How does Yas Forums feel about Final Fantasy IV?

How does Yas Forums feel about Final Fantasy IV?

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I really like it although the non 3D versions are a bit too easy. and the game needed more side quests but especially as early it was made its really good


Most overrated game in the series.

This. On rails generic shit story that offers no customization at all. It has all the same problems XIII did.

Should've been sued for false advertising with that cover

Most favorite game of the series. To me the atmosphere and some of the music is unparalleled.

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who the fuck are those characters on the box

>Kain is in the logo instead of Cecil

Which version of IV is the best to play?

Cecil, Rosa, Edge, Golbez, Fusoya and Moogle

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Pretty weak honestly. Only thing I like is the music.

Also that cover is weird, why is there a classic looking black mage and white mage?

Dawn of Souls on GBA, I'm assuming they're talking about FF2 anyway

Best in the series IMO, with the best story.

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Fucking lol you cheeky cunt

>Protagonist so shit that he has to change his class so people know he had character development
Rydia a cute tho

Best MC and sidekick of all time.

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it's my favorite

Probably the first good and easily playable FF game so it has that going for it. Personally it's one of my favorites but I'm biased as it was also my first one.

Objectively? Probably a mid-tier FF.

Personally? My favorite.

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Rare case of a 90's USA cover being superior.

Man does this bring back memories for me...

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First one I played and it's just magical. Especially the PSP version - none of that 3D shit.

Has the most iconic music in the series. If you were to tell me to imagine the music of the Final Fantasy series, I'd default to FF4:

Golbez and Rydia are the only characters that are worth mentioning, everyone else is SHIT.

Love it, and I fucking love all the romhacks available for it. Free Enterprise randomizer is fun as fuck to just waste a couple hours in at a time to see what weird combinations you can get.

These anons are probably right.

I never understood why people's favourite was FF4 if it wasn't their first FF.

Game wise it is on rail as it gets. You are stuck with the characters you might not like till the end of the game. Generic ass plot twists. Difficulty spikes that require to you mindlessly grind for an hour.

FF5 and FF6 are miles ahead of this game and I don't even like those.

>Especially the PSP versio

weird-ass looking art with strange character proportions

ff games were never about the gameplay. at all. they're about the feeling delivered by the story

GBA/PSP version is the best version. The remake on DS/Steam is OK. SNES was too easy.

better than 1 2 or 3 but worse than 5 or 6

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Story is very generic as well user. Especially for its own time.

How does it compare to VI?

>Especially for its own time.

what a bizarre statement to make, when it basically revolutionized gaming by actually having a story at that time. what else was there? ultima? most people didnt have access to a computer in 1991

Honestly IV is probably one of the better "linear adventure" titles in the series that emphasize story over gameplay. Mostly because the gameplay's still fairly solid, and while the journey's nothing special by today's standards compared to 6 and beyond, it's still a fun romp. If you play anything besides the dumbed down US SNES version, it's also a fair challenge where you almost always have the tools to success but have to figure what you've got.

It's the Dragon Quest of the FF series, in the sense it's well-executed on a technical level but blander than stale bread.

I didn't mean games but as in media in general.

I will give it to you that it did give games an on rail story telling.

>most people didnt have access to a computer in 1991
That's such a dumbfuck thing to say. Whether or not many people played games on computer doesn't make a title any less revolutionary. Dragon Quest was derived from Ultima, and Final Fantasy was derived from Dragon Quest.

Because it did a lot of firsts that kind of set the tone for RPGs as a whole for its time. If you hate cutscenes in RPGs you directly have FF4 to blame. If you hate love interests and waifuing, FF4.

Other games had story. FF2 was the first to focus on the story, though FF4 was the first to focus on its cutscenes. If you need an example of what I mean by cutscene, think Golbez and FuSoYa vs Exdeath.

Too Easy

The first song that comes to mind when I think of FF music is still the Elemental Fiends music. An aside, I was upset when they weren't used in FFXIV for raids.

I dont get 3D Final Fantasy IV hate III, VII and IX has it

It's a faithful recreation of original SNES style.

sorry but you're wrong, reach matters in art and entertainment. (You).

ff1-3 have really simplistic ass stories compared to 4, which really kickstarted the FF series.

That was a great mechanic, are you fucking kidding me? His class change had gameplay implications that built upon the story. I wish more games did shit like that.

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3D really doesn't fit for such an old game as FFIV.

Yeah you're an idiot alright.

I meant to say characters for 2. FF2 was the first to focus on its characters. FF4 focused on its story.

The protagonist was bamboozled by one of the antagonists, the turtle, to stay a shit class so that he would be weak and unable to kill his master.

And then later in Dissidia he gets over it and starts class changing left and right.

No it's not, the characters are way too tall

Mediocre game that had a disastrous effect on the genre.

This game made me realize that games can be entertaining through stories and characters and it remains my favorite because of that. It also started ATB in the series so of course it da best

should i get xiv

i'm thinking about it..i havne't played an mmo in over 20 years. corona got me itching for some kind of "human contact"

bad bait

i feel like it'll always mean way more to people who played it when it was new because of that

palom and porom would probably seem hokey to many today, but back then it was like, OH MY GOD

It's got a good story, but you're currently forced to play through 200 hours of the game to get through all of it at the moment. Human contact is minimal unless you seek it out.

Treat FFXIV as a single player JRPG where you are occasionally forced to interact with other people. Its a fun ride, overall, but it has ups and downs. You'll be enjoying it up until you kill Ultima Weapon because that will start the Thousand and One quests that plague 2.0 (base game) to 3.0 (Heavensward, where you go to Ishgard). That is the worst hump by far.

If you do play it, I recommend leveling one class with MSQ -- Main Story Quest -- and another one later one with roulettes -- randomly chosen dungeons used to level up jobs(classes) once per day -- just to help keep things fresh. The gear from roulettes will suffice for leveling purposes. And don't be afraid to ask novice network for help. Unlike a lot of games, people in there actually will help you.

>Human contact is minimal unless you seek it out.

wtf? explain...i's an mmo

i hate when people are all focused on doing everything as fast as possible, and nobody stops to just talk or chill...i guess thats what i should expect?

wow that is not waht i expected. does this mean the content is solo'd or you just find random groups and then disperse never to speak again?

>Most overrated game in the series.
add three and you'd be right

How navy realms are in this game

90% of the story content is solo quests, and then usually every zone or so, you will have to party up for a dungeon or boss fight.

There is a ton of multiplayer content to do which includes dungeons, bosses, raids, pvp, eureka (which is like old school mmo content where you just party up and kill shit to pass the time), but the vast majority of it is optional.

schwat the hell, that's so weird. so do you have AI companions or something or is it just you vs the world

that's not what i wanted :( I feel bummed now because people seem to like FFxiv...

Okay, so here's how it goes:
>you're doing MSQ
>a lot of it
>suddenly you have to go into this cave to rescue girls who are being sacrificed in the name of a giant snake
>but you can't go alone!
>form a group of 4 adventurers to go in
>you hit u and open duty finder
>queue up for dungeon
>it pops, you go in it gets steam rolled because lol-level scaling
>no one says anything, unless its to point out you're a leaf
>you disperse never to speak again (usually)

Every time you have a dungeon or trial (single boss fight) that is what happens. Literally EVERYTHING ELSE MSQ RELATED YOU SOLO. The MMO part of the RPG is in side stuff. Raids, marketboard and the like.

it's just you vs the world. You can party up if you wanted to, but I imagine it would be kind of difficult to find a party to just do the story questline. Blame WoW.

That's ff6

Second best of the SNES era and still a solid game to this day.

that sucks

are there any good MMOs anymore..i never played wow and don't want to, hate the design

In the overarcing story you have companions. They help in some of the non-dungeon fights but, story-wise, are fairly worthless without you -- literally there's an unwinable fight you play as one of them that is Objective: Survive and either timeouts when that character dies or the time runs out only for you to show up and save the day. These side characters, however, carry the show more or less acting as the speaking piece for the player who only really responds with nods. Pic related is not one of them. Pic related is lunch.

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Well, thanks for the info guys. Are there any good MMOs to play where people actually talk and stuff anymore, and finding a party isn't jsut some automatic thing?