Welcome to the shit vidya opinions club. You're only getting in if you're retarded and your opinion is equally stupid

Welcome to the shit vidya opinions club. You're only getting in if you're retarded and your opinion is equally stupid.

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I think Super Paper Mario is the best Paper Mario game.

my favorite HL1 game? blue shift

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this is a really good thread, OP is really smart and probably has a big dick

I use wojakposts to make fun or arguments I can't find fault in

Yas Forums actually care and play video games.

I love sucking off nigger bulls

Wii Remote aiming should have become the industry standard for console FPS games

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I think TLOU is a better game and has a better story than most games from Japan.

uhhhhhh..... Dark Souls sucks?!?

BOTH Parasite Eve 2 and The Third Birthday must be retconned.

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There is not a single good fallout game, pre or post Bethesda.

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story is more important than gameplay, I unironically can finish a bad game with good story, but can't be bothered to finish a good game with bad story

Jesus fucking christ, if thats honest you should have a reserved seat at the bar.

Octopath Traveler in a nutshell

Several videogame franchises are gointg to shit because they wanna be "simulators" instead of videogames.
GTA? Fun until SA. IV tried to add this realism movements crap, its unfun to play.
Smash? Only the N64 is fun. Same, tries to hard to be a "melee simulator" with "more realistic physics" and shit.
FF? Maybe since VIII with the real life models (ignored in the masterpiece that is FF IX), but ultimately gone to shit with FFX which added voices and "realistic voyage" instead of world map traveling
and so on.
Fuck realism in videogames.

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I like Yas Forums

i forgot what the thread was about and almost got angry reading this

I like Deus Ex: Invisible War as much as the original. The only negative thing about it is the tiny levels.

>implying turn based jrpgs have anything good

It's good.

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I can enjoy both, and can finish if either story or gameplay is good.

Examples, Star Ocean 3 and THAT FUCKIGN TWEEEEST, but the gameplay was balls addictive, as expected of TriAce.

Only 1/3 of Sonic Adventure 2 is good!!!!

I think games should be inclusive to everyone, especially towards people not familiar with the genre to get more people playing it

The Last of Us (2013) will be remembered as one of the greatest achievements in video game history

Dark Souls 2 is the ultimate Souls experience, bar none

This game is unironically better than ME2

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Dead island is a great game and their only mistake was the misleading trailer that represented something the game was not. The gameplay is fun and the story b movie tier funny.

I'm a huge weeb, but I think Last of Us is a fucking masterpiece.

Couldn't care less about LoU2, strangely enough. Guess I'll wait for it to be free on PS+, but still don't care about it.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a great game with a poor soundtrack.


Street Fighter and Marvel VS Capcom are great, but Darkstalkers sucks!

Final Fantasy XIV is unironically the best final fantasy game.

looks like OP is too retarded and he didn't know you can't post the same image twice

Final Fantasy XV is the best selling game and most praised game of all time.

Video games are a productive use of time

DmC: Devil may cry is not as bad as people make it seem. sure it has it flaws but its still a good action hack n slash game.

Donkey Kong Country 3 is the best one, Megaman X5 is my favorite x game

My least favorite thing about Nintendo is that the switch doesn't have trophies.

Same. Though I usually beat a game with good gameplay.

Video games are art

That is a rational opinion user. You came to the wrong place

I drop games the instant I stop having fun as to not waste my precious time then critique them as if I completed them on Yas Forums-Video Games

What the fuck does it do to be considered a masterpiece? The fact that it rips off "The Road"? Please explain

video games are superior to film
I think I'm in

Dark Souls 1 is the best Souls game by a landslide.

>what the fuck does it do to be considered a masterpiece
Muh feelings user, muh feelings

Sonic R is a good game. The only people who hate it dont know how to drift.

>tfw your retarded opinion over time somehow became the 'correct' opinion
I have always thought GTA IV was a good game, the physics engine alone made it a great fuck around game and I have spent more time doing fuck around stuff in it than I have in V, SA, VC or 3

Yes it is, wrong thread

I think any game that came from ching Chong land suffers from bad story, tone deaf elements, shittiest characters and samey gameplay. Western games will always be a bastion to the gaming industry with actual gameplay depth and maturity.

The best Megaman games are either 8-bit or on the PS1. That includes subseries as well. The only exception is Network Transmissions on Gamecube, which is by far the best of the Battle Network series despite not being anything like the rest of the BN series.
No FPS has ever topped Halo 2. Nothing before, nothing after. Likewise, the best racing games ever created are Gran Turismo 1&2.
I enjoy replaying Diablo 3 more than Diablo 2.
The only Sonic games worth playing in this day and age are Mania and 3&K.
Playing Skyrim and fucking hating it has ruined almost all massive open world exploration games for me. The only one I've played since is FFXV, and that's only because it's a Final Fantasy game.
The overwhelming majority of western games that have released in the past 10 years are shit. Related: I would rather play a janky-ass titty simulator action game or rpg from Japan than some cinematic game with uglyass characters and dull writing.
This too tbqhwyfam

>actual gameplay depth and maturity
but they're all movies lol

You haven't heard of Deus Ex, Jagged Alliance 2, or Doom retard.

Dark Souls II? Yeah, it's the best in the series.

The Fate franchise is fucking garbage

Medievil is a soulless cashgrab

this is the bad opinion thread m8

Way of the Samurai was always dogshit, Yakuza taking its place as "quirky open world jap game" in the west was inevitable

KoTOR 2 was pretty muc like this

Fallout New Vegas is a good game, the best in the series. I like Obsidian. I like the Witcher 3.

The Diablo franchise is soulless

i think the new cod is awesome

Fallout New Vegas had a mediocre story and cringe writing. The only reason the gaming community praises it was because it gave you choices.

The best Megaman game of all time is Megaman Starforce 2

All turn based JRPGS are fucking garbage

>posting normie shits memes
We are truly living avdifferent era.

I like Sonic games, in fact Sonic heroes has a special place in my heart for 8 year old me. I also liked the pump puzzles in bioshock and I had fun with the GTA RC missions both in VC and SA

yes except super mario rpg: the legend of the seven stars you fuckin son of a bitch you

you know what I retract my statement, I like TTYD, SMRPG and chrono trigger. That's as far as it goes.

Games where you can't move and shoot at the same time are bad. This includes that one game everyone blows in a well established franchise that now is just REmaking their old shit from a lack of original ideas.

super matroid fails compaired to castlevania ritual of the night

To add to this, Fallout 3 is better than NV

FF7 Remake is about time ghosts and a time traveling Sephiroth. I know this despite nothing about time travel or anything similar being mentioned in the entire game.

Evergrace is legitimately one of my favourite games ever made

2011 Runescape > 2007 Runescape

People asking for remakes of any title should be dragged out and thrown into the nearest sewer.

Bro...you have to face facts. Stop lying to yourself.

what about doom eternal

PC gaming is for fat fucks and pedophiles

I've seen nothing but trolls spamming this retarded shit for days straight now. Even forced to spoil the game with several gameplay videos that I didn't want to watch because of you mouth breathers. It's pure fucking bullshit.

American Chopper for the PS2