ha! tis a good one
>Nooo you can't just pick up a berserker pack and me with one click!
That’s the rip in half animation you fucking cuck bitch retarded fuck
kino pic but this one is actually funny
is getting all the secrets worth it?
if you have to ask, then no. only OCD completionists actually care about such a thing
Yes because then you’re not gross incomplete filthy forever it’s full of crumbling pus holes that turn to mush when you itch them if one thing rots they all rot forever rot forever
I got all the cheat codes. Thats the only thing worth getting desu
Gonna save this and add in whatever new meme word people will force in the future. What font is that, btw?
Yeah bro haha why wash you hair or brush your teeth either haha, leave food out too it’s a waste spending time cleaning up when you can be living bro don’t have standards
well you clearly saw somebody not caring about 100%, why are you sperging out at me?
>Borrow a friend's copy of Doom Eternal
>Bethesda tries forcing me to make an account just so I can play their game
>I turn off the internet and continue playing the game
>I use some batteries or some shit to unlock a new outfit
>MFW Bethesda says I need to make an account to change my outfit
desu making a throwaway's not that intrusive, go ahead and make one. check out my red guy
>playing doom on console
They literally show you them on the map. Literally not hard to grab them so you might as well.
sorry Imp, genocidal space goddess is too busy absorbing mankind's energy juices to care about you.
>only one berserk power up in the entire campaign
>90% of enemies only have 1 (ONE) animation for when you kill them with it
>they didn't even reuse the ones from 2016
>marauders are immune to berserk
>even though none of their combat encounters even have it
>you can't use the berserk power up cheat code in half of the later levels because marauders are in them
So, let me get this straight
>Devs don't want players to use "cheap" tricks against marauders, so they're immune to most insta-gib stuff
>since you can't have a power up that would make it impossible to kill the marauder until it runs out, they leave it out of any level with a marauder in it
>they don't want it to show up too early, so it only comes into play in the later half of the game
>at the same time as marauders
>who are immune to it
>so it only shows up ONCE in the ENTIRE FUCKING GAME
>can't use the cheat code in marauder levels since they're immune to it, so half the game is locked out
>no point in using it in early levels since enemies only have ONE FUCKING ANIMATION
WHAT the fuck were they smoking?
It's literally as simple as
>leave the berserk power up out of marauder encounters, don't give them a built in immunity
>let people use the berserk cheat code on them since it's a fucking cheat code and that's the entire fucking point of them
>put it in some other fucking and port over the old animations if you're too lazy to make any new ones
The image needs Brap.
Marauders aren’t immune to berserk you shitter, it’s been shown that you can kill him with it.
Doesn't matter much when the cheat code is still disabled on levels with the marauder in it.
The devs of eternal play on controller funnily enough.
I beat nightmare on a controller on PC
You're only proving how stupid this whole situation is if there's no actual reasoning behind it.
I’m just invalidating your point about Marauders being immune to it, it is stupid that it’s disabled, but think for just one second, levels with shooting puzzles or bosses like Icon or Gladiator, it literally needs to be disabled so you can make progress.
Why would you do that to yourself?
Keyboard makes my hand cramp up easily and my aim isn’t too good with mouse, I’m more comfortable on controller
>dude just make a throwaway!
I don't think thats the point, you shouldn't have to do this for a single player game
I think Berserk is disabled in levels where you need to shoot something to progress, which is most of them.
Some part of me wants to buy the Bethesda ports of DOOM and DOOM II just for the skins, but that feels retarded.
Only in-game one left for me is Phobos.
Except Gold. I will never get Gold and I'm okay with that.
>berserk is temporarily disabled in checkpoint zones where you have to shooty shooty bang bang
1 (one) hour of work, at most
Still doesn't excuse the animation and lack of use in campaign.
epic schizolarp
You’re making it complex for no reason, it should just be on a toggle.
how come the chainsaw is an ability, but the crucible is a weapon?
Chainsaw is still a weapon, you just don’t pull it out until you’re completely dry
Because the chainsaw is an automatically refilling part of your basic moveset. The Crucible is just a get out of jail free card for large demons and you can't even get ammo for it on most levels.
My main issue is that I wish you could put the Crucible on your weapon wheel. It doesn't need its own button for how it works.
>only works on oddly specific maps
For what purpose?
so then why not make the crucible function just like the chainsaw? It makes more sense than making you pull it out then click on stuff
I'm honestly a fan of them having less powerups since they essentially won you the fights for free, especially when you upgraded them, but only having one berserk is lame.
Eh, the animation doesn't bother me since there are way more enemy types in this game. I agree that a more elegant solution could have been found to make it usable in all levels but for me, it's the most boring powerup anyway. I used it like twice and probably won't again.
Because the others need you to shoot something at some point to progress
if you use any skin other than classic doom or vanilla you're a huge fag
You mean like pressing a button to attack with it outright? I'd agree with that, especially with only three charges. Maybe instead of the D-Pad pulling it out, it swaps between Chainsaw and Crucible and you still tap the Chainsaw button to attack.
I've been using the unicorn one actually
yes exactly. It seems weird that they changed the way the chainsaw works, then made the crucible function like the chainsaw used to
I used to use doomguy but I’ve been using ember since it’s harder to get
I use almost all of them, they're all great. I lean towards Astro, Midnight, Crimson and Demonic. I haven't finished Extra Life yet but I think Phobos will be my main once I have it.
is this that weaponized autism i keep hearing about?
Yeah, the Crucible seems like a real afterthought, especially with how much it was in the marketing and everything. It's basically just a "cancel Archvile" button.
Based schizopost
Im really mad they didnt give him a reddit guy suit with an antenna and red eyes, i mean, its like they dont care about us gamers!
It only takes a sec. You're on the internet anyway what year do you think this is?
This makes me realize how much I want a OG Revenant skin for Rev in battlemode and invasions.
>using a rare skin over the one you like because its rare
I bet you drop 100 bucks on on overwatch lootboxes weekly
Yeah, especially with the bugged-ass Event XP. I've lost 120,000 Event XP to the game not registering bonuses and had to make up the difference replaying campaign levels.
I use it because I like to pretend doomguy doesn't like being on fire and he's asking for people to help him but no one can hear him because his helmet is blocking his voice, it's funny, haha
I should add onto that, I actually really like the new Praetor outfit, not as much as the OG Doomguy outfit but the flames on Ember sold me
they managed to include a tasteful reference to pic related
it's good enough for me
Nice projection, paypig. I just like showing off what I earned.
Nigger, I played with the gold skin in Ninja Gaiden II even though it was ugly as shit just because I earned it and wanted to use it. Nothing wrong with that.
If I ever thought I could get Gold in this game, I'd do the same.
Opinions but the Eternal suit is 11/10 to me. It's just the right amount of 90s edge and modern spess mahreen and I love it.