How are you enjoying the video game Final Fantasy XIV?

How are you enjoying the video game Final Fantasy XIV?

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dropped it when i had to wait 3 hours for a queue

Yeah but I'm burnt out now. I was stuck at e6s and now that i want to start e7s, no one is really doing fresh progs and i don't know any of the strats. Guess I'll just drop it, at least i made it to ilvl 491.

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I feel you. I'm hoping I get that urge to play come Tuesday.


As someone in NA who is always up during the night due to past work, is XIV even worth playing? Game seems dead as fuck in NA during the night.

I wanted to get some prog today but I couldn't get my party filled after an hour. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow and if I'm luck I will slip into a clear party. I should have enough DPS to clear even if I die once.

im not i resubbed a week and a half ago and already stopped playing

I really wish there were more "superheavy" armors out there. I want to look like I could crush a Lala's skull with just my hand.

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People are prepping for the new relic content so queues will be a bit slow. If you're talking about the overworld being empty then that's normal. Folks afk in hub cities.
I lost my will to prog savage. I just want that Amaro mount and I'll call it quits until the next patch.

Not the overworld but PF and recruiting FCs but I could be looking in the wrong spots.

Yeah i feel you but I'd also feel like shit for spending all this time trying to clear this tier and dropping out this far in.

Crawl back to your dead wow threads

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Made an alt after playing since heavensward with no break and being burnt out on the endgame. Being in a large, happy, drama-free free company is so comfy.

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Today was the last day of my sub. I don't be resubbing for a while.

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which sword is that?

Usually going into /shout chat asking for an FC will get you results.
I believe in you. May as well finish the current floor and take a break.

Blade of the Goddess, modded to look like Excalibur from Fate/Stay Night.


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>caring about what others see
I'm enjoying myself.

and stay there.

There are much better games to play if you just want to play dress up all by yourself though.

To be honest, I do not care for XIV or anyone that plays it.

Help me out here, what armor sets have extremely different designs for each gender?
The Shisui sets are the same for both genders yet the recent crafted sets have very big different design choices regarding gender.

What are YOUR predictions for the 5.25 Relic content on Tuesday?

>1-2 hours of MSQ-lite quests where Cid has coronavirus
>Trial fight against Gabranth or a Gabranth lackey with Trust party members

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Does anyone on Behemoth need an FC? If I'm not around, send a tell to Luciana Blanc.

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I hope it's Eureka Pyros/Hydatos but set in Bozjha.

The new zone won't be in until 5.35 or some shit.

Copied Factory sets

Why do you care?

Taking a few week break after reaching heavensward. Felt like the last few ARR msq were extremely tedious.

Because m*les ruin 99% of armor sets?

Trannoid detected

I guess I can wait.
Just found it strange how most, if not all, armor sets are the same for both genders yet and the new crafted sets have gender exclusive designs. It just doesn't sit right with me is all.

>It just doesn't sit right with me is all.
Why is variety bad?

There's a reason the yorha and crafted sets are liked, because everything else is designed for m*le midlanders.

You posted it so you obviously care what other see.

Because they are and they are addressing that in 5.3. Congrats on passing the filter though.

Trannies are the ones who want both genders to have the same gear though.

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It's exclusivity, not variety. Variety would've been adding an option to swap between the designs.
Trannoids would be the ones who'd advocate for more gender exclusive designs to further cement their skewed ideals of being the other gender. Male bunny outfits were a mistake.

That makes no sense. The whole point of being a tranny is to fool everyone into thinking you're a girl.

They don't wear female outfits on male characters, they don't even play male characters in the first place.


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Tinfoil hat time, but what if the idea that male characters being able to wear female only gear reminds them that they'll never be what butcher themselves to be? So they create gender exclusive gear which further cements their idea that "females have this design and males can never touch it, this is for females, which I am".
I love how corny that fight was.


i'm angry that the ffvii remake, which has surely been drinking ffxiv money, has some really fucking questionable decisions and executions
also angry that nomura shit up my kino shadowbringers story with his eden bullshit, EVERYBODY broke character
imagine how much better it would've been if the shiva possession had happened accidentally and thancred and urianger had both come up to help with gaia

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They want males to wear female clothes and vice versa because "muh gender is a social construct" faggotry.

There's a lot of people, you just can't see them because a lot of them are holed up in Limsa or their personal housing. Anytime an Ishgard Restoration FATE pops up you have suddenly a thousand people hanging out in the same instance.

>99% of female gear is male gear
>get some actually feminine gear for a change

>pvp dragon sets on female
Forever mad
I was honesty expecting the late allagan sets to have a male chest, m*les ruin everything

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No matter how we look at it, the FFVIIR will make enough money to cover the costs of development. How do they break character?
Nah. I don't want raid gear to have gender exclusive designs. Just turn the designs into glamour recipes.

thancred even allowing ryne to do it
>"i wanna do this for a bad reason because i'm a teenager!"
>"absolutely fucking not, you'll lose control and die or kill us"
>"but urianger is nodding his head!"
>"oh alright you can make your own mistakes"
'you can make your own mistakes' is what you say to teenagers getting nose piercings not summoning gods into them and nearly causing floods of light in doing so

You realize you can glam over them with whatever gender neutral tranny faggot shit you want right?

Sure. But have you seen what the WoL has been through now? They've stopped Bahamaut's resurrection, prevented goblin's from using a time travelling fortress to create their own paradise, and defeated an space travelling beetle from destroying their reality.

Ok, I just want to be able to do content with people and not get fucked because I work nights.

>eden 8 light rampant still filter pf
Idk whether I'm enjoying this shit. All I want is to beat this tier and fuck off already


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>mobile game
Convince me.

the WoL had to rely on deus ex machina to defeat those threats

and he is going to do it again.

play her game

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Tits literally do nothing for me so keep trying.

its getting predictable at this point. WoL is about to lose until she gets a power boost from whatever or somebody interferes. Thats how she'll defeat Elidibus and Zenoark

I only downloaded this shit because Y'shtola is mai waifu. I started skipping the story because I got tired of the MC and his gf being retards.

Suffering through the Refulgence. I wanna do Add phase but people can BARELY do Lights Rampart. Its a giant wall for pugs.

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