This is Shulk. The protagonist of the popular JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles...

This is Shulk. The protagonist of the popular JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles, which was originally released on the Nintendo Wii but is now getting a remake on the Nintendo Switch.

Say something nice about him!

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your hair looks...small.

I'm really feelin it

Hello Shulk I'm getting XCDE and replaying your game again. I reccomend being cautious with High Entias.

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>a sub million seller got 1 re-release and 1 remake
I wish my favorite Nintendo IP had this much luck

Across all its releases it was closer to 1.2 million, if I recall correctly. Plus it's evidently there were many things against that entry sales success, specially in the west.

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This is Melia, the most popular character in Xenoblade, say something nice to her that doesn't start with "c"!

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Sure, luck, but also extremely strong dedication from the fanbase.
Honestly, and i know i'm gonna sound cringe from saying this, but most of the Xenoblade fanbase should really thank Chuggaaconroy for this.
He really autistically shilled that game for YEARS and his LP was seen probably by more people that even played XC1 in the first place, rekindling the overall interest of normies in the series.
I know Yas Forums hates all youtubers, but credit where credit is due.

Some doormats are good looking. Her hair looks weird in that drawing though. Apparently Shulk was the most popular character, Melia was fourth, behind Dunban and Fiora.

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Didn't people say the same when he played Okami? Yet Okami isn't a "healthy" as XC.

What if Alvis fights with Shulk using Driver-Blade style in that battle?

I doubt they're changing that, and looking at the cutscene again it's pretty evident what it means now that XC2 was a thing.

Of course.
I'm not saying it was just him, but he definitely helped.

>my favorite Nintendo IP
Which one is it anyway?

Your poll is like 10 years old, is irrelevant now.

well that probably has to do with the whole axing of clover thing. okami was one of, if not the most profitable things clover did. The rest of the games they worked on weren't as financially successful despite also being high quality


I just finished Prison Island and all the kino it came with it, this guy is the bad guy isn't he?

Not gonna spoil that user.

Sure, to call Melia the most popular might be kind of a stretch though.

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You have no idea what you're in for.
Leave the thread NOW.

Look all the Fanart non stop she is getting since the new trailer.

The Wii version was short printed so copies went on the second hand market for 100+. Then the game got a reprint and runor has it GameStop was cracking open their new product so sell them as new to bypass the MSRP and set their own used prices.


holy shit when will you retards learn that alvis isn't a blade or an aegis

I'll remember this post once you get btfo

It gets even better.

>I didnt pay attention to the last chapters of 2

Yeah the zohar necklace is just a nod to XB2 fans. That's all I've ever seen it as.

The cutscene is already very blade style already, at best they could add a faint ether line at the end of it when Alvis returns the monado to shulk and goes Woz on him.

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Ion know this nigga except in smash but when my boy Kirby (OG) swallows his ass and steals his shit its funny asf when he says busta

Ok you gotta be REALLY fucking dumb to think this.
There's an incredibly amount of evidence showing that he's going to be retconned into an aegis.
It fits the story perfectly.
Did you nigs even play XC2?
There's a gaping hole in the plot right there that is intentionally questioned and he fits it perfectly as the missing piece.

His English Voice Actor is stellar

it's not even about that you fuck, alvis disappeared before the architect created the blade system, alvis is double disconnected from 2 because 1) he was never repurposed to the blade system and 2) he never resonated with anyone in the first place(which would also never happen because he is not a blade)

pay attention to the games moron

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>pay attention to the games moron
The irony

Ignore that user, he is looking for conflict to derail now that he can't do his usual strategies.

he is not a fucking aegis, aegises are especifically the repurposed TRINITY PROCESSOR CORES, calling them "aegis cores" is retarded in the first place because that's not even their real names, alvis is ontos who was transformed directly from a computer part to god, he has never been a blade and never will because he is. not. part. of. the. blade. system, he become god and "alvis" is just his avatar

Make something clear: you are just going over this or you want to deny any connection to xbc2 like this guy

Why are Xenoblade fans more concerned with lore than Kirby fans?


Ok so you're just autistically insisting that he's part of the processor structure, but "something else".
>alvis is ontos who was transformed directly from a computer part to god
Ok how does that even work.
Explain to me the set of circumstances that transform Ontos into a "god", somehow.

He's so much better than the protagonist from the sequel that it's staggering.
What kind of JRPG hero actually thanks his God even when said God is admitting he's a piece of shit who deserves death? What a fag. Shulk even had to kill him too because Rex was too pussy to,

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Now thinking of it, I'm gonna mark as spoiler the following for that user who just reached Prison Island, but I wonder how people who played XC2 but didn't play XC1 before will take Alvis twists this time around since from his first appearance they'll likely figure he's Ontos?

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>He's so much better than the protagonist from the sequel that it's staggering.
So just go around with him as your main blade.
That's what i did.
Why you guys gotta be so autistic?

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Unironically doing "let's go!!!!" Like they already did in twitter.


it's idiotic to believe that the games aren't connected are you kidding me? it's called xenoblade 2 for a reason, alvis having a necklace in the shape of a trinity processor core already disproves any ideas of him not being ontos because he wouldn't have that for any other reason, monolithsoft aren't idiots, the things they put they put for a reason

holy FUCK did you even play the first game? when klaus pressed the button and created a new universe the administrative computer of the phase transition experiment facility AKA alvis (who has now been revealed to actually be called ontos) became "monado", the universe itself, the absolute of his world, the gods from xenoblade 1 are born from the powerof monado and they are given "the monado", the divine sword capabe of altering the material and immaterial because the monado is connected to the universe itself, alvis(ontos), the absolute; holy shit why do i even need to explain this when it's all revealed in the first game

Are you forgetting how Shulk was so much of a fucking pussy he couldn't kill Metal Face, and literally stopped dunban from doing it, endangering the entire party for little reason?

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Dude had a vision that told him that Mumkhar was going to die anyway. Why recklessly throw away your position of moral authority?
>Shitty strawman image
When did I say anything about anime? I own all three fucking Xenosaga gamesas well as the blades.

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Fucking based.
Also needs a second virgin that is only obsessed with XCX and shitposts all Xeno threads, and call him "Xfag".

>Dude had a vision that told him that Mumkhar was going to die anyway
that was after his whole shtick

He's a good MC, but his game needed better gameplay. The world concept is cool and the story is the perfection execution of a battle manga but the actual combat is fucking awful. Xenoblade finds its aspects on a terrible structured party system on nailing people into being a literal mmo with dps/tank/healer dynamics (yet we forgot to make healing or healers actually good) with a "hotbar" style active skill arbitrary cooldowns with auto attacks as the crux of combat and even has aggro targets. The sidequests are terrible, 300 of them are just fetch-shit like they wanted the game to be as boring as as possible. Who enjoys this single player "mmo-like" gameplay? Even FFXII manages to be better and that game isn't event that good Let's not forgot the biggest flaw was the 100% lack of level design depth, puzzle solving or actual interactivity, even though Monolith Soft has already proven that they are very talented in that area with Baten Kaitos. When even Melia's challenge (that tower) turned out to be just a long corridor with enemies, it was quite a disappointment.

Ignoring all of Colony 6 if you want to 100% the game, the repetitive combat which is just topplespam being the overly dominant strat, the lack of build variety, stupid skills like "hurr, more attack in the night" or the total lack of mountables when the world is begging for one, the shitty jewel crafting mechanics, the constant menu usage when you want to speed travel up and the imbalanced skills, armors, agility stat, and weapons I have no idea why people consider it one of the best jrpgs of all time. It was literally just okay

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I am just confirming that you aren't HIM. The main problem here is that people think you are him shitposting again and that is why they are so aggressive to you, although you being so aggressive doesn't help either. Make clear that you aren't denying that xbc1 and xbc1 are connected so people realize that you aren't HIM.

Klaus: "...But I did not trust this world, born as it had been. What if it were to repeat our mistakes?
What if someone like me appeared? To stave off these doubts, I implemented one final measure.
And so the Blades were born... Ontos, Logos and Pneuma...
the three cores of the Trinity Processor formed their cornerstone.
However... Ontos triggered a space-time transition event, and disappeared forever.
I was left with the other two, Logos and Pneuma, entrusting them with managing the Blades.
Malos and Pyra… Those are the names that you now know them under..."

Directly from the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 script, it explicitly states that Ontos (Alvis) fucked off BEFORE Klaus decided to repurpose the remaining 2 of the Trinity Processor into Aegises.
Meaning that, yes, despite your yaoi Shulk x Alvis fanfiction, Alvis is not a Blade because Klaus did not repurpose him.

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>He's a good MC, but his game needed better gameplay.
Stopped reading here.
Filtered smoothbrain.

He still didn't say anything wrong. Faggots here need to pay attention. He was arguing that if you can justify killing Mumkhar you can eventually justify killing Fiora. If someone came along and said that Fiora attacked their Colony as a mechon, they would lose any right to tell that person they shouldn't kill Fiora.

Then again the situations were different.
>XC1: Zanza is a jerk who only wants to feed off his creations to perpetuate his existence even though he actually feel lonely
>XC2: Klaus wanted his creations to not make the same mistakes again, he's regretful because he feels the humanity he created is walking the same path until he meets Rex and Pyra


who the hell is "him", i am just an user pissed off at the illiteracy of the people who after 2 years are still claiming that alvis is an "aegis" when the second game makes it clear that ontos disappeared before the architect created the blade system

But the game is easy as fuck. How did I get filtered? You are telling me there's a way to fix the awful A.I. or lack of depth? What do I do to that

Let's no talk about him, just remember to make clear your intentions so people don't mistake you with him.

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>Say something nice about him!
I like his attitude.

What part of that is confusing. Mumkhar and Fiora are both faced Mechon. You don't get to arbitraily decide that killing one is okay and the other is not.

I Bought the DS version of Xenoblade. I enjoyed it for the most part but couldn.t drag myself to complete it. IS it worth getting the switch version for 60 bucks? I mainly didn't like the DS version because of shit graphics/awful UI.

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Not canon and you're interpreting it wrong anyway

>I mainly didn't like the DS version because of shit graphics/awful UI.
Yeah, try the switch version then

Gameplay is fine, back then i found it to be really fun and now it's still serviceable

The major issue isn't that Shulk couldn't kill Metal Face
It's that he PREVENTS Dunban from killing him

The switch version has worse UI funny enough. Only get it if the epilogue is worth playing

>XC1 remake comes out in the same quarter as FF7 remake
>All this drama over Nomura shitting the bed with his Time Jannies and Future Sephiroth
>All those shmucks who are going to find out the hard way that it’s just Midgar with an FFXV combat system and “kill x amount of rats” sidequests

The age of Final Fantasy ends here. The age of Xeno is upon us.

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It's really not, it's heavily flawed.

>Baiting for shitposters.
Dumb cat.

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Sadly, the Snoyfags will be coming for us as XBDE is continually cited too them as an example of what people actually wanted FFVIIR to be

can't tell if you're genuinely retarded or trolling, fiora didn't mindlessly slaughter people and take joy in it

The core crystals were created before Ontos left and Logos and Pneuma were entrusted managing blades, not repurposed.

>fiora didn't mindlessly slaughter people and take joy in it
Shulk has no way of knowing that. He only just found out she was a mechon. He has no idea what she was up to until then

it will be her turn soon. I can feel it

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Shulk's god personally hid out in his body then jumped out, beat up his friends, killed people, left him for dead, stole their Monados, and enacted a plan to destroy all living creatures.

Rex's god sat in a space station after having made all living things and chilled out while he was dying.

Pretty different.

>and enacted a plan to destroy all living creatures
Which according himself, he did multiple times.

I would explode with happiness

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>Shulk had no way of knowing that
Hey Shulk, did I ever tell you about my comrade, Mumkar? He helped he fight in the battle of sword valley, and was great at fighting the mechon with his claws. Unfortunately he decided to desert me in the middle of battle, basically leaving me and Dickson (a good friend) for dead! After that no one heard from him again. He wasn't a very good friend.

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This is your TIME GHOST for the night.

Funny enough, the Testaments in Xenosaga were basically the FF7R Time Ghosts too.

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