Smash Yas Forumseekend

ID: 6R7R7
Password: 12369
Rules: Teams, No Items, Custom Stages On

If custom stages get out of hand, will remove them. :)

Attached: smash.png (562x914, 1.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ih I TBD at CD sfgd

Had to create a new lobby thanks to Nintendo's dumb auto-shut down bullshit.

Password: 12369
Rules: Teams, No Items, Custom Stages On

If custom stages get out of hand, will remove them. :)

Attached: 600px-Ryu_-_Super_Smash_Bros_Ultimate.png (600x600, 197.25K)

Please join

On my way




I really wish this had a functional non retarded lobby system like EVERY OTHER FUCKING GAME MADE THIS DECADE


Hv dygd


hi chuckles

hi loser

karma's a bitch :)



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i'm just gonna put this bag over my head and kill myself

Attached: Woomy 3.jpg (247x196, 32.37K)

back that pac-ass up

it was just a prank retro calm down

>MFW getting too cocky and pac has to come in for the save

Attached: 1542937895777.png (948x974, 435.04K)

Fuck it, no more messing around

Attached: Doomslayer is fucking in.jpg (1125x1188, 238.88K)

>Everything is going fine
>The unplayable custom porn stages start
Unironically fuck off.

>Tifa is my wife
very baeed

Attached: 1583187953377.png (640x480, 347.43K)

I must coom wherever i go

>Garret literally starts beating the shit out of me
>Tries to grab me when I respawn
I wasn't going to beat you up after that, but you seemed open to it and it was funny.

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oh, i thought you were mad at me

Why are the Fire Emblem characters killing themselves constantly?

When you double forward smashed me I was a little bit. I wasn't going to hunt you down though.

I don't know wtf is wrong with my connection I'm wired too

cool 64k modem

Jesus that lag was awful

Attached: Uhhh yeah.gif (379x387, 133.1K)

no lambo don't go

You really let me down today, retro.

>Long ass stage, I can't recover for shit because of it
Well fuck me I guess

Attached: Motivated.jpg (573x530, 56.23K)

Ok Mr. Imma stand in one spot and not help my teammate as he gets pummeled

Attached: Foolishness.jpg (698x680, 62.38K)

You were supposed to carry us to victory

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Attached: nice bait.jpg (308x308, 26.16K)

it's true, you're the best girl here

Why you gotta restock my man

Oh god, the Dededefags are here.

oh hey it's imu

>I took two stocks while they tried to kill me at a high percent
eh I call that a victory

Attached: Eggman Approval.jpg (277x256, 74.64K)

The chad Dedede taunts. The virgin crouches.

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Crouch taunting is the only safe button DDD has in his arsenal, If they arent holding down at every free moment then they are playing sub-optimally

Now that was fucking beautiful

please make one of asuka or homura


Attached: DONKEY AND DIDDY IS HAPPY.png (2048x1536, 3.5M)

Is there a FFA items custom stages arena? If not, is there interest in one being made in about 30 minutes?

9001 iq kamikaze

absolutely. teams is packed and full right now. i'd be down to leave and do some FFA though. I love items.

Attached: hero back in the fray.png (500x270, 294.67K)

Well... at least that kamikaze was cool, Chuckles.
Chuckles detected. He was THE Hero guy this whole time.

I'd join. I'm in team right now, but I love items.

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Oh wait nvm. I thought Serpent changed his name. lol

OK, I'll make one in about 20 minutes if no one beats me to it. Otherwise, someone else can make one in the meantime and I can join when I'm ready.

Attached: hero jojo.png (640x583, 607.44K)

Aight Team Server I'm out for now, Imma play some Project +. I'll come back here later. Maybe

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I did my best in the 2v1. no regrets.

Attached: hero kaclang feels.jpg (500x447, 47.7K)

god i hate ness

There will never be a situation in this game where I play as Luigi and refrain from looking like a chump.

Attached: Fire_Elemental_Medal_Luigi.jpg (2048x1791, 460.3K)