Do you think VR could improve regular games? I mean, depth perception must be pretty useful on competitive games

Do you think VR could improve regular games? I mean, depth perception must be pretty useful on competitive games.
Also, TF2 is the best game ever created, if you think otherwise you are a fag.

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"What are these players, maaan..."

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he needs to do the sleezy donut cop look again

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I am gay and I think TF2 is the best game ever created

You would love that, wouldn't you?

Playing HL1 in VR recently and it does greatly benefit from VR. And I've completed this game like 30 times already on a screen in my lifetime.

But can you hit things easier? That is the question of the thread.

is b4nny the best tf2 player to have ever lived

Yes, but there isn't much competition so its not that impressive.

Who else here /mge/ ?

DM wise, probably not, MGEmike, Clockwork etc are better, and I don't follow up with recent pmayers too much, but even Arekk or Blaze could maybe beat him on their respective classes.
The reason b4nny shines is because he adapts so well, he always keeps mastery of hismself and his team, also because he doesn't do anything stupid. You'll practically never see froyotech push without a clear advantage. (But the fact he has 20000 in-game hours also helps.)

Competitive fps games are about pixel peaking, that would be fucked up with a vr headset.

Tricky question really. If you're just using the headset and regular controls, I guess it would have those positives but if you're talking full motion controls, it gets pretty hard to balance.

Stuff like reloading weapons by hand instead of just pressing R, having to keep a steady arm instead of just moving a mouse and clicking, etc. It only really works competitively when everybody else is in VR and has to do the same stuff.

I mean Payday 2 tried to mix vr and desktop users in a co-op game and it was awful.

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DM wise, no one cares.
Anyone can be good at DM, that doesn't make you win real matches.

You could certainly improve puzzle games, more "narrative" games, racing games, construction games.

I imagine flying with elytra in minecraft must be cool in vr for ewample

There are games out there that aren't purely based on hitscan(games for retards), games that require more brains than clicking on a head, games like TF2.

Totally. Particularly for people that don't play games (the VR main audience).

>but if you're talking full motion controls
No, clearly said regular games.

go find some real friends

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i think in payday2 you can shoot from behind cover, which isnt possible when playing normally, which allows you to just spam blind shots. you can also look around and also shoot while picking locks, which you cant do either while playing normally

Gamesense > DM all day, but DM matters, it really does.

There's certainly that cap where if you can reach 2300+ elo on public MGE servers you can play invite comfortably, and it's no secret that it's clearly the point where the effort won't be worth it for what little DM ability you'll gain, but being reasonably below 2300 can be a real handicap.

Go back to overwatch, retard.
>it really does.
It doesn't really for the competitive scene, everyone is good enough, being the king of DM is literally meaningless on a real match.

And that is not the point of the thread.
Its not about how you can add VR mechanics to a normal game, but about how the 3D perception of things can improve your skills.

No. Holographic screens are coming. Soon glassesless, perfect 3d screens will be the norm. Games will adopt and VR will become niche again as 3d immersive, motion based gaming will no longer be tied to a HMD. Prepare for Half-Life Alyx on the Wii: Holographic display edition with VR controllers (and that's a good thing).

Lmao, 3d screens are dead and no longer developed, it was a huge failure.

As I said, being better than a certain level doesn't help, but being below greatly handicaps you.

If you have god tier gamesense but trash tier DM, you're gonna lose a significant part of your fights, and it affects game outcome directly. Now obviously gamesense willhelp you know when and how to pick your fights, but the number one rule of plans is that things don't ever go avcording to plan, and when your plan fails, you need a net called DM.

And if my aunt had wheels she would be a bike.
You are making a retarded point, the original question was that if b4nny was the best player ever, and he is, him not being the king of DM is irrelevant.

you could have read my post and spent 10 seconds processing the information I spoonfed you. HOLOGRAPHIC display. It's NEW tech, not OLD tech.

The question should've been more specific. There's a best sticky jumper, a best griefer, hell, even a best tf2ware player, and they're all different people. And just like the best jumper isn't the best griefer, you need to separate "comp" into it's two components, dm and game sense, b4nny might be the best at the latter, but probably not at the former.

The question is specific, you are the retard springing out about irrelevant shit.
Name one player that has more wins on competitive matches than b4nny, he is the best TF2 player ever, this is the objective truth.

>Michael Schumacher was the best in the F1 driver in the world
This is you, please KYS.

>wins on competitive matches
So competitive is the ultimate metric of skill in tf2?

he's the best because he's played the longest and all of his competition quit
zoomies like you who sperg about b4nny out yourself for never having played tf2 before 2014, there was a time when b4nny didn't win everything and there were many people that were better than him
he's the best now because he endured and lasted, not because he overcame anyone

he means actual pro scene matches, not valve's comp mm, which is a fucking absolute joke

Except F1 has a clear win condition : come in first place.
TF2 has many different aspects to it, (i.e. rocketjump, minigames, pass time etc etc) and if you have an ontological argument as to why competitive is the one that decides who the "best" tf2 player is, I'd love to hear it.
Also, does b4nny have the most competitive wins divided by his playtime? I wonder if there isn't some player who despite not achueving as much as b4nny, achieved it much better and much faster. (i.e. clockwork)
everybody knows that, and it doesn't chznge anything to the discussion anyways

>Also, does b4nny have the most competitive wins divided by his playtime? I wonder if there isn't some player who despite not achueving as much as b4nny, achieved it much better and much faster. (i.e. clockwork)
there are many, b4nny is the Babe Ruth of tf2, but his legions and legions of zoomie dickriders don't want to hear shit like that

deleting your own post? quoting just so you see

>So competitive is the ultimate metric of skill in tf2?
Yes, competitive is the ultimate metric of skill in every real sport and "e-sport" on the world.
Imagine saying that Messi isn't the best in the world because Timmy at home is better and hitting the crossbar, absolute mongoloids.

Read You are an absolute crayon munching mongoloid, no one gives a fuck "WHY" he is the best, he just is.

To be frank I like the guy, I just want the other user to give me an actual argument as to why competitive is the one way to determine who the "best" player is.

Well, why would that be? You have a thesis, you need an argument.
Explain why competitive decides who the best player is. The problem is that you'll need to explain what a good player is to begin with.

i dont even know how to delete posts, that other one wasn't me

Yes because Cristiano is

this could be an interesting thread if it wasn't for this:
>Also, TF2 is the best game ever created, if you think otherwise you are a fag.

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if you like him, that's fine, whatever, but I've been playing tf2 at the top level since 2008, I live 2 hours south of Dallas so I went to pretty much every ESEA lan, I know b4nny very well in person and online on a personal level

he's a fucking scumbag, and nothing will ever change my mind

tf2 went bad after love and war, dumped it later. Only kids stayed with the game after that shitty update. Two years later, valve released an update that made sure the game died so I win :-)

.t bought the game in December 2007

And you will die not being able to achieve even half of what he has, cope harder.

It's a fact, TF2 is the best game ever created.

obviously b4nny has some sort of ego, but he’s a scumbag? how come?

the last TF2 thread died with two retards arguing for hours about if Scout takes luck or some shit, I can get why OP wanted to force it in here

I don't blame you, but I guess I should specify that when I say "I like the guy." I mainly mean that I enjoy seeing him win pubs and scrims while being cocky. Tough I've never met him in real life, I've spoken with him a few times on his stream and at other occasions, I understand why people consider him to be a dickhead, but I can't help and believe he's a good guy deep down, he just tends to get a little too "passionate" about unimportant things and lets the ego get to him. Seeing him suck his own cock on his frag videos is annoying, but having chill conversations with him can be nice, he gives out genuinely worthwile advice.

nah, it sucks

No, you.

It was better before all the inventory crap. Each class having one set of weapons and a clear role to play.

Competitive is 90% stock weapons.

Some games for sure but definitely not a movement shooter like TF2 or quake. You'd get queasy as fuck.

competitive is dead, just like the shitty game.



Pistol / Winger
Boston Basher / Atomizer


Stock / Direct Hit / Cowmangler
Shotgun / Gunboats
Escape plan / Market gardener


Stock / Iron bomber
Stock / Quickie
Bottle / Scottman's Skull Cutter


Crussader's crossbow
Stock / Kritzkrieg


Stock / Bazaar Bargain / Hitman's Heatmaker
Stock / Jarate / Razorback
Stock / Shahansha

I mean you're correct but it's probably closer to 40%

It's time

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he said competitive user