ITT: Characters you really miss
ITT: Characters you really miss
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I'm even subbed to the Patreon of the artist who illustrated her games in the hopes he uploads a new drawing of a girl like her. Even though he hasn't uploaded anything at all in two years.
I shipped Geo and Luna so hard
Just about to post this
Best taste user.
Ashley was so adorable.
>tfw Ridge Racer is dead
I-It still hurts.
Falcon is such a nice dude and a goofy fuck, he deserves another game.
Seeing the ad in Nintendo Power with that picture on it every month is one of the only times I've bought a game based on that alone, and I don't regret it.
Name a fate worse than being under Randy's thumb
She was a total qt.
I remember fapping to her in the Ridge Racer Type 4 intro.
Good times.
she shakes on in my heart
Mine as well.
Man, fuck Konami...
Game was shit but jesus fuck, this semen demon was pure sex.
This is the only dungeon crawler I ever beat. Especially loved the second game where you got to team up with a lot of the people you beat up in the first game.
I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.
Is that Himukai?
I really don't think she'll ever be back, bros...
Indeed, Fuck Konami.
Anyone else miss these gay buff guys?
Does it count if I miss every character in a game?
I don't understand why there hasn't been some sort of remaster or spiritual successor to Mischief Makers.
It's such a comically simple premise. You shake things, and you throw things. But every objective and boss fight, was bursting with so much charm and creativity. I have nothing but fond memories for it.
She did get another game appearance, oddly enough
I wish his games were just as famous as Mario and Sonic games. I feel EWJ games would have been weird, quirky, and surreal with nice humor to go along with it.
Treasure is effectively dead. There is a skeleton crew, if you can call it that, I've heard it's one guy keeping the lights on figuratively for licensing reasons. Their staff has long gone to iirc mobile studios and M2 or probably even Konami since they originated from there anyway.
>Treasure is effectively dead
This hurts
It really is crazy to think about. All of their games were good and what did they get for it? Totally forgotten in a few years.
Not even a port of Guardian Heroes to modern platforms. Some shit just isn't fair.
i think wayforward was intrested in making a remaster of it a few years ago.
The only reason why i played Chrono Cross
Fuck off you stupid cunt, your shitty "thicc" character isn't getting into Smash. No matter how much you rig fucking WATCHMOJO polls, your ugly creature won't come back.
Literally HALF of the fucking Puyo Puyo Fever cast
Fuck Akira Mikame
Please don't post pictures of my wife
What's everybody's fascination with this clown? Granted, she speaks french so that's a plus but kid wears a miniskirt and a bikini top is a blonde loli
i don't understand
Who holds the IP for mischief maker?
WTF, where's her pineapple hairstyle? Ruined.
>Hits on MC
>Badly wants his dick
Why not?
I just hoped there was an option where you can romance her, she really deserves to be loved
I'm still sad that Eternal Sonata never got a sequel.
I fucking love Viola.
They're in our hearts user
I can't believe I downloaded that game just for that character and that no one has ever drawn fanart of her
he deserves one last adventure
|| with patch ||
im a retard and did the wrong spoiler input
call me a retard
Stop being a cocksucking discord shitterfaggot.
I miss this lewd princess.
I mean, at least there’s a manga or some shit coming out.
Also, smash
If we're going on about Treasure, it's upsetting how Alien Soldier just never got fully-realized nor got the second chance it deserved. Even as a rush job, the game itself was fucking awesome. Shame it never got a sequel that sought to realize all the things the director wanted to do in the original game.
Man, I miss Hinako and she's fucking cursed. Believe me I feel your pain.