Ancient Greece....the land of my ancestors

Ancient Greece....the land of my ancestors....

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das rite

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>this is what anglos actually believe

No modern people are direct descendants of people eons ago. That is major cringe.

what about royal families?

>this is what central asian migrants actually believe

Why are the statues unpainted?


All of this was built by slaves.

only some of them are painted in the game, don't have any pics but not sure why Ubisoft didn't paint all of them.

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i wanna play as ancient niggas but is ac;o really that garbage?

No shit.

I loved Odyssey. Great game.
and you will NEVER change my mind

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lol seething central asian

Slaves in ancient Greece or all of Europe weren't the mindless beast niggers in America were trated like, they were more comparable to servants such as maids and butlers and were allowed to fuck around, write poetry and stuff, sane men even chose to become slaves for a year lr two to pay debts, ironically it was niggers in Africa the ones who had an extreme concept of slavery like that

Origins has a better story than Odyssey so far imo, Odyssey cranked up all the annoying aspects of Origins to 11. Both are only worth it on sale tho. Greece is a better setting than Egypt but Egypt wasn't bad in Origins, surprisingly cool.

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I didn't play either, just want to say that Egypt used to be such a cool setting in the past, but somewhere in the 2000's something changed and now all the mythical and aesthetic aspects of it are gone in fictional portrayals

No they weren't. The Greeks didn't free their slaves after paying their debts and agriculture and slaves working in the mines were a thing. Nicias' men were forced to work to the death at the mines following their capture after the second battle of Syrakuse.

>uses Д as an A

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This is basically true. I am reading Coulanges' The Ancient City right now and slaves in Greece and Rome had to be initiated into the family cult for practical and religious reasons. They were in effect family members. Keep in mind too that family members then were highly duty bound and did not have meaningful freedom from the family unit. It is a fascinating book.

Also if you read Aristophanes the way they portrayed slaves in comedy was basically like a sassy, lazy butler.


Nah, Origins had the better world by far. Each region and city felt distinct from one another. I can still remember playing Origins and rounding a mountain pass or climbing a hill and seeing some of those cities for the first time. Odyssey felt like the same shit over and over

>some [sic] men even chose to become slaves for a year lr two to pay debts

Huh, this was the case in Aztec society too, actually, along with the other stuff you mentioned: Aztec slaves kept the rights to own property, had to be paid for their work, well cared for, couldn't be sold without their consent, and their childern didn't automatically become slaves and you retained the ability to buy your own freedom, so as you note there people in debt or in need of quick cash would often sell themselves into slavery temporarily an then buy themselves back out after a while.

That being said if you continually misbehaved or tried to escape, you would gradually lose those rights with additional offenses, after 3 times you had a wooden collar (see pic) placed on you at all times and if you did it again, you could be sacririced (which matches up with enemy soldiers who were captured, they were instantly placed into collars and eligable for sacrifice)

Oh, well, it was for the Aztec.

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My understanding is that in Greece citizens who needed to pay of debts or what have you usually sold their sons into what amounted to be fixed time slavery contracts.

Non-citizens probably had less consideration.

Remember guys, the Great Pyramid of Giza took only 20 years to make. Pretty impressive right?!

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you are objectively wrong.

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It depends which greek are you talking about. Spartans treated theirs like utter shit Athens didn't.

What does this have to do with anything?

>Unironically linking to the liberal revisionist hellhole that is reddit

Isn't like 80% of this board reddit crossposters?

Not him, but Askhistorians is a legitmately good resource. One of the few consistently non-shit parts of the site.

80% of this board should be purged if that's the case

Dude who wrote that is a legimitate historian. Has a PhD on the subject, wrote an academic book on classical greek warfare and is a really cool guy who interacts with the public and gives up to date scholarship answers.

That he just disprove your nigga ass. PUNK

Why does everyone believe this method and not the water canal idea?

that had to cut, transport, and place a stone every 3 minutes to get it done in 20 years

there's no good explanation for it

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>what are hypotheticals

Did origins lean on the supernatural aspect as hard as odyssey? It wasn't too far into the game that I went from taking fall damage jumping from rooftops to fall damage just getting turned off. It also seemed extremely obvious from like 10 minutes into the game that you and your sibling are demigods unless I'm completely wrong about that.

wat hapen

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>Here are your tools bro, get to work.

in Origins, Bayek goes to the After Life in the DLC, where you can fight Anubis soldiers and shiet, which was cool, but basically he was only allowed to go there cause the Pharaohs needed him to do something, not cause he was special like the protags in Odyssey.

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Redpill me on this game. It seemed like a decent open world rpg to me. I felt the outrage regarding the cash shop was exaggerated. It's fine when jrpgs lock all available costumes behind dlc apparently.

Different sun lighting angle.

I assume the Gods in odyssey were part of the previous race more so than actual gods? It seems like actual gods would clash with the previous alien advanced technology shit I understood before. Although I only played up to brotherhood before dropping the series before.

>I felt the outrage regarding the cash shop was exaggerated.
you're already blue pilled, retard. they made the game needlessly grind heavy and locked "exp boosters" behind a paywall

the people that make asscreed should be publicly executed for making such an insult to ancient greece

It's too late.

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But I didn't do a fraction of the question mark locations yet were leveled more than enough for the main quest. The xp booster might be tempting if you completely skip side quests.

>use cheat code in ps4 version
>goofs up the save
>drop the game


what about the ramps and tunnels in the pyramids that seem like good places to fill up the levels to place blocks down. I dunno, having people pull giant fucking blocks miles and on heights then remove those ramps for heights seem more work and effort than people that know sailing and have a big fucking river would do.

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>you are objectively wrong.
This reinforces what he said, though.

Bought it on sale and so far I'm pretty happy with it, the combat can suck some dicks though when your numbers not being high enough means its gonna take you 10 minutes to dtop and enemy that can take you down in 4 hits. Surprisingly enough you can still get away with assassinsting your enemies for the most part.

Did they patch that out or what? Recently started playing and it doesn't feel grindy to me at all. On the contrary, I'm always 2 levels ahead of everyone in Odyssee quests. Level 44 now

Great Britain was governed by the Roman Empire for 300 years. Try learning history outside of shitposting Yas Forums retards tripfag.

I'm amazed at how bad this game runs on the ps4, the performance is okay for the most part but home menu or put the ps4 to sleep at the wrong time and the game will shit itself so hard it'll crash the ps4.

Personally, I hate all the RPG elements they added to AC. The combat sucks until you get to around level 20 which is when the good combat skills finally open up in the Warrior branch of the skill tree. Luckily the game lets you respec your Skill points anytime you want as many times as you want, so it's up to you to find good gear and a good class build that fits your style. Quests are pretty repetitive and the game trying to be all Witcher 3 with the dialogue options, nothing incredible to write home about but it gets the job done. The most impressive things about the game are the graphics and how big the world feels. Oh yeah, and your ship sucks ass at the start and takes a lot of resources to get decent.

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Fucking filename threads, I swear. Purge them from this board.

>I'm amazed at how bad this game runs on the ps4,
when every game runs like garbage how are you shocked?

You're not supposed to know anything about Reddit unless you actually use the site.

No other game I've come across literally crashes the ps4 if you do something the game doesn't like at the wrong time except maybe anthem or fallout 76 but those are fundamentally broken games.

Image threads are literally older than Reddit you mong.

Hahahahahahahahaha there it is


What are you talking about?
Where do you think modern Greeks come from? Ancient Greeks didnt just stop reproducing

>muh anglos
Rent free

What has Rome got to do with Anglos and Ancient Greece?

Shhh don’t confuse the anglo

combat is worse than origins
>no shields
story is kinda eh

items have shitty 4% stats which give nothing
origins actually had damage numbers and special effects

origins also looked better the sand and oasis stuff look more crisp somehow