Anyone else dropped or can't take this game seriously anymore cuz alucard is a faggot?
Anyone else dropped or can't take this game seriously anymore cuz alucard is a faggot?
only low IQ niggers do that
>letting an alternate take on a character ruin them for you
>a netflix adaptation at that
It's netflix, you knew exactly what you were walking into.
no fag
The series are as canon as the Mario Bros. live action movie.
My favorite character is Leon so I don't care about that Edward Cullen looking nigga
I bought it on the apple store last week.
Never played castlevania before but I was enjoying the fuck out of it up until I got to the upside down castle.
I quit after making it half way through because it was just pure bullshit. Hard for the sake of being hard.
Inb4 pleb filter
you must be incredibly thin-skinned if you let a netflix adaptation, of all things, to bother you
SOTN is easy as fuck, the only thing i could understand you struggling with is the dogshit mobile controls
no, that seems like a super teenage perspective to just let things get dictated to you by people who had nothing to do with what you're talking about.
you really just let people take enjoyment away from you like that because you're subject to some kind of 80 iq honduran bravado thinking? jeez. cringe.
OP is gay.
I can't believe someone finds Symphony Of The Night hard...
>Hard for the sake of being hard.
sotn is generally considered a not very challenging game.
you can just level up bro. it's an rpg. look for a better weapon. most enemies have rare drops.
That's literally and objectively retarded and so are you.
That applies whether you're for real or not.
Yes. Certain areas are designed to whittle away your health or kill you.
Such as the mechanical room with the hundreds of Medusa heads flying about turning you to stone.
Or certain areas having enemies hidden off screen attacking you.
Or the one big tall boss in the upside down castle who just spams attacks and lighting at you non stop.
Maybe hard was the wrong word but that part of the game was pure bullshit.
I finished SOTN with ease when I was 10 yo
>Such as the mechanical room with the hundreds of Medusa heads flying about turning you to stone.
man just use an faq or something. you don't even know about half of waht's in the game.
No because I am not a reactionary autist who lets adaptations of games I influence my opinion on the games themselves.
with richter
but he was no match for bones
Imagine caring this much about irrelevant nonsense. Good games are good games. You don't have to have an existential crisis over every adaptation you don't like.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers that shit flick of a movie. Now please don’t remind me about it again.
If people were able to deal with Ocelot as a flaming homo gay in MGS3 hiimdaisy comics, then we can deal with Netflix calling a vampire a homo.
No matter how much dick Alucard takes, he'll never be as much of a faggot as my favorite Belmont, Juste.
>Mario Mario
>Luigi Mario
That is a commie insult.
>implying that kino isnt the truest SMB canon
Fuck out of here with that shit dog
Richter Styleish hack
Good, I'd rather retards like you who can't ignore a shitty netflix show stay out of the second best modern castlevania
Unironically pretty retarded of you op
The sheer amount of butthurt from people who are upset over a non-canonical representation of their beloved character from some Netflix animu is hilarious.
It's officially licensed. It's not fan-fiction. It has the Castlevania name. It's canon. It's official Castlevania canon. In the absence of contradictory facts, facts established in one adaptation are facts across all adaptations. That's how canon across multiple adaptations is handled. Because there is no evidence at all in any adaptation that Alucard is explicitly straight, and there is real evidence that Alucard is at the very least bisexual in one adaptation, that fact can be extrapolated across all adaptations.
In the same way you could be certain that Alucard is the son of Dracula after Alucard only having one appearance in the series (because it was established in one adaptation at the time), you certain that Alucard is bisexual until this fact is either denied by more senior creators or retconned in a later entry.
tl;dr: You don't know how canon is established if all you're doing is insisting anything you don't like isn't canon.
I get your point, but fuck you, smbm is based.
Alucard canonically married maria.
Which is why I said no evidence that he's explicitly straight. Bisexual men can marry women. That's why getting fucked in the ass is so pervasive.
>one of my favorite games
>they retroactively make the main character a cock sucking faggot
>not making your own headcanon for literally every game
oh i see
OP you are a faggot. I have typed this out and it is an alternate take on your character. Therefore you must proceed to drop yourself.
Off a cliff.
Sure there is, he explicitly stated in the 90s he hates fags and jews, and fuck netflix after he killed dracula.
You didnt play the game.
Ah fuck you've exposed me!
cope seethe dilate
OP = the bigger FAGGOT /thread
ever castlemania best
how is an official anime not canon
I can't believe Alucard was a homo all along.
No, there were no time ghosts to show up and stop me from playing the game 23 years ago.
God damn time ghosts. You can't rely on them to do anything right.
Those are repressed homos
Clearly, and Alucard can now be counted among them.
gtfo retard it isnt canon it literally contradicts the games
>this official anime isnt canon because i said so
So you don't know what canon means. Let me describe it for you. Canon can be described as established facts in a series, franchise, IP, whatever. Basically what is considered true when referring to a fictional universe. Different adaptations across different media will have different facts, and some of those facts will be contradictory, but the presence of those contradictions does not make any adaptation non-canon. What determines if something is non-canon is whether or not it had the official license to create that work under that IP's authority. The Netflix adaptation is officially licensed. It has the ability to create new canon. That is the demarcation point between canon and non-canon: the presence of the official license.
When it comes to determining what facts established in canon are relevant the contradictory facts need to be compared on a case by case basis. That's what nerds have been doing for decades for all sort of shit. However, as I described, when there are no specific contradictions for any individual fact established in one adaptation, it is therefore uncontested factual canon across all adaptations until contradicted by either other creators or another entry.