Ever wanted to play Jackbox with Yas Forums?

Tired of host getting banned because chat can't stop posting "NIGGERS"?

Well now there's a solution! No Mods in chat, no holds barred.

To Join:
1) Install Zoom
2) Click Join Meeting
3) Enter in ID
4) Enter password
6) Profit

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Other urls found in this thread:


hope this works

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probably be playing this first

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>Install Zoom
>host can see all processes running on all client computers
keep your spyware to yourself, fucking nigger ass glowie.

what the fuck are you talking about
dont be a paranoid pussy and join up

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2 people in so far

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Bumping the Host ID and Password

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If people actually believe I'm trying to peep their information I don't know what to tell ya. I don't want to use Twitch because there is too much delay, and I don't want to use mixer because its gay.

I'd rather sit on this chair

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at 3 people

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this desu, zoom is a botnet

Bump get in here bros

is that with or without the hoster playing a part in botnet shit? because again, i'm not nearly qualified enough to give a shit about hacking. I just want to play jackbox

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Just install on mobile

read the news retard

you tube streaming you brainlet

use picarto or smashcast

Is there a delay between game and stream?

I'm telling you, Zoom has

I can't stress this enough- get the fuck IN HERE.

>installing a virus
no thanks

I use it for business meetings and to meet with my psychologist

it's used for school faggo


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i hope i dont get banned for unrelated pics. we need more people

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5 people in here. Get in goy

you arent going to get people via zoom. just some off brand streaming site you jackass. also theres like 3 other hosts on a given day, play something else for some variety.

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My cock rn

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zoom lobby ID

and password

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You have to make an account on those sites

lag is bad but the rap game is good

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then make an account?
nobody is going to bother playing if you have to fucking download something, that's way worse than having the OP make a throwaway.

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>forcing every individual player to make a zoom account instead of making one mixer account

people would much rather use their web browser than use some zoom client. also even the most conspiracy driven retard would know just to make a throwaway, the lesser known streaming sites are probably even more forgiving for email domains.

4 people playing - stream reset in 5 minutes

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OBS and Streamlabs lag like a motherfucker because my laptop is weak;

Zoom allows that power to be diverted to individuals and the server - less strain on my computer, less lag for the viewers in theory

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Welp the stream was okay, but I understand now that Zoom is not the most amazing or accessible method of hosting

You don't need to make an account to use zoom

>only 4 people
Just bite the bullet and make an account on Twitch.
Your computer must be ultra weak because I used to stream from a toaster laptop myself. You're closing all your other programs, right? As few tabs open as possible?
You should only have
>streaming software
>a browser (for monitoring your stream)
>your game
open when you're streaming.
You don't need an account for Zoom, but you have to download the fucking client and that's not worth the botnet. Give me some sites to stream through. I can't use Twitch or Mixer, Twitch is my job and it'd be attached to my IP and I'm already banned from Mixer.
Picarto is super laggy but if you're really desperate we can just do that. Or OP can since he's already streaming, I don't want to steal his thunder since splitting the group is a shitty thing to do so I'll stream it whenever he leaves.

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I was going to join but something came up at the last minute, I am sorry OP

Goymcforskin here
Internet blackout so im phone posting. Sorry

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who? if you're that guy from last night don't even bother because that was fucking embarrassing and you're really annoying

Is dumbdigger still streaming?

>attached to my IP
Proxy you faggot

I'm hosting using mixer - getting Stream labs set up, please be patient and keep the thread alive.

>Proxy you faggot
I don't want to pay for a VPN just to stream Jackbox on Yas Forums.
Lifesaver, thanks.

>if you're that guy from last night don't even bother because that was fucking embarrassing and you're really annoying
What did I do last night that was so annoying Mr. Autism?

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Just use the free trials

So while we wait for new host -

How is your quarantine anons? Excited to make some new content with all the new memes that come with the year 2020?

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Zoom call still open if people want to hang out in the meanwhile


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I'm Chinese (girl) so all the new memes make me feel bad.

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oh right my brain doesn't work and i forgot you could do that
is hosting though, I'll do it next time.

I don't know if you're being real but I feel genuinely bad for whats happening in China.

Good luck user

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It’s honestly based, dont have to go to the city and be bombarded with 100000 chinks and poos

you wouldn't shut the fuck up over mic all night
it'd be one thing if you were actually funny but you're not
i left midway through but apparently you started shilling your shitty band on stream for some reason? like what the fuck lmfao
and then when people asked you to stop you posted picrel
just don't bother unless you can get your act together.

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First person to post their twitch in here is gonna get all the players. Somebody scoop that shit up.

very based.

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>I'm Chinese (girl)

You know the rules.

>you wouldn't shut the fuck up over mic all night
Then that's not me because I don't have a mic.

Goymcforeskin wasn’t streaming


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yeah nah then you're not the guy i was talking about. you responded thinking it was you so i just assumed you were him lmao

So whats the deal? Is there a proper stream or is it still that Zoom thing?