Whats the Yas Forumserdict?
I liked it but I wish the whole game was more like the demo.
It's fun. Just pretty short and feels like it was gonna be a DLC campaign for the RE2 Remake. But otherwise, its fun.
she's live right now bros
just said she's 'got friends in high places' that she's gonna talk to
How is it selling?
The nemesis boss fights are fucking retarded.
It's good but not as good as RE2make
If it was $30 DLC, it would be the greatest DLC of all time
As it is, wait till a sale
I thought that was Larkin Love for a sec.
Its more fun to play then REmake 2. All it needs is Mercs and it would be perfect.
It would be better if they removed Jill and added Claire.
A decent game, though rather short even for a RE game and a lot of the Nemesis/boss sections are kind of bullshit gameplaywise. I'm gonna grind some of the NG+ items to see if they make it more enjoyable.
Also, I wonder how many people missed the pic related version in the game because they were getting hit by Nemmy after a gaining control after a cutscene.
If they turned the first cinematic segment into uptown raccoon and Nemesis pursued you there plus the addition of clock tower, park and mercs it would have been better than RE2make.
Can't beat Nightmare Nemesis. I bought defense coins and all that changed was he took three hits to kill me instead of two.
Why is that man wearing a wig, that's rotten
Should've followed the original more closely. They spent so much time on the scripted sequences of you chasing after Brad or running away from Nemesis they forgot to add actual gameplay parts where you don't just hold up while watching a cutscene.
>Extend Raccoon City Streets to have another open area, remove Parasite bug section
>Cut NEST 2 because it sucks
>Buff Nemesis on Hardcore, at LEAST three Grenades to kill
>Have Nemesis hunt you down throughout both Raccoon City Street levels and not just disappear
>Have more than four fucking dogs in the entire game
>Maybe add a couple more rooms to the Hospital section
>Add back in Clock Tower, Nemesis gets exposed to Nikolai goo or some shit and you have the boss battle outside the clock tower like it is currently
What the fuck is there to talk about? They're not gonna fix it. The best we're going to get is a quick five minute gameplay section as a free DLC where you either play as Nikolai escaping from the rooftop or Tyrell getting to the Hospital
>Using shitty Voth instead of the Original
That said, conflicted. I'm upset that they used the "You want STARS" line way too early, but on the other deep throating Nemesis with a fucking railgun was amazing.
btw her pery fake tits are on full display when she turns to the side
Which fight? The final one?
The intro
a dissapointmen
Huge waste of potential
Already GOTY
What the fuck, 136 deaths? This guy is a complete shitter.
Not the remake it deserved, a remake is supposed to add upon the original and fix it's problems, instead they cut good things.
100 of those deaths came from the final boss kek
Hahahaha like, nigga dodge.
Like, get out of the way, hahaha.
Is this real? How can someone suck so hard
didn't this tranny do porn at some point?
It maintains the 2>1>3 hierarchy. It's good, but it's not as good as the others.
It's a cry for help from Square Enix. Expect their suicide soon.
great game, terrible remake
>over a 1000 people watching this freak show of a man shill for capcom
>Watching this tranny instead of based Bawk.
Get the dodging book, count how many times he uses his slam, and be patient. It look me almost an hour just to beat it.
Yeah I'm just done. I beat the game on hardcore and then just turned around and did it on nightmare.
I mean, I figured out that he needs three slams to hit you, so as long as you dodge the first one you're good. You can at least get a chance to heal.
Maybe tomorrow I'll beat him or maybe never.
Magnum is OP as fuck for the fight, they pentetrate nemesis body so you don't have to worry about his arms getting in the way
My tip is to save the magnum for that one fight. For Inferno, after FINALLY beating it on Nightmare, I made as much magnum ammo, used the crafting item to make more ammo, and never touched it until the final boss. I had enough ammo to go through two phases with it.
Nemesis was way underused. And I mean actual nemesis, not the Licker lookin fuck he turns into. I remember seeing the silencer in one of the gameplay previews and thinking that meant he'd be a more consistent presence. Like, he would occasionally show up if you made too much noise so shit like the suppressor upgrade would help counteract that.
cutest trap ever
And then gets mad because people think he will suck dicks for favors.
quick rundown
They should have just keep his clocktower form with all the tentacles and use that for his second boss fight, instead we got two similar dog fights. so fucking stupid.
I'll tell you when I get a free copy with the graphics card i'm buying with Trump bucks in a couple weeks.
Please someone tell me what do I do against the armor zombie at level 1? This shit feels broken
what armor zombie?
Whatever the sales are, if low, Capcom will blame it on Corona
Former "sex worker" gets mad because people think she gives sex for favors.
what favors and to who?
also do people really worship sex workers these days?
I beat it. Short, but good. I enjoyed the campy fun.
Her connections, not sure about the worshipping part but basically Sue just hates when people know about the whole camtrap thingy.
RE3 was good but not great. The presentation was fantastic between the visuals and music/audio/VA. The core gameplay mechanics were fine, and I think having scripted Nemesis encounters was for the best when the alternative would’ve just been him jankily stalking you. Biggest problem is lack of content. It needs more environments and more puzzles. It felt like Resident Evil: Uncharted to be honest.
Good, but could be a lot better.