
As of now, is Nemesis one of the hardest boss (if not the hardest) in the entire Resident Evil series?

Genuine challenge that requires mastery of the game's main mechanic and infinite ammo/shop weapons barely make a difference since the fight relies on pure skill where even the handgun would suffice.
Music that uses the original soundtrack and actually improves on it. Beating him is such a great catharsis and means that you've practically conquered the game.

Attached: Nemesis Final Boss.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

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shit game, nemesis looks like shit and jill has saggy tits.

Yeah pretty much, every other final boss exists as a formality. Saddler in RE4 can be kind of annoying on Professional I guess.


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the old one yes, the new one is not even scary

I love it. Basically upgrades his Type 3 form while sprinkling some elements of his Type 2. His boss fights in it were actually engaging and kept you on your toes. I think I actually prefer it over the new vanilla trenchcoat design.

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>have to learn his patterns for perfect dodging without fail or you get stunlocked to death without NG+ items
Depends on what you consider to be bullshit in a game

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Just defeated nemesis on nightmare, AMA

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U wot m8

He's easy as shit. Zero skill involved. It's actually easier than the original. You don't even have to line him up anymore.

The old one is really easy though. The new one actually poses a challenge on higher difficulties and has been kicking people's shit in.

This game was actually really fun and I almost let the Yas Forums hivemind fear me away from it.

This guy is going to cuck so many speedrunners

Is the gore actually toned down from RE2 remake?

In nightmare and above?, then yes

is just more damage, it doesn't even look like a threat also the game is very shit

He's just an easier version of the RE Revelations final boss but with a working dodge mechanic that doesn't make you want to break a fucking controller.

Not him but at least play the game faggot

There was no reason to fight this guy at the clock tower and then have a nearly identical fight at the disposal center. He really could have used a less mutated form.

>It's actually easier than the original. You don't even have to line him up anymore.
Nah, it's literally impossible to die in the original and lining up the rail cannon's shot was pretty straightforward. Nightmare and Inferno on the new one actually requires you to master perfect dodge.

wasn't REvelations boss just a buffed tyrant?

she's live right now bros

just said she's 'got friends in high places' that she's gonna talk to (regarding re3 remake)

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Its only hard on inferno though

I agree. The Clocktower fight could've used another form, and they could've saved the new one for the Waste Disposal boss.

My GOTY this year? RE3, what gave it away?

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Why does Nemesis turn into a giant enemy crab?

why would I even want to watch someone else play this?

I kind of wish Nemesis would have consumed some of the Tyrants we see in the tubes so we could have gotten a 4th mutation to add some variety to that fight.

Same. Just did it myself as well. My final time was 1 hr and 20 mins. Dunno if thats good or not

OP here, I thought that much was obvious. Standard is the new easy and he's so braindead that he barely moves an inch. Nightmare or Inferno is where it's at.


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Fuck you and your fugly tranny ethot

is just more damage and nothing more, you are a retard if you believe otherwise also the game has half content of the original.

mine was 3 hours, I just wanted to take my time playing the game, been thinking about going full autismo on my next run and doing S rank inferno

I seriously do not understand how Carlos' punch works

It literally teleported and multiplied itself (the actual final boss, not the on-rails shit). If you hadn't mastered the dodge mechanic that barely even functioned, you got rinsed. But if you had, it was still absolutely 'just as hard' as NuNemesis, in ny opinion. Equally as on-your-toes and punishing.

how's the dilation going?

I legit think I'm talking to a bot or something, rethink your life choices faggot.

>Monster Hunter
I almost kind of wish they'd feature this in some DLC crossover. The new look is perfect for it.

It works exactly like Jill's dodge, but instead of jumping back, he moves forward.

Well I took my time when I played it on normal. My first run on normal was like 8 or 9 hours

The timing is the same as Jill's dodge, just before the attack. It makes the hunters super easy if you can pull it off.

Good, bought the dilator badge from the shop.
How is the shitty life going?

This. Ultimate Abyss was fucking ridiculous, both on 3DS and the PC port.

This. Thanatos (?) and final boss NuNemmy are easily on par as some of the best bosses in the series to date.

Definitely a missed opportunity since they already had the Tyrant models in those tubes.

Other than the STARS outfit and pouches, what did you buy from the shop?

I have the handgun and rifle as well but I'm not sure which coins or manual I should bother with.

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Oh fuck, I forgot Thanatos was the black Tyrant from Outbreak. Meant to say Ultimate Abyss


>jill has saggy tits
Prove it.

I think a lot of this game was limited by time and budget. Capcom probably didn't want to spend the money to include a lot of things and wanted to get it out a year after RE2 to help sales.

But if I recall thats exactly what happened to the original RE3 too.

It's shit
>brads dies to zombies
>cut bosses
>fucked up nemesis forms
>changed the plot like completely
>cut areas

only good thing to come of this game is the bugs throat fucking jill

His final boss music pleasantly surprised me and it's still one of my favorite in the entire franchise. Probably why I remembered his name more than the Revelations guy.

room temperature IQ

Which one, infinite or Samurai?

>changed the plot like completely

How is it different?

Oh yea, the whole outbreak series had some of the best music in the genre. The opening scene was beautiful. youtube.com/watch?v=Vc671bo3fbw

This, controls are great though

Final stage of the Norman fight from Revelations was way, way, way harder. First part was a telegraphed cakewalk, just like the remake nemesis, but the second and third stages of the final fight were upsettingly hard.


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I bought two Assault coins and one Recovery coin so far. The damage difference is huge and I can ignore carrying a healing item outside of bosses if I'm not acting retarded.

I'd argue they're about the same, assuming we're talking about Nemesis in Inferno mode. Ironically, both bosses involve Jill and heavily rely on a dodge mechanic.