They just had ONE (1) fucking job, give us a faithful remake of a beloved classic...

They just had ONE (1) fucking job, give us a faithful remake of a beloved classic, and they still found a way to completely and utterly fuck it up. Square Enix has completely lost the plot and needs to be put out of its misery ASAP.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm more interested in Final Fantasy 12
Also check this 3

check these dubs

Still gonna play it lol

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Nah not really, game is pretty good
But good post

why aren't you playing it then?

Why do we want a faithful remake? I can just play the original, I'd rather they did something completely new with it.

how many times are you gonna ask this in every thread? get over it your game is complete shit

The R doesnt stand for Remake It means Reboot

Instead we got the current best vidya meme of 2020.

Changebad ghosts.

hey, can you get me a square enix shill job like yours? I want to be paid to post retarded opinions online too

I haven't played it so I don't know if it's shit or not but knowing I'm not paying for the same story again pushes me one inch closer

great but I don't really care about listening to your shill copy pasta either

Yeah so I'm just gonna post this in all your threads OP

Attached: ff7r sephiroth boss.webm (1280x720, 2.52M)

You know the lower 40% of the bell curve are going to buy this game on mass and it's going to sell millions regardless of its shitty quality, right?

are you really that bored?

So far, the game's one of my favorite games in the past decade. I don't consider this a fuck up at all.

I keep seeing people say FFVII's gameplay is outdated, but I don't get that. It plays about the same as any turn based RPG, it's just a little slow with animations. Even then the new ports and emulation let you speed up gameplay. And before anyone calls me a boomer, I'm 20 and I played the game for the first time in 2015, the remake was not needed.

>I'm more interested in Final Fantasy 12

Sephiroth has kitty eyes now?

then why are you on Yas Forums? shouldnt you be playing the best game of the decade right now?

I am. What? You don't have your PC and PS4 right next to each other?

must be pretty engaging if you have to split time shilling for it while playing

They lost the plot at least 10 years ago. They've been stumbling around like Alzheimer's patients in a nursing home ever since.

It's amazing how they managed to fuck it up so badly. They literally had a money printing machine but couldn't bring themselves to just stick to the fucking plan.

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user, Seph has always had eyes like that

Sector 7 just got flattened, been pretty good so far, gameplay is pretty stellar too, maybe too many sidequests? But that's pretty minor, oh and I hate Sephiroths VA, but that's it. OST is pretty badass

>not calling them time niggas

>I keep seeing people say FFVII's gameplay is outdated

Nobody says that except literal zoomers who grew up with Kingdom Hearts and Crisis Core as their only FF experience.

OP didn't sale anything about sales. Everyone already knows games sell on brand name and not quality.

>Why do we want a faithful remake?
they could at least call it FF7 Gaiden or something that indicates it will have hystery niggas correcting the plot of an otherwise familiar story.

>butthurt shills Literally making memes to try and get people to like their game again
lmao this is funny

>he doesn't know yet
just keep playing, innocent-kun

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nobody cares lmao

He always did. Every since his old concept in fact.

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>it's just a little slow with animations
FF8 and 9 were both slower than 7. Most of the time FF7 had a decent pace unless you were using a more cinematic spell or limit break.

>implying that isn't a shill copy pasta

Confirm something for me user, is there dual audio or are we stuck with shittier sephi and amateur roastie aerith?


>lvl 17 Cloud pulling AC shit

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Hey at least I played it, cant keep all you burgers throwing poop around your echo chamber when you haven't even played it

Bro, he had those in original as well. I think that AC was the only one in which he had normal eyes. At least during the start.

Nope, I wanted this wonderful update and remake. Why the fuck would I want to play a 20 year old game I played dozens of times already?

Actually in Part 1, you'll be like lvl50 by end game

Never noticed that before. Guess it just stands out more on a less cartoonish face.

Waa waaa

why don't you just enjoy the game and not care what Yas Forums thinks about it?

mystery niggas

Why did Nomura fuck up this design again? Why couldn't we get this?

>triggered because they added something new and exciting to a 23 year old game we know inside and out

Based Meta Sephiroth.

>Cloud's anime levels of powerful at this point of part 1
>party is still going to get trashed by the Midgar Zolom at the beginning of the part 2

>defending time jannies

>time jannies
>literally defending time jannies

I haven't touched this game at all. Not even the old one. But, holy fuck does this show me how fucking delusional and disconnected from the real world that Yas Forums is.

I am 100% convinced you're a bunch of jr. high age shitskin thirdworlders, fuckin' neck yourselves, jesus fuck.

Yeah, but meta-textually it's like level 20 Cloud when you consider the original story's scope. Maybe AC Sephiroth is making Cloud develop hyper fast though, he did say that he'd make Cloud stronger.

How did he lose his shirt again?

There's no way they could have done a remake of FF7 without messing anything up, so they rused everyone and made a psuedo-sequel instead. People should be glad it isn't a direct remake of the OG.

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Japan hates the changes.

why are you so mad Yas Forums doesn't like your game?

Havent actually looked, Aerith didnt bother me too much, I'll check after work but I dont remember seeing anything in the audio settings or any additional DLC for the voice overs. Just a guess I'd say after official release they will probably make it available

user, the original story's scope doesnt apply anymore. Shit didnt hit the fan until Niblheim in the og story. Shit hits the fan halfway through Midgard in FF7R

What kind of cuck mentality is this?

>People should be glad it isn't a direct remake of the OG.

That's exactly what everyone wanted though.

>defending time jannies

>People should be glad it isn't what they asked for

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Not hard to do that during cutscenes in any game. What point are you trying to make?

Gotta tell me how you got that far at that low of a level, or prove it

All they had to do was an honest to god remake that expanded on the story, characters and world building, which they seemed to be doing just fine until they decided to add time travel retardation.

I'm so fucking glad it's not going to be the original beat for beat. It was so fucking boring post midgar.


What's so bad about history niggas?

just kind of weird that the game is so good yet you are seeking validation for playing it on Yas Forums. I mean if you like it why do you care what anyone else thinks?

Got nothing better to do on my lunch break user, we arent all stuck at home

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It ain't my game. I'm a 3/6 man, through and through and I thought 7 was boring when it first released. I don't intend on playing it. I'm mad that it's been a month of good ass games being released and literally every one has been vilified as the end of gaming as we know it because of 'MUH SOUL'. Animal Crossing is fun, Doom Eternal was great, RE3 was alright. This is the fourth one in a row, and you fucking faggots deserve to be drowned in front of your mothers.

>try and get people to like their game again
More like making fun of this trainwreck

>Literally defending time fairies

Nice, I was worried that it would just be the same game but with a different game system.
The one gripe I had with it is now gone.

but even the limit breaks were super fast and neat
ffvii is actually the fastest of the pre-x FFs, it runs super smooth and never feels like a drag, sure there are a couple enemy animations that take a bit too long to do 46 dmg but the core gameplay is very very fast

Why are you Australian?

because only faggots and retards like them

Sure, but when it comes to the number of battles fought and the time that they've had to accumulate experience and get stronger, the original still surpasses part 1.
Unless they're getting strong quicker like I said.

>hair stylishly slicked back with only fringes hanging
>wearing actual SOLDIER uniform but he still has his trench-coat on to appear more unique
>confident pose with charming smile
>for some reason Nomura changed THAT and made him look like male dominatrix instead in final concept that doesn't look "S" of a SOLDIER

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The new ideas tossed in towards the end are pretty bad, history niggas is so laughably hilarious I cannot help but laugh every time I see another webm of them pulling Hojo or Cloud away. But do you know what you are? You're a whiny, entitled little shit that ignored all prior advertising and all the warning signs, and you're also demanding something you'd bitch about anyway. If it was 1:1, then why would you abandon the original in earnest just to play the updated game when there would inevitably be something about it that upsets you or rubs you the wrong way? Repeatedly making threads like these just highlights how much of a pissbaby you are.

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Awwh, six chingchongs on an anonymous image board don't like the squeezy squeaky viddy gamie? Must be indicative of an industrial decline.

>tfw waited 5 years for time jannies

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I don't care about your wall of text lmao

Which part, becausei n the OG Niblheim is where you learn what Seph really is, what Jenova really is, get hints about Cloud not being SOLDIER, start learning about Reunion, etc

Sorry the potential of there being a force trying to preserve the timeline while the antagonist tries to change it so he can win this time around is lost on you.

Read a book maybe?

>defending time fairies

Probably hasnt even played it

just yikes

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lmaoing at your fucking life, nigger, enjoy your faggot ass ghosts, I hope the games ruined for you and the rest of these shitskins.

Literally the most stupid concept to add to an established story

Square Enix has never made a good game. You're a bit late to the party. This has been going on 20 years now.
The only good stuff they publish is made by other studios, all their in house stuff is garbage.

why do you care that nobody likes your shit game?

>Number of battles fought
user, theres three times more bosses in FF7R than OG Midgard

>which they seemed to be doing just fine
>cloud is EU cloud that is super moody and has no spirit
>sephiroth is a cocky showoff and instead of being a looming legendary threat for most of the game he's shoved in your face as soon as possible and for extended periods of time
>barrett with sunglasses
>stupid OC character in wall market that look like they were shat out by a discarded FFXV DLC
>FFVII comp retcons abundance
>even more stupid fanfic OC with the motorbike soldier

I'm actually confused what you mean by this. When and how did I seek validation for anything?
Are you implying there's no other reason anyone would ever provide their opinion about a game in a thread about said game? Are you seeking validation with your posts? If not, you are killing your own argument. Care to try that again?

It's absolutely terrible

lmao it is ruined for me but watching you shills have a mental breakdown might be worth it

They have been doing a shit ton of new things with FF& since it released and all of them have been mostly shitty. Why would we want them to do something new with it again? I'd rather they just stop and move on.

Why is this the case? Explain to me why only faggots and retards like them.
How is it the most stupid concept to add to an established story? What makes it so dumb?

>still defending time jannies

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why does anyone care to explain how awful your taste is?

I ain't putting money down on this shit, I just find it hilarious how people feel it had to be what they wanted and now they're upset that it isn't that. When these very kinds of threads have been happening ever since the gameplay reveal showed it would be real-time with ATB gauges, or shit like last year causing the shitposting to amplify because OH MY GOD IT'S DIFFERENT. It's genuinely both hilarious and a look into the human psyche of entitlement.

What's wrong with them?

Yeah, I'm a shill, that's why I hope the game's a trash fire you fucking nostalgic faggot.

>the original is shit
so why do you want a remake of a game you think is shit?