Zipper...had a hard life

Zipper...had a hard life...

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you cant make me feel bad for this cunt, he killed half the fish ecosystem and replaced it with chocolate

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tarantulas don't spawn at that time, 2/10 i can't fap to this

>remove tasteless fish and replace them with tasty chocolate

He’s a hero

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Would you still hate him Yas Forums?

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Yes, because Jesus wouldn't betray the entire fucking world for eggs.

he brought this upon himself, if he wants my pity he should have donated all the dead fish to the museum

Zipper? I hardly know her.



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I... I don't get it

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just catch bugs, he can't egg your bugs nerds

He’s crying

Zipper is just some guy in a costume who’s paid to put eggs everywhere.
He stops acting and sighs if he loses sight of the player

>realizing all the holidays will be 2 week shitfests, not just bunny day

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clearly he is salivating in anticipation for his meal


That was my first guess

I time traveled and summer has non stop summer shell recipes

Too bad Zipper is really Phyllis
Though that might not be the case now since she hasn't been to the island so far

Egg suits that look girly as fuck and we also get a dress but no suit for males. They've made this game so feminine its ridiculous. Same with pokemon.

Don’t diss my egg costume

>one of my villagers today complained about the eggs fucking up his rock drops on a deserted island trip
Are things okay between NoA and NoJ? Seems to me like the localizers hate eggs too

>halloween clothing might just be shitty textured dresses, pumpkin tops hats and awful clog shoes

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>imagine relegating outfits to a specific gender
Now I'm no tranny, but my male villager rocks the kimono outfit

is this game even fun if I have no friends?

Are there shoes for the egg dress, or do you only have one of the egg costume shoes to choose from?

Yes, however I personally feel it's a downgrade from NL

the dresses are complete fucking eyesores though and my character looks either retarded or open for business with no pants on

does it matter if I never played any past entries?


Not really, it's still great

>all seasonal/holiday clothing and events could just be shitty dresses and even shittier hoarding for them
>for two fucking weeks
that would likely be the one thing to make me completely regret my purchase

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>New patch reduces the appearance of eggs

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It might. Don't buy into the hype if you aren't a fan of slow sandbox games. It's compared to Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon a lot, but they're not that similar.

>New patch increases the appearance of eggs

>new patch replaces everything with Sea Bass

>is this game even fun if I have no friends?
>does it matter if I never played any past entries?
No, and while it is missing some features from New Leaf, there are additions like crafting and Nook Miles+ that I feel make it better. Some people feel the opposite though, and hate the crafting and Nook Miles+ (basically a set of five mini-goals that reward you with points that you can redeem for various things; complete one and another appears).

Definitely watch a review though. This franchise isn't for everyone, and to some extent various people play it in different ways. The best way to start would be to play it legit, but some people just enjoy time travel (bumping the system clock forward) more since they get more instant gratification.

>new patch greatly reduces sea bass appearances
>just before the fishing tourney which scores you on physical size of the fish

bros i just want sakura shit please

You're playing virtual house. No shit it's girly.

Fuck this son of a bitch. I hope I can catch actual fish in the new update. I appreciate Nintendo admitting tbey fucked up.

previous iterations are
i'd wait for a few months for content to get added to this one though, it's gone the route of "remove half the game and put it in over a year through content updates"

>new patch replaces game with HHD, amiibo festival and pocket camp trilogy bundle

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i havent seen a single recipe at all so far, idk what im doing wrong

Do players hate the eggs? This comic made me sad


yes, most players hate the eggs
pic related, me on the right, i need more earth eggs

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Fuck zipper

It's just Isabelle in a suit.

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what new update, im searching google and i get results for 1.1.3, you talk as if there is a 1.1.4 information posted from a confirmed, reliable source somewhere

its a non-canon depiction of a fictional character how could it possibly make you sad
if i drew a picture of him crying and asking you for your credit card information would you send it to me

I've already crafted all the fucking items, the eggs can fuck off, but then again, now I have unlimited food for when I want to move trees around

well you only see zipper tea bunny himself only on 2 days, so... yeah you should draw a picture

you want the code on the back too?

when you craft the fence, does it craft 1 fence (3 eggs) per craft? i will need a lot of eggs if thats the case and it seems like you can only get 3 or 4 earth eggs a day

no but it would make me sad maybe
i'm autistic and over empathize with plenty of non-existent thing

>no curved/diagonal paths
why why why would you do this

>found all sakura recipes among the Easter egg chaos
I'm glad it's over.

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You spelled resources wrong and used this meme wrong. You tried the use the BRRR meme on the "Yes." template. Get your life together.

who the fuck is that
he wears fucking OVERALLS

he had to pawn them, he wears turquoise potato sacks now