What was the biggest waste of money you have spent on a video game?

What was the biggest waste of money you have spent on a video game?

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Spore deluxe edition
Pre-emptive laughter at whales

Borderlands 3

In Granblue Fantasy, there's something you can do called "sparking" which guarantees you a specific character of your choice, but costs an obscene amount of money, something like $900 of real money. I know someone who sparks with real money at least twice a year. And by "know someone" I obviously mean "saw someone post about it on Yas Forums" because I don't have any friends.

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dayz standalone

AC Unity


Sixty bucks for a Final Fantasy XIII preorder when I was in high school
Fell asleep playing it after twenty minutes during the daytime and never picked it up again

That was the last time I had paid sixty bucks for a game until AC:NH

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Spore on launch
should've refunded
have never felt so gyped and disappointed in my life

Nintendo Arcade Classics Donkey Kong for GBA

I think I was 10-11 or something and loved the Country games growing up, saw it and thought it was cool 'cause it was retro, picked it up off the shelf and asked mum for it, gave the cashier $40, brought it home and popped it in - I played about 5-minutes then knew I got fucked over and felt sick, I think I actually threw up or something because I didn't get to choose a game often and knew in my heart I wasted it on a fucking thing not worth a damn

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as more days go by, it appears that daemon x machina on pc was a big fat fucking waste of money and hope

I mean, Donkey Kong is a good game, but it is insane that they charged $40 for it.

Civ 5 on launch. Spore. WoW BFA (which I used in game gold to buy, but still a waste of money)

All the games I bought to the guy I was in love with but never loved me back.

I preordered la noir. I think a special edition. I never finished it.

I also own 3 vitas. I play none of them.

i bought a game for full price and the season pass, a year later they released a better version that included the first season pass on top of adding another season pass and even more paid dlc.

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metroid prime trilogy resale

without the steel case

Chinese browser game. Over a thousand bucks divided through multiple accounts. The whales spent this amount every other month

Why three?

bought ultimate edition of division 2 for about 1000 nok because i had just finished division 1 and was overhyped. finished the main story in a few days and uninstalled

$5000 on PSO2

I bought this cluster fuck of a game used. Five bucks I think. Played four or five hours. Took it out and put it back in it's case and tried to forget I ever played it.

That someone, would be you user
Just accept your faults, it's ok

What does that game have for microtransactions? I was going to play it because it's free but I'm worried.

Several years of World of Warcraft.

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Nope, I have only sparked with the free crystals you get for playing the game, and the free draws they give every few months. You can do it that way every so often if you're lucky and patient, but that guy specified that he paid for them.

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There's Premium status which nets you some nice benefits. I don't remember them all so you can just ask /pso2g/ or look it up yourself. there's convenience stuff in the AC Shop like more storage boxes. Then there's the AC Scratch gacha for cosmetics and it has a few things related to equipment. And everything in AC Scratch can be bought from other players.

darksouls remaster
conan exiles
serious sam HD
out of ammo
final fantasy xiii

this mobile game called crime city. spent hundreds in mico transactions

usually I’m an autistic retard when it comes to getting vidya, I really only purchase games I know I’ll like and I’m too lazy to learn how to properly pirate games I’m not sure if I’ll like. Noita was terrible when I first got it, it’s pretty much everything wrong with roguelikes. Not sure if anything has been changed since

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Sticker Star
Garbage game that I paid full price for on release and dropped it after 4 hours.

Most recently I'd have to say Rage 2.

Dude, start pirating.

Wii U at launch. I turned on the system exactly once (to play Zombi U), and didn't touch it again until W101 came out.

$200 for a slim ps3

not a videogame at all but I buyed the original 3ds xl just 4 mouths before Nintendo made a Japan only direct and revealed the new model

such a fucking waste but at least it holded until I got the new model

still I buyed at full price so it's still a waste of money

I mean image if I got a switch this year and In the next week they announce the inevitable pro version, that's why I don't buy consoles if they have more than 2 years on the market

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I bought that weapons skin pack for Gears 3 for $40

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People seem to like it these days.

One time I bought a DLC fighter in a blablue game for 10 bucks and I never fucking played her becuase I hated how she plays

I bought Far Cry 5 for my birthday full price last year. I don't know why. I really don't. I knew it was shit. And I still forked up $60 + tax on Steam. Idk man. I still think about it all the time.

>affliction warlock

Refunds exist

the new doom

yeah...they do. Don't they

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Little Big Planet and the MSG/FFVII DLC. What a fucking godawful series that was. Sloppy, godawful platforming and physics with the ugliest forced mascot around.

$10 on a digital copy of Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition. I've obviously spent more, but I did so on games I actually enjoyed. I actively regret the money I spent on RE5.

>ugliest forced mascot around
Whats with sony and their inability to make a single iconic mascot

i drunkenly spent $25 bucks on wheel of fortune for the ps3

Kat from Gravity Rush is a great character but no one played Gravity Rush and Sony doesn't seem to like her very much. That notwithstanding, they also have a habit of killing most of their series after 3 or 4 games.

>tfw all my biggest regrets are fighting games

i think i can safely say this shit aint for me

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man sorry
that's one of those situations were you force yourself to get your damn moneys worth out of

PsS3 because it broke within a year.

I bought the 40GB version when it first came out.

My current rig, just don't feel like it was worth it, 90% of the time I still play the same old shit I used to play before upgrading, or just consoom media.

Could've gotten myself a starter/chink bike and learned how to ride or put the money in my car.

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... Marvel vs Capcom 3 was a bit disappointing to me but then they immediately announced that Ultimate was coming out like 6 months later
i grew to hate Capcom a bit forever since then

I remember a guy who bought the vanilla version a day before ultimate was announced. He didn`t come to school for two fucking days and when he came back all he did was curse the Japanese all day

I don't think western developers have really made great "mascot" characters. They try too hard and look really ugly. This is not to say they can't make good characters; Crash and Spyro were the closest but they're Naught Dog characters.

Sony has an issue with creating an incredibly bland aesthetics that seeps into their non SCEJ properties. It's perfectly exemplified by playstation all-stars, which has the most boring aesthetics, menus, characters, colors and such imaginable.

that's basically me
that's almost my story verbatim

Bannerlord, 8 fucking years and it’s pretty much the same as warband, what the fuck have they been doing all this time?

I mean I guess sony has Toro but for some reason he isnt really used much

I really like him !! I'm astound that they didn't put him in more interesting games.

I won $50 from a scratch off and spent it all on killing floor 2 weapon skin cases. After i spent it all i realised what i did and was angry with myself. At least i got some nice vaporwave skins for my commando weapons. Still wasnt worth it though

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That’s not a starter bike lol. You’d kill yourself on a 400cc 2 stroke death machine that redlines at 18k rpm

sorry just checked the dates
original came out feb 11 2011
i got in march right after my birthday
ultimate got announced in June and released in Nov 2011

They use Toro all the time in Japan, it's just that the American branch never uses him.

I don't get it.

that`s still fucking ridiculous, I know their excuse was the earthquake but I still find that fucking bullshit

>Ultimate announced in 4 months and released in 9
Jesus fuck, Capcom.

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What does OldSpend mean?

Most Recently?
The current annual pass for Destiny 2; played the first season, a small bit of the second and haven't touched the game since.

They aren't that fast user, according to the wiki back in their hay day they topped out at 180 km/h and did like a 13 second quarter mile.

Do agree tho, judging by the way I drive I'd have ended wrapped around a lamp post or doing some serious air time.