Comfy Animal Crossing thread

Comfy Animal Crossing thread

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time trannies pay the price


>think of a much better cross-breeding configuration
>have to shovel up every single flower one-by-one

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i learned this the hard way

>time travelling to open an ables to allow trannies to buy maid outfits

gold star fucking maneuver, faggot lol

just the best op image

What happened?

they promised me feet pics

I got a meteor shower tonight. I'm going to sleep but leaving my town open. Feel free to grind some stars.

>island has a vulgar name (Cum Town)
>keep getting reported online by sensitive little faggots

I've already received 2 warnings from nintendo about it, even though I can't change the name in-game.

Should I just restart the whole fucking game and pick a new name even though I've been playing at launch?

Honestly after April 12 I'm going to time travel back just to get the fucking cherry blossom furniture. Who the fuck thought running two very limited timed events at the same time was a good idea?


>First Smug villager, Ken decided to move out
I'm gonna miss this cock. I wonder who will take his beautiful house spot next to Able's and the Beach?

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It's dumb that you can never rename your island or yourself.

anyone want to trade cherry blossom wand, bag, stone water tray, wood floor, or branch for my cherry blossom clock, bamboo panflute, or easter clock?

>Still waiting by the beach for balloons to spawn so I can get all the cherry blossom items since the DIY cards will be unavailable after this week.
>Countless faggot rabbit balloons
>Finally a normal balloon starts to float by
>Pop it
>Clay (4)
>Wait for more faggot balloons to pass by
>Another normal one
>Pop it
>Bamboo furniture
This isn't comfy. This isn't comfy in the slightest. I fucking hate this stupid event so much.

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>play online with random people you don't know with a name you can't change that you know you'll get in trouble for
What exactly did you think was going to happen?

Reminder, if your turnips or your prices aren't looking so fresh, just time travel backwards to make them healthy again!

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first off, if you're gonna make something vulgar at least be witty. second who the fuck are you inviting? are anons reporting you?

hell yeah brother

Your island kinda looks like that one Pokemon town from Ruby and Sapphire

Cherry blossoms go away on Bunny Day?! I thought that was for all of April.

I would just restart. You should've known better tbf, nintendo cracks down pretty hard on that kinda stuff.

Less than that. Abril 10th, so they say.

but this creates Mustard Gas

Fuckin harsh, man

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What the fuck, Nintendo?

Cherry blossom event ends April 10th, the fishing tourney is on the 11th, and Bunny day is on the 12th.

I fucking hate this bunny event even more now.

So Nintendo just warns you but doesn't get you the option to change the name? What the fuck? They really are living in the times of dial up.

>second who the fuck are you inviting? are anons reporting you?


God I hate the online in this game. You get to an island or someone stops by yours and you have to wait literally 10 fucking minutes for new people to come in. Why did they do this?

What the fuck cherry stuff is way better than this bunny trash.

>fishing tourney going on while the fucking eggs still spawn in the water

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Anybody have a cherry blossom viewing lamp DIY? I'll trade a nook ticket for it.

I've started to get duplicate Cherry Blossom DIY recipes, while not having the entire set yet.


Holy shit, it worked. I rolled back to last Thursday when my prices were 435. Made a cool 2 mil on today's 'nips.

I can't stand this. Who thought it was a good idea?

>catching the shadow size the eggs spawn in for the tourney
Why would it matter?

>unlock terraforming
>lose all will to play because I'm overwhelmed

Pls give duplicates. What do you want for them?

I can also trade a cherry wand, pochette, or bonsai



Holy fuck, I haven't found a balloon color aside from yellow (and rainbow) for like an hour.

>One of the most popular new villagers introduced in Wild World
>One of the few villagers to get a role in the anime movie
>Got a fuckton of merch because of the two above, easily became one of the most popular villagers
>Got removed in New Leaf, most likely for looking too much like Porter
>But didn't come back in Welcome Amiibo, Happy Home Designer, or Pocket Camp
>Still missing in New Horizons
What gives? To this day, he's the only non-crossover villager who didn't originate in the original game to ever get cut from Animal Crossing. What makes it worse is that he's easily the best looking Monkey from a design standpoint

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post raymond

If you got a extra lamp DIY, that is.

this is why i saved an oarfish

I have that problem with terraria sometimes. Start small. focus on making the outside of your house or the entrance to your island nice looking and then work from there

>shit reject ostrich decided to leave a few days after moving in even though I never antagonized them
I think they could feel my resentment through the screen

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How well you do depends on how many fish you catch. So you have to run around despawning every medium-sized fish instead of being able to confidently catch them one by one, increasing the tedium.

Anyone have a font for patterns I can copy? I'm trying to make a welcome message to put by my airport but the blending keeps fucking up my letters.

made 30k bells in water bugs today, feels pretty good.

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Nobody is forcing you to terraform. I feel like I fucked my island up a bit because I spent like 6 hours changing shit.

I can't do it bros. I can't decorate my town or terraform. It's too hard to be creative.

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How do you edit the paper on paper stacks and the papers on bulliten boards?

Don't be mean, user, this doesn't work unless you only time travel back exactly 24 hours. The game code just looks at the time and not the day to determine if you cheated, so it'll load the turnip prices from that day but not kill the turnips since the time is the same.

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Why do I never fucking see water bugs anywhere? Do they only spawn on mystery islands?

>Get a cherry blossom recipe from a yellow balloon


>Filtered by fucking ANIMAL CROSSING

I mean, should you just kill yourself ?

Is this new in NH or something, because I remember old games just being about how big the fish you caught was.

They spawn at night , they'll skim aross the top of rivers and you catch them with your net. I've caught a few on my island.

Oh god what the fuck

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>people still think balloon colors mean anything

monkeys should have never been villagers

Thanks bro

anyone got oranges?

>More clay from balloons
I hate this so much. I just want a nice lamp and the wallpaper to match the cherry blossom floor.

whats the best way to ffarm balloons?

If I'm trying to breed 4 flowers which configuration is better? A tight square or a diamond with 1 empty space in the middle? Which is more important for flower breeding: # of adjacent mates or # of empty spots to lay their eggs?

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Planning to give them to friends or see if I can trade a card for another card.

Have the Sakura-wood flooring card and Outdoor picnic set (which may be useless since I think Isabelle gives you this one, but I already had it when she would have given me one).

Only ones I still need cards for are wand, pochette, sakura-wood walls, cherry-blossom flooring, and the bonsai tree.

Say it's supposed to be a stylization of Come Town and that you don't understand

Where should I place Nook's cranny?

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>he lacks knowledge

>it's a wisp gives flooring episode

fucking yawn

Is this the worst map in the history of maps?

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>lay their eggs

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this monkey was Porter for all the games but WW/CF and was a top tier jock. something about it's Ukiki like face

Figure out which side they're coming from and wait in the middle of the beach on that side. Normal balloons spawn at times ending in :04 and/or :09. Other than that it is mostly just luck.

What hour does Wisp start fucking about?

>wanted to make a seawall
>can't make the cliffs pure stone

I mean, damn.

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Always place your flowers diagonally from each other.

showed up at 8 for me

good to know fanks anoon