>Time Traveling could be done through in-game methods for the first three installments of the game
>They remove it NOW because its 'cheating' when doing it was always programmed into the game.
Why even give players the option to adjust the time if you're going to consider it cheating?
Time Traveling could be done through in-game methods for the first three installments of the game
They removed it? I thought you could still do it, events are just timelocked to online-only stuff to incentivize early purchasing via FOMO.
You can still do it but you have to go directly through the Switch's internal clock. Where as with the old games it was in the game's actual settings
I see. Doesn't seem like that big an issue.
Wild World and City Folk (less so than WW) also punished TT'ing, WW being heavy on it. Only newer AC that doesn't is NL.
Thats exactly why its strange. Why make an in-game way of time traveling allowed but then punish the player for doing it? If you don't want players doing it then just don't give them the option IN-GAME in the first place?
Then when they finally do remove that feature, they lessen the effects of time traveling. Its odd.
I think you are reading too far into it.
They probably just realized that having two separate clocks was pointless and didn't bother
Pretty much this. The Switch itself has been super minimalist and they probably just thought it was redundant.
That doesn't change the fact that it was programmed into the game itself that you could time travel. So any argument that you're going outside of the game's programming to time travel is void.
>bunny day overlaps with the cherry blossoms so if you accidentally talk to the FNaF reject you're turbofucked for Cherry Blossom recipes
What fucking genius decided this
I TT all the time mate I'm just saying they didn't remove it, it's just less convenient.
>>bunny day overlaps with the cherry blossoms so if you accidentally talk to the FNaF reject you're turbofucked for Cherry Blossom recipes
wait what? please elaborate.
Well, I do think there is a considerable difference between explicitly programming and designing a unique UI for something and intentionally leaving it out.
If you go through all that trouble to make it so easy to TT, then go and say its cheating.... it just doesnt make sense. It would be like if Sakurai said playing with items off in Smash was cheating.
Probably because it's easier to tie it to a system's internal clock than deal with the game running on its own time frame, rather than trying to curb cheating.
OP take your autism pills before posting on Yas Forums thanks.
The GCN and DS had internal clocks, too
I believe the only reason for having a adjustable clock within the game was that you had to set your system clock on earlier systems and a lot of people didn't bother. So instead of confusing people by telling them to exit the game you could just set the clock within the game (which still uses the system clock, just in combination with an offset). This is a nonissue nowadays that the console keeps updating the system clock each time you go online, so there is no reason for a clock ingame .
They didn't say it's cheating.
It's literally all just designed to sync into online events to incentivize people to purchase first because of FOMO.
>its a TTs try to justify TT
just admit you TT and stop trying to come up with an excuse user
There are two events going on right now, the cherry blossoms are blooming (april 1st-april 10th) and "bunny day" (easter, april 1st-april 12th). Normally you get cherry blossom recipes by picking up messages in a bottle on the beach or shooting down balloons with your slingshot; however, Bunny Day makes it so almost all of those spawns are replaced by easter egg themed shit. Not to mention that islands are fucking SATURATED with eggs from normal resource nodes, so it makes it that much harder to get stuff you actually want/need. If you started Bunny Day by talking to this fucking nigger rabbit I hope you fucking love eggs, because your island (and even mystery islands) are going to be ass full of them.
I was wondering where all the cherry shit was and now I learn that goddamn rabbit ruined it
To add insult to injury the motherfucker doesn't leave until two days after the Cherry Blossoms so you're stuck dealing with his bullshit for those two extra days. I am legitimately considering restarting my island because of this bullshit, 5 days of farming is better than nothing at all.
I never talked to the bunny and haven’t gotten a single cherry recipe.
Balloons and bottles are NOT replaced by the bunny shit, you retard. Bunny balloons and bunny bottles are entirely separate spawns that don't affect the normal ones.
>Intent behind including the clock is so you could fix the time if your system clock ever got out of wack
>Implying it was actually programmed into the games so that people could skip ahead one day at a time
You're dumb.
If the game spawns 50 egg balloons for every 1 cherry balloon, it doesn't matter if it didn't replace the cherry balloons, thats still a fuck load of eggs to deal with.
Devs dont consider it cheating. Only autists do. Same autists have no problem dimension traveling to other peoples games to always have good turnip prices and collect items
time travelers are some delusional niggers, I tell you what.
It's not intended to be adjusted constantly. It's so you can set it to the right time. Time traveling is 100% cheating but you can do whatever you want
They gave you the option so it would amways be the right time in game. it was never intended to be used for time travel, that's literally an exploit which is, categorically, cheating
This. They should enforce date checks to stop you faggots from time scumming
Who the fuck cares about cherry blossom recipes anyway? Majority of people aren't going to go for them all and I don't care if you're autistic that you want everything. Stop playing and go outside, do the world a favor.
Cherry Blossom recipes look a lot nicer than bunny shit.
Because every single egg recipe is dogshit and I'm stuck with a mountain of resources I don't want.
Missing 3 of them and I'm going insane because of it and the constant wooshing
they obviously didn't put it in there JUST so you could time travel idiot, it was probably so you didn't have to restart if you wanted to change the time due to daylights savings or a game error or a timezone change if you moved.
Damn, these are only available until the 10th? I don't suppose there are any tricks to get them besides play a lot
Im aware, but the point is you CAN do it.
It's not just the recipes that are only available, the resources are only available til the 10th too. Luckily petal spawns aren't affected by the bunny, you just need a net to catch them.
What the fuck, where do you get these from?
I haven't gotten any.
>wanting to be able to access all the content of a mostly single-player game instead of having to wait for months is considered "cheating" in the Animal Crossing community
This is one of the many reasons I have no interest in this franchise.
Oh word. I don't even go outside anymore because it takes way too long to access all that content too
>entire point of AC is to be a real time community simulation with events and mechanics specifically hinging on the fact that it runs in real time
>t-time travel isn't cheating
1. mystery bottles on the beach
2. mystery balloons you shoot down with the slingshot
3. Daily Check-in report
4. Your villagers, if they're nice enough to give you a recipe
>mfw a villager gave me a fucking egg recipe
imagine trying to get validation on Yas Forums for your scummy cheating tendencies
Why not? Yas Forums validates pirates, why not time travellers?
skipping ahead to make money and skip to new events defeats the purpose of the game you sub human autist. Why even bother playing. You ruin the whole game. Too fucking autistic to wait a day for the next thing to happen. It’s not meant to be binged in a few sessions.
They know they’re the lowest form of human life and are trying to justify it.
Not to mention hire some people to make sure people aren't splitting the timelines. Timesplitters, if you will.
It's the intent of getting validation at all is what's pathetic, really shows how insecure they are like they need approval for anything they do
I thought we already went over this? They said in an interview that they don't consider it cheating, but it's also not in the spirit of the game.
You don't even need to close the software anymore to time travel, just save and quit, wait for the save complete prompt then open up the home menu and set the date in the system settings. When you load into the title screen the game will be on the new day. Some might say it's a bit more of a pain in the ass that you can't have a separate clock for Animal Crossing anymore, but resetting the clock back to the correct date is as easy as setting it via the internet.
I dunno, the old way was hardly more convenient. I'd say they're both equally inconvenient.
Good thing the bunny balloons have a special design, fuckface.
What if the entire point of Animal Crossing to me is decorating a space I can inhabit, fuckface. And don't tell me to play the Sims, I want direct control over an avatar character, I don't want to queue up tasks for an NPC to perform.
I don't want validation, I want bitch ass faggots who are content to wait 12 hours for access to 8 new items to stop bitching about what I'm doing
Setting the system clock is actually easier than the old game clocks. The system one's UI is fast and responsive, and AC Switch loads way faster than DS.
That said, fuck Nintendo for requiring the game to see internet time to run events. The console launch was all about BotW and playing the game how YOU want to play. Punishing time travelling in AC and gating events behind DLC and internet clock DRM checks is bullshit. I was going to restore my system nand and buy this game, but not for this bullshit.
Its not really about convenience, its about the cheating vs. non-cheating argument. If the game has an IN-GAME method of doing something, without requiring a 3rd party system or by activating a glitch/hack, can you really say its cheating?
I know thats not true for NH- but is it so surprising that so many people are used to playing Animal Crossing with time traveling considering it was something you could do any time within the game itself? Even me as a 7 year old was able to find that mechanic. If they were so determined that it was cheating, they could've just not programmed that in.
lol good luck with that cheater
> adjusting the clock to the correct time = Time Traveling
this is some shitty ass form of dealing with that you're a cheater
You get the same functionality by changing the system clock, this specific removal of a feature doesn't bother me and shouldn't bother you. Cheating is irrelevant in a non-competitive game. You should be mad about the game's requirement to phone home in order for players to enjoy it. It serves no purpose for anything other than DRM.