I want Celestia Ludenberg to force me to wear a maid outfit and clean her house...

I want Celestia Ludenberg to force me to wear a maid outfit and clean her house, when I get tired after a whole day of work she rewards me by stepping on my face (with her shoes ofc), she then gets excited by me begging her to stop and then decides sits on my face and make me eat her ass until I'm almost out of breath, and then lets me sleep on the bottom of the bed using my body to keep her feet warm. What do you want Celestia Ludenberg to do with you?

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who tf is celestia
that's taeko

taeko? never heard of it

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All of that just add sucking her toes.

you better not scratch her toenails though, or else she will make you paint them again

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I want to BE Celestia

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I love Ibooky!

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Best girl deserved better

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you can't be celestia, celestia is already celestia

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How do celestefags have such bad taste?
>aoi exists
>toko exists
>kyoko exists

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DR3 cast as a whole deserved better. Except Ruruka and Mitarai, Mitarai deserved worse.

Posting the superior fatty murderer

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>DR3 cast as a whole deserved better.
Even Bandai and Tengan?

She likes the BBC sadly

We know, Taeko.

Tengan deserved better writing as an antagonist at least. Watching him shit on P4 Protag was pretty cathartic.

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I swear female villains attract the most pathetic "men"

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How so?

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>Killed the entire top ranks of his own organization instead of just asking anime guy to use his magic hope anime.

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His motives were very complex.

i don't get it


Chisa had a dick, just like Chihiro.

fuck off danganautists
go back to your general


but danganronpa is based

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i was so sure she was the masstermind
even after she died

Why's that?

You were sure she was the mastermind even after she turned out to be an absolute moron?

convince me to take advantage of the quarantine to finish dangan 2
im currently stuck in the strawberry tower with the dead robot, these games always get super boring halfway through before picking up the pace again

Push trough, last 2 trials are kino

based terf

im glad he died too

because when you get the pictures she is the only one who looks exactly the same in every picture, she is fucking fully clothed in the pool so i thought she was photoshopped into them
being a moron =/= the writers using a cop out and breaking their own rules so she gets caught

You know after seeing him working on his "Hope anime" during Despair arc I had thought maybe the Ultimate Animator would've had an actual anime at least once this entire fucking series after Junko's master plan was a brainwashing livestream. I learned not to have hope in DR3 at all, only Juzo really got any kind of satisfying payoff from fucking any of this.

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>the writers using a cop out and breaking their own rules so she gets caught
How exactly did they break their own rules with her?

one character comes back to life, gives a witness testimony and dies again

That's bullshit. Trial 5 was great but the final trial was awful.

She was obviously the culprit before you even found the bodies.

>do it for me user!

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why? how did you connect her to the robot suit?

DR3 is the only anime to genuinely blow my mind with how stupid it is. Every time I think about it I find a new plothole, continuity error or something just plain stupid.

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Hifumi claiming "Yasuhiro" killed him wasn't actually the reason she got caught, in fact it was pretty much the only reason she wasn't immediately caught.

>discount bin kyoko
>oh i know about myiteries because i played tons of mistery games

The trial for the case you're on is decent but the next trial is the highlight of the game.

Could it be that half assed acting when it "attacked" her? Despite the fact that Hiro somehow not only locked himself in the closet but also in the suit despite being unable to reach the latch?

>implying Kyoko wasn't already bargain bin

She's literally nothing like Kyoko, Maki is more like Kyoko than Chiaki.

he came back to life
the monokuma announcement played, that means he was dead, he came back to life on his own way past the point in which you can rebibe a person
without that testimony it would have been impossible to finish the trial

You're about to expose the best killer in the game

To be fair it's not like there are heartbeat monitors on any of them. Junko saw him take a hammer to the head and stop moving while bleeding everywhere, don't blame her for assuming.

that doesnt connect her to the trial and you cant say she looked like she was faking it because of the artstyle of the game everything looks afward as fuck

>I'm the sole living witness to the robot that attacked us and also it barely injured me at all but killed the other two people it attacked and also it was the shithead stoner who was wearing the robot disguise even though he's never shown an interest in robots or ability to design such a costume and even though he was still wearing it when you found him which would defeat the entire purpose of wearing a disguise. I am very invested in the outcome of this trial even though I barely did anything in the last two

The build up to trial 6 was pretty good but the trial itself was disappointing with the missed opportunities. Should have been Izuru instead of giant Junko.
V3 is the only game where I thoroughly enjoyed the last trial.

But Teruteru was the chapter 1 culprit.

how come she could tell when sakura died then?

>without that testimony it would have been impossible to finish the trial
Not really. If anything it would've just removed a step in proving she's the culprit because then you wouldn't have to prove her name isn't her real name because the victim didn't say anything about who killed him.

the robot had a motivation to only kill 2 people

People in high positions of power use -kun to refer to their subordinates or persons lower on the chain of authority, such as a teacher to a student or a boss to an employee.

It does when it's clear that Hifumi was the one who did the killing and was working with someone if he died too. She's the only possible culprit.
The same way?

What were the missed opportunities.

its literally the evidence used to convict her
he literally says her name

But it allegedly "attacked" Celeste first but conveniently left her not only alive but with no lasting injuries.

he was the first victim they find and everyone thinks he died first
sakura got hit in the head twice

>tfw your celestia coomer thread derails into a serious danganronpa discussion thread

Who was a worse case 3 villain, Celeste or Mikan?

so? half of the murders are done with another reason other than just escaping
the murrder could havi picked the targets he wanted dead for an ulterior reason so he attacked celestia without killing her otherwise he couldnt get away with what he wanted

thats not to say that maybe his plan involved killing those two people and he couldnt pull it off any other way

>he was the first victim they find and everyone thinks he died first
Okay? I'm talking about us, not the in game cast. Anyone with two braincells to rub together knew Hifumi was the one with the justice robot autism, not Hiro.
>sakura got hit in the head twice
Yeah, and got up to continue trying to apologize.

You know she’s almost certainly a smoker. She probably does it all fancy with one of those long holders but still

its not like you can tell the characters in the game what just happenned
>Yeah, and got up to continue trying to apologize.
funny because both times the person who hit her thought she was dead

After the whole twist with Izuru he should have been the opponent rather than 180-ing back to Junko. Player perspective could have rotated through the other survivors like that one part of 3-6 then end with UI Hajime.

Right, but there were only ever two of them in that room at the same time, not 3. The alarm only goes off after 3 people discover the body.

The murderers in DR1 were pretty dumb. I know it makes sense that teenagers wouldn’t be masters of deception but every culprit in 2 and V3 seems like they’re trying to pull off the perfect murder

>DR1 only has three real murderers
>they’re all the most evil-looking characters of the cast

I want her to use my mouth as an ash tray