How are you enjoying the video game Final Fantasy XIV?

How are you enjoying the video game Final Fantasy XIV?

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dropped it when i had to wait 3 hours for a queue

Yeah but I'm burnt out now. I was stuck at e6s and now that i want to start e7s, no one is really doing fresh progs and i don't know any of the strats. Guess I'll just drop it, at least i made it to ilvl 491.

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I feel you. I'm hoping I get that urge to play come Tuesday.


As someone in NA who is always up during the night due to past work, is XIV even worth playing? Game seems dead as fuck in NA during the night.

I wanted to get some prog today but I couldn't get my party filled after an hour. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow and if I'm luck I will slip into a clear party. I should have enough DPS to clear even if I die once.

im not i resubbed a week and a half ago and already stopped playing

I really wish there were more "superheavy" armors out there. I want to look like I could crush a Lala's skull with just my hand.

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People are prepping for the new relic content so queues will be a bit slow. If you're talking about the overworld being empty then that's normal. Folks afk in hub cities.
I lost my will to prog savage. I just want that Amaro mount and I'll call it quits until the next patch.