How come 4 and 5 weren't as good?

how come 4 and 5 weren't as good?

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they didn't really bring anything new to the table

because 2 and 3 weren't as good

you probably like bioshock 1 more than 2

4 is the best Far Cry if you don't count Blood Dragon. 5 is better than 3 mechanically and has better characters overall.

so true. 4 was basically the same but with a worse story, and 5 added a bunch of boring shit that nobody wanted

4 and 5 are the same game as 3 but with better maps.

4 > 3 > 5

Wrong. Best FarCry is FarCry Instincts: Predator.

2 > all

and it didnt even have a story

4 is the best gameplay wise.

Wrong. That’s FarCry Instincts: Predator again.

3's the best but 2's my favorite.

I'm convinced Far Cry 2 is one of those games that people only pretend to like for the sake of being contrarian.

5 is better than 3 if you mod the story points to stop rising so quickly

Attached: Far-Cry-52018-3-27-23-20-34.jpg (770x435, 29.95K)

What was special about 3 was its uniqueness, a younger character who talked to others rather than silent arnold doom guy, a perk tree in the form of a tattoo visible on your character, customizable weapons in an open world, the feeling of genuinely being in the middle of nowhere fighting for your life, treasure hunting, liberating pirate outposts actual first person sex. I could go on because there were so many iconic parts of the game that were never really done before in a single game. It didn't work with 4 and 5 because the inital wow factor had already worn off and people were expecting another major leap especially between generations. When you do the same thing people just think about the first thing and wish you did something better

Mostly the same game over and over again except in a different setting

You'd probably get differing responses as to the overall quality of Farcry from someone who's only played 4 or 5 or played them far enough apart that it remains fresh than from someone following the series closely

No, that's Far Cry 4 you're thinking of.

2 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 4

Nah I just like the game's setting and overall mechanics, with the exception of the malaria mechanic.

5 is the best, the setting makes me cum buckets, I just want to live in the midwest, shoot gunz and fuck around innawoods.

Blood Dragon is a close second, definitely one of the best things to ever come out of Ubisoft, if you haven't played it you have to.

4 gets incredibly boring a few hours in, never could bring myself to finish it, gets bonus points for the secret ending tho.

3 also has an amazing setting and still looks absolutely fantastic, not to mention has the best "villain".

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>actual first person sex
What other games have had this? I know Cyberpunk2077 is going to do it.

Games like this just need more variety in the setting. The towns were way too small, something like St Denise in RDR2 feels awesome because the scale is so massive. You can get lost in the city and then wander into the wilderness and get lost in the woods

>What other games have had this?
Not enough

crazy how good this game is, one of the best stories in an fps

They diffidently fucked up, the game clearly needed some more time in the oven, I mean yeah the midwest in fuck huge but still, the biggest town you come across is Skyrim tier shit.

what a coincidence, i'm convinced that far cry 2 is one of those games that people only pretend to hate because they think it makes them look cool
>b-but the malaria that comes up once every uhhh wait every hour? that's not too bad, wait i mean this game SUCKS

Since this is the Far Cry thread I've gotta ask,did ANYBODY who played 4 pick Amita? Fuck that cunt. Also fuck that radio DJ.

>did ANYBODY who played 4 pick Amita?
Nope. Shot her and killed Sabal too. Let Pagan escape.

Entitled piece of shit. wish they expanded on the second ending and you could actually join your father against the rebels.

You have no idea how many people that game filtered.

Amita is based

They tried to copy Vaas's magic. It just wasn't the same.

>4 is the best Far Cry if you don't count Blood Dragon.
Are you me from a different dimension?

The games only got buggier and shittier from 2.

Kinda like Morrowind

Ubishit is too cucked to ever do something like that. You're suppose to side with the rebels like their writers would irl.

An actual articulate post from someone who played the game??

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I believe it, but Far Cry 2 was a terrible game too, so...

Hell no. Amita was definitely the greater of two evils. I wish I could have saved Noore though.

4 and 5 were both good. I'd say 4 had the better story, but 5 had the better gameplay. 3 was just the beginning of the "modern" far cry so no shit people think its the best. Vaas still the fuckin goat tho

>tfw we'll never see this game ported

Attached: Far_Cry_Instincts_Coverart.png (256x362, 208.04K)

Would you surrender your Seed to Faith?

Attached: faith-seed.png (885x2000, 2M)

>cuts off at her feet

+1, Based footfag.

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I did my best to appeal to you people.

Thank you so much for this post. This describes a lot of what made 3 so good.

Not to mention Vaas is just a purely iconic villain. The story and characters were amazing.


2 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 1

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I'd probably rank them:
1 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 2 > blood dragon

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What the FUCK is wrong is you?

kek FC1 is literally a tech demo

5 was amazing and had an incredible fucking OST. Like no joke, one of my favorite soundtracks of the decade.

I honestly don't know


I'd rank 'em like this:
BD > 4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1


How come 3 was so much worse than 2?

how is Far Cry 4 a bad game?

Oh FUCK I put the arrows the wrong way