails to be an RPG
>people still buy it anyway because of modders

Is that Naxxramas in the background?

it’s basically the same system as in NV for example my contrarian friend.

>it’s basically the same system as in NV for example my contrarian friend

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there's no real roleplaying. it's an action adventure game with light role-playing elements e.g. leveling and almost entirely meaningless dialogue choices

No it is not. If you want Fallout, play the first two or New Vegas. If you want story; play anything like Planescape, Arcanum, Vtmb. If you want freedom, play early tes, Gothic, Darklands, Ultima.

There's also the Goldbox games like Pools of Radiance and Dragonlance. Also Arx Fatalis, Baldur's Gate, Lands of Lore, Dark Sun, Titan Quest, Krondor, Deus Ex, etc, etc, and this is not including all the great jrpgs as well. Play any of these other than Fallout 4.

It's not awful, it's just awfully structured. There's this illusion of infinite, nonlinear content but it just serves to dilute the game in my opinion. Try to ignore all the open world distractions and just play through the story and the DLCs. Far Harbor is really damn good compared to the base game.

you should point out these major differences then

Arx Fatalis is pretty king. Get the Arx Libertatis mod to fix the magic system and you're good to go, it has a great sandbox and aesthetic, along with some interesting lore and worldbuilding

You should check that Pathfinder game, I heard it was pretty good. Make sure to install the mod for turn-based combat and camera rotation though.

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Destiny 2 is literally free right now on every platform, its not that great but it still managed to suck me in. Guess that's Bungie for you.

Shit atmosphere and lore and mediocre RPG.

Piper Wright is top tier. 50s aestethics. There are not enough like them.

Yeah it is but only on survival mode.

>Destiny 2 is literally free right
cheers for the tip, cunt

I'm playing Witcher 3 there's hundreds of better quests than Fo4

Why not

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I just want to say that New Vegas is a shitty game. Wiki articles are not substantive of good writing. Putting in points to stats in increments of 5, for guarantee bypasses of sections of the game, is not compelling gameplay. Strong emphasis on factions with simple three sentence philosophies is one of the worst things it's popularized in modern CRPGs, in the story department.

>added 9000 items to treat anal bleeding and coom

Tyпoгoлoвый дoлбoeб

Nah that game sucks.

Fallout 4 kind of sucks, FNV is a game I can replay endlessly because I just fucking adore the atmosphere and quests in that game. Not the biggest RPG fan, but New Vegas is probably the best choice (if you havent played it) Oblivion is pretty good, but you've probably played it considering you're on this board.

Divinity Original Sin 2
Neverwinter Nights

Yeah, I wouldn't have found out unless I was scrolling through steam. no adverts, nothing. It must have tanked like fuck.