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Main character is a twink with swayback and noodle arms, but proficient in the use of a sword when all armies use guns

13 xehanorts

there are only 3 countries
a kingdom, an empire and a republic
the kingdom is traditional, the empire is evil, the republic has internal strife

Collect them all and become unstopable

Main villain is a jew.

cute and funny/wild and silly companion which is your tutorial guide and acts as a plothook later in the story

Time Jannies

you spend the whole game giving nomura a wedgie

You are the last human and every time you kill somebody he says something like:
"Hmph, you humans... Always being so pathetic. "

final boss is resetera

Main character is the healer. The romantic interest is a princess but also a brawler. The beefy guy of the party has a fucking shotgun and just solves problems that way. The mage is an angsty female dwarf that people keep mistaking for a human child

>You are the childhood friend to the Chosen One
>He has been trained since childhood in the ways of swordsmanship and magic, while you can kinda swing a sword around
>When he turns 18, according to the prophecy he must collect the 7 macguffins and defeat the demon king
>The Chosen One gathers your average jrpg party complete with old man sage and asks you to come along for the ride
>After the first dungeon, you get to the macguffin, but it suddenly starts glowing with a dark energy and you absorb it
>Apparently, part of the prophecy is that a party lead by "The Star of Darkness" will attempt to collect the mcguffins before the hero
>The sage in your friends party goads him into attacking you and getting the mcguffin back
>You manage to escape and be captured by the demon king's army
>turns out that the demon king isn't that bad a guy and sends you on your way with his cute demon daughter black mage
>along the way, you'll recruit jrpg enemy staples such as a thief lizard
> You'll also clash with the Chosen One's party in a race to collect the mcguffins before the other party does


The male lead is from the republic, but his real father is from the empire.
The romantic lead interest is from the kingdom.

every post above me has been invalidated by the time jannies

*DABS* on this post.
Nullifying it.

There are now also no jannies and no niggers in the game.

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>you are a young rebel soldier against a tyrannical king
>you are good at both swordsmanship and magic
>your childhood friend is from a rich background unlike you and thanks to him you managed to learn magic from top tier mages who usally only teach rich teens magic
>you quickly rise in the ranks of the rebel and you become the general of the magical kights a bunch of soldiers good at magic and traditional fighting
>the king army targets both your innocent family and also the family of your rebel rich friend as both of them still lives in royal areas and not rebel areas
>the generals knew about this attack but didn't try to stop it as it was a waste of recourses.
>this made your best friend upset and he left the rebels
>He joined a secret organization called the knights of dagoth. They practiced banned dark magic. Your freind joined them because they promised him that they will kill the king and destroy the kingdom more effeciently than the rebels
>your friend stared to get brainwashed by dark magic but in the end he actually managed to control it
>he realized the knights of agoth were actually evil and wanted to cause a war between the neighbor kingdom wich actually used dark magic and the local kingdom so they can use the chos to revive lord demon king agoth.
>instead of telling the world about the truth of the knights of dagoth, your friend stayed with him as he thought he could use them and use the power of dark magic to become a just emperor and replace the corrupt kings of both nations
>in one of the battles you confort your friend and he manges to cut your right leg but you survive
> the rebels decide to give the title of general to another promising youth and instead they just ask you to become his advisor
>this makes you ferious as you still want to be a fighter
>meanwhile the knights of agoth manage to cause a war between the 2 neighboring nations so now there are 3 factions in the war, the rebels, the dark magic king, and the corrupt king

Yas Forums writes a jrpg, not you write a jrpg

Btw the gameplay is basically epic cinematics and yakuza style gameplay where you mix swords with different magic.
>To fix your leg, you go to your friend and ask him if he can help
>You also discover his batshit plan to become emperor, you call him retarded and arrogant but you still accept his deal.
>he will use dark magic to fix your leg in exchange you will do some missions to him where you basically kill all his opponents in the kinghts of dagoth and make him the leader of this organization
>saldy you start getting brainwashed by dark magic and unlike your friend you loose your power
>you absorb all his dark magic power you destroy the knights of agoth and force the prime minster of the dark kingdom to make you the new king
>you then go on a rampage and start killing the people of both kingdoms
>you manage to kill the corrupt king of your nation and you become the dark empor
>most of your fellowers are also batshit young dark magicians impressed with your power while the senior dark mages hate you

>your friend meanwhile is normal, he is arrested by the rebels who still control a couple of cities
>they decide to cooperate with him and togerher with other powerful mages from all nations who realized your dark powers are going to ruin the whole world seal you and imprison you in super secure catacomb.
This is the first part

>implying Yas Forums isn't one person only
are you new?

>protagonist is baby that is 999999999999999999999 years old

killing god can't be helped

Could it be... the anime baby?

Fuck yall im bout to boot up RPG maker

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Where's the high school setting

you play as a lazy dumbass who can't write his own shit and needs randos online to come up with it for him

His name is OP

You go from town to town saving people and these people reward you with cute & funny girls for your party. By the midway point of the game you have a harem of thirty lolis ready to beat up the Demon King who is also a loli.

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>there is an empire
>the empire is evil
>the empire kills your family
>proceed to kill god for revenge

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Protagonist is a blonde hair blue eyed 16 year old who wields his McGuffin sword
Church is evil
The games bosses all represent a different one of the 7 sins
Boss is God
Party members include
>childhood friend
>big breasted older woman
>gritty old veteran
>the autistic comic relief character of dubious gender
>the edgelord
>elf girl
>the really based guy who dies mid game
Game has some weird autistic feature called like Limit Overdrive Max Switch to distinguish it from other RPG Maker games and it's shoehorned into the lore
50 hours long
Mom is actually god
Your dad is a war hero who's crippled
Nazi Germany Analog Country
Rip off Tolkien races entirely
Forced Romance but best girl isn't romancable
You kill God with your waifu in a 2v1 fight

I shit on Yas Forums's. I am the Supreme writer here.
>while you are imprisoned, dark magic is banned world wide and the 2 nations become democracies, wars between all kind of nations continue
>you finally awaken and realize that all the dark magic you absorbed has transformed to immense amount of magical chi in your sleep and you are basically inversible.
>You remember your past. You manage to escape from the catacombs. No one realizes this as you were basically sealed so no really checks you out
>You decide to start traveling and trying to seek the truth
>You realize the democracy is failing
>you realize that other nations are shit
>While you are no longer super evil, you still want to achieve your friend's dream of becoming a just benevolent empror.
>talking about your friend, he is actually in prison because rebels realized that he is the one that caused you to become a monster
>you free him and bunch of ally mages and you form a secret order together to create a univeral empire.
>meanwhile you learn that some surviving dark mages are planning to resurrect dagoth the dark lord.
>you organize a develish plan to actually help these dark mages in their plans to ressurct dagoth by giving them secret ancient dark temples maps that you got from the previous dark king
>your plan was basically to act as a savior to humanity and kill resurrected dagoth and they accept you as your empror
>this plan backfires as dagoth tunred out to be stornger than expected and he kills alot of people
>dagoth is actually pretry smart and he started to like humans and how ambitous and greedy they are
>he establishes a masisve empire where devided humans into castes the favored minority caste that can practice dark magic arts while the lower caste was treated like shit
>you manage to defeat some of his monster generals tho and your popularity starts to rise and the other nations stary to trust you

honestly until elf girl i thought was the plot of ffx

Rikku could fit the bill and then it still made sense until
>mom is actually god

-MC is a teenager who wakes up on the day of his birthday.
-He leaves the house for a short amount of time and bandits either burn the village down or kill his parents or both.
-He has to use the magic sword/doodad to save the world, but he can't do it without his team of buddies and the power of friendship.
-American localizers change everything and make everyone speak with scottish accents even though they're all asian characters.

The final boss is God.
Turns out he wasn't the real final boss and when you defeat him God joins your party. This is only the halfway point of the game.

5 japanese teenagers kill god

>however the democratically elected leader of your nation( who is the same guy that replaced you as a genral fir the rebels) doesn't trust you and convinces the international alliance to not allow your newly founded empire to join them
>things get worse as one your closest friends (not your best edgy freind) betrays you and tells the world that you actually helped dark mages revive dagoth
>your popularity decreaes and your empire declines in size
> in the end dagoth defeats you and the international alliance killing the democratically elected leader of your nation is killed
>you survive but he is seen as saint and you are seen as demon who killed poeple when you were brainwashed but dark magic and also caused a masisve genocide because of your vanity and your ambitions to become a global empror
>you live now in some mountain with a bunch of mages including your best friend
>You still didn't lose hope but you realize that your ambitions were too crazy and you decide that you need to redeem yourself to fix your reputation atleast partially
To be continued

Merchant is the true protagonist.

kill god with the power of friendship

The romantic lead is the kingdom's princess and the unrest between the 3 countries prevents the lead & love interest from being together until the third act where it is revealed the love interest is actually the descendant of an ancient race that was destroyed by an ancient evil, and the love interest was adopted by the king & queen to keep the race from dying out.
The male might also be a member of that race but it's kind of up in the air because the writers aren't clear as to where the mother came from or how she got her ancient magical powers.

then eat his ass

that gets raped.

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A group of energetic misfits must defeat the evil bad guy by becoming stronger through the power of love and understanding.

>you and your friends learn about a portal to the angle word.
>you decide to go their to ask for angles to help you kill the devil dagoth
>they refuse because they tell you that you are almost as eveil as dagoth and too arrogant
>so you kill some angles and enslave others using ancient magic (not dark magic tho) and force them to fight dagoth in earth.
>with their help, you manage to kill dagoth
>however the smart angles relaize that you still want to be empror of the eearth so while you were celebrating the victory, they curse you by making you an old men with no magical chi
>they also make people forget abiut your victory against dagoth and instead instill in their memories that it was actually the soul of the dead popular democratically elected leader who killed dagoth.
>so people still remember you as devil while he is worshiped as a saint
>Asshole angels did this to piss you off but they didn't relaize that you matured and yoy actually respected the democratic leader.
>you learned from this experience that angels are actually not pure and they are as petty as humans

Sword wielding teenage twink healer. From the Republic. The empire kills the "Twinkos" family, but turns out his real father is from the empire. The empire is very religious and the religion is somehow involved with the cause for the invasion, so you seek revenge on God. On the quest Twinko falls for the brawling Princess from the Kingdom.
After beating God it turns out he's not a bad guy after all and he joins your party.

>Village/Tribe full of a certrain mythical species
This one is criminally too common

Last part was part 5 not 4

>Your friend doesn't get brainwashed by the angles and relaized that you are cursed
>while you have no magic you are still a badass old swordsman
>you friend convinces you to try and reverse the curse
>you go back to angel word, you and your friend kill a bunch of angles
>your freind gets killed by one of the angles
>thanks to his efforts you regain your powers
>all this chaos attracts the attention of god
>you confront god and ask why does he let humans die and fight eacher other in meaningless wars
>He gives shitty excuses but allows you to go back to earth
>He also tells you that if you kill more than 300k people while trying to rule the globe and stop all wars, he will exterminate you as your petty dreams about a global empire are causing more deaths than usual wars
>you go back to earth and together with some ally mages you rebel on the international alliance and establish an empire
>people hate your guts but you provide them so mucb prosperity that they start to change their minds
>meanwhile you and your army is on the brink of killing more than 300k in the
war against the international alliance
>however you were training to kill god and learn about his weakpoints
>you manage to kill god and you become the new God

When a character dies it DIES, story changes depending on who dies on your travel.

You mean like Romancing Saga 2?

very nice

Church bad
Empire bad
God bad

>now that you are god, your successor becomes the new empror and you help them with your godly power to control the whole world and establish a technocratic empire that choses its empror not on basis of inheritance but on intellect and charisma
>angles think you overusing your god powers and rebel against you
>meanwhile you meet the dead spirits of your best friend and your democratic friend
>your successor in earth isn't actually the technocratic just empror. He is a tyrant just like the king who killed your father.
>your dead friends convince you to abondon this empire idea
>so you use your use your godly power to establish a federal global democracy, you kill all angles as you realize they are usless and evil as they actually enjoy human wars and that's why they never stop the.
>You finally kill yourself and end the cycle of gods
>by sacrificing yourself, you end the power magic which actually caused most human wars
Humans live in eternal peace

And then they all fucked

You delevope and eye power from sucking in the soul called geass with this power you can make anyone do anything under your control to do a certain thing as long as you can have direct eye contact with them by saying I (Your name) command you (action) but you can’t you use it on a person more than once but also by sucking in the soul
Of the killed god your mind starts to go a bit and your thoughts darken. But this doesn’t matter as you can still somewhat control yourself (or so you think)

Did you rike it Yas Forums. I wasted an hour for this. Pls read it. It's fun

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T. Seething angel

>you finally kill yourself and end the cycle of gods
>by sacrificing yourself, you end the power magic which actually caused most human wars
Divinity 2?

You can choose between the three countries
you cannot save it, the other kingdoms attack it at its weakest point and you must destroy them all and start civilization all over again
The kingdom goes on war with the empire. The king joins your party and turns into your bro. At the end you must kill him in order to marry his daughter. It's a tradition.
You get a whole new party and you have to kill your old party. Then turn into a god by betraying your father

Hear me out, church good.

let's not get carried away

But what about le epik twist? How about church neutral as a compromise?

hey, pretty based

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