Let's have a Mega Man thread. Talk about opinions, favorites, least favorites, speculation etc...

Let's have a Mega Man thread. Talk about opinions, favorites, least favorites, speculation etc. Where should the series go? Will we get an X9? Battle Network collection?
I'll get us started: I think X1 and X2 are far above anything out of the Classic series, but I still prefer Classic on the whole.
And you?????????????????????

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Mega Man 7 and 8 is full of soul.

Mega Man 9 and 10 are dumb boomer nostalgiafag games who autistically shriek over the slide and charge shot.

MM9, X4 and X1 are my personal top 3, but if I'm being more objective X2 is better than X4.

7's okay, 8's underrated, no idea why 9 gets people butthurt, and 10's also alright.

I liked MM9 and 10, but I have to admit, I never quite understood why they went back on the slide and charge shot. It probably has to do with MM2 nostalgia pandering, but they are solid games. MM11 is more of a continuation of 7 and 8's style. Have you played it?
It's an unpopular opinion, but I have always preferred MM10 to MM9. It gets a lot of hate for its music, but I really liked it.
t. playing MM games since childhood

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why mega man the best videogame

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>download Genesis Mini rom of Wily Wars because it fixes the lag
>remember Wily Tower is locked until you beat all three games
Fuck me

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Tron Bonne is the only good female character in the entire series.

10's level design and special weapons weren't as memorable to me as 9's. It's fine, but aside from the triple blade I don't actively remember all that much about 10. All of 9's weapons and gimmicks really stuck with me, though.

9 is mostly fine, but I dislike the design choices that were made, namely the fact that everything had to be as close to MM2 as possible.


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Simple formula that effortlessly facilitates replays with its short runtime, stage select options, and variety of playstyles like buster only runs or no healing runs.

11 feels like the 9 I actually wanted

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Except the shitty soundtrack keeps it from being remembered fondly.

I didn't think it was all that close to 2. 2's actually one of my least favorite games in the series, there's nothing in 9 that bothers me as much as Boobeam Trap or the shitty final Wily boss, and as OP as some of its weapons are none of them are quite as busted as Metal Blades. 2 has its moments and established franchise standards but I feel like 9 is 2 but actually great.

11 was such a good return for the series. I beat it when it came out and only kind of felt it, but on repeat playthroughs, it really feels like it belongs with the rest of the series.
This, and marathoning the X or Classic series is a lot of fun.

as time marches on and vidya gaem gets more bad, the more i think about it Mega Man is maybe the most good

Experimentation within it has been hit or miss but it's one of the most consistent when it sticks to the script. It's a very pure series at its core, not unlike Umihara Kawase or Kirby.

I prefer the gameplay of MMX over classic, but both are great. X4 is one of my favorite games. That said, I love Legends a lot for a bunch of different reasons, but since it's a completely different genre than the standard formula I feel that making direct comparisons is kind of misguided. Same with BN and SF, even though I haven't played either of those too thoroughly.

Apparently a new, non-mobile, Mega Man game is in the works, but expect delays since someone at Capcom got Covid. There're cases to be made for a BN/SF and a Legends collection, but I'd wait at least a year for any news regarding one or the other.

Battle Network should've been an independent IP, unrelated to Mega Man.

I beat megaman

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Fight Mega Man! For everlasting Peace!

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Legends is great but yeah, it's an odd duck within the series.

I just beat it again the other day. It's... really janky :')
I probably won't play it again

I like 1's robot master stages but the Wily stages suck dick.

>World goes to hell 100 years later

I like 9 and 10, but I also think it's stupid that they cut the charge shot and slide.

inb4 the X8 defenders come in saying it's better than X5 or even as good as the SNES games

X8 is definitely better than X5 and almost as good as X3. You, and no one else, opened that can of worms.

X5 and X8 are better than 2 and 3

imagine being this guy

I dont have to imagine

Right. IMO it's not directly comparable with the rest of the games although it carries the series themes well enough to be a part of the series as a whole, as opposed to "it's Y genre with some Mega Man stuff."

Sometimes I think to myself "Mega Man X6 isn't that bad", and then I decide to play it again. Then I remember this stage exists.

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ez stage, just spam giga attack

X1 > X2 > X4 >>> X3 > X8 > X6 > X5 >>> X7

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X1 = X4 > X2 > X8 > X3 > X5 > X6 > Power Gap > X7


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Six is my favorite because it's the one I grew up with but most people seem lukewarm at best on it. I beat 1-4 during a megaman slog I did last winter but I still liked 6 more

Five bolts for this shit Roll? Seriously? Also, why do I have to buy the Energy Balancer in every game? Why can't I start the game with that shit as default like in MMX?

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My favourite from the classic series are 3, 4, 7 and 8.

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this is one of the most poorly designed boss fights in mega man history

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It isn't that bad if you're playing as X, but try playing the stage as Zero, especially if you already have most of the boss weapons.

It's also one of the easiest so who cares.

I like 6 a lot too. Jet Armor's one of my favorite powerups in the series as I'm a sucker for any hovering ability (also love Fourth Armor and Falcon Armor, latter of which is just Jet Armor 2.0) but I also like the branching paths that lead to extra boss fights. Underappreciated game.

Soundtrack was fire. The fuck you talking about?




>X7 higher than anything
Bold. Care to explain why? Personally I think it fails on all meaningful fronts as a video game in general, not just an X game. At least X5 and X6 still control well enough.

I beat that shit as unarmored X, literally get good
I remember thinking it was hard when I was a kid, now I have it memorized

Can you even memorize the donut in the vertical section? Isn't its movement randomized?

Just finished zero 3. Omega took me two full subtanks holy fuck. Thankfully zero 4 should be much easier IIRC.

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I hope you discovered the ludonarrative resonance of the buster effective to cheese omega with

didn't play X6 or X7 because they looked like ass.

Do later games ease up on the elf requirement? I'm playing Zero 1 and I used 2 elves to boost my health before I realized it fucked my rankings and now I can't score higher than 90 even if I nailed a flawless performance.

I honestly don't know. it's just muscle memory at this point.
I loved Zero as an edgy pre-teen. I played X6 so much as Zero I actually find it easier to do it with him instead of X.

Zero 4 is harder but not for good reasons.

Mega Man Rock n Roll is the best fan game and puts everything Capcom made to shame.
>energy balancer and exit at the start
>no shop so you have to git gud
>option to alter color temperature/saturation
>rush button and weapon switching from 11
>a devil fight that's actually fun

It might be a kick of nostalgia and that it was also it was my very first PS2 game. However, I recently played it a couple of months ago and I still enjoyed the gameplay overall. I also really like Axl and think he's a nice addition to the team.

X6 makes an absolutely abysmal first impression but it can be somewhat fun on replays if you know how to game it back. But make no mistake, game is fucking miserable to learn. X7 is...educational. Anyone who has any interest in designing 3D games ought to play it so they can know what not to do and have first hand experience as to why it shouldn't be done.

I suppose I can see that affecting one's perception of the game enough. I didn't play it until Legacy Collection 2 came out and my fucking God, what a train wreck. I beat it, but it's probably the worst time I've ever had beating a game.

Can we expect Bass and Protoman in Mega Man 12?

Yes. Z3 allows you to use 2 elves for free, Z4 has this level up system where you can use up some points (you'll see it them) of elves for free depending on how many bosses you've beaten.

Gonna give this a shot right now. Not even gonna look up gameplay or anything. Hopefully it's nice, user!

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There are purists that don't want the energy balancer at the start. I'm not speaking personally, but you have to accommodate them

>Inti Creates worked on Mega Man, made a series where cute characters get fucked up and/or killed
>Made In Abyss is an anime series where cute characters get fucked up and/or killed

so when will Inti Creates make a Made In Abyss 2d sidescroller game?

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Whoops, slightly misspoke. Not how many bosses you've beaten, but there's this whole system between putting points in to level the no-rank-penalty cap, and then the actual cap enforced by number of beaten bosses.

in general a Made In Abyss game would be appreciated.

I hear that, user. It's not like I'm out hear advocating for people to drop what they are doing and play because it's spectacular. I just had more fun with it than a couple other games in the series. I would totally understand why someone would rank it at the bottom or call it the worst out of the entire series.

Huh. So still SOL on 2, then? I mean, whatever but it's kind of dumb to make such an in-depth mechanic and then punish players for exploring it.

What's a not so obvious change the series has made that you consider a complete step backwards?

Can you word the question again in first world English please?