>Protagonist is a gary stu that can't do anything wrong
>Instantly masters everything
>Everyone hates him because he is flawless
>Everyone hates the game in general because it's popular
>Hating popular things doesn't make you unique
Protagonist is a gary stu that can't do anything wrong
this is a videogame board take your dead genre fiction to reddit
>Dead genre fiction to reddit
Get a load of mister "I read nonfiction and philosophy books" over here. How hilarious.
And the second book is ever worse.
its dead because that hack ass author is never going to release the third book you fucking stupid cunt
I liked the worldbuilding but I had a distinct feeling that book was going fucking nowhere 60% through.
I was right.
Then I found out the series is never going to be finished.
Also the protag constantly does shit wrong he is just supposed to be SUPER DUPER SMART but he's basically just an autist.
>Third book will never be released
Kind of feels bad. He's like a worse version of G.R.R.M who takes like 10 years to release one book.
Is this the literal cuckold book?
Most people who hated the series, specifically didn't like the MC because he is a perfectionism or tries to be flawless and the author writes him as such. He's very cocky and sees himself as superior to everyone around him. In the first book he excels quickly in his studies and even gets accepted in the super secret class that only like two people have ever been accepted into or some shit. He corrects everyone around him.
Yeah but it's to balance out that he is an annoying arrogant twat and literally has no social skills aside from drinking.
When I got to the end of the second book, my first thought was: There's no fucking way this dude is gonna wrap the story up by the third book. After that I read some interviews where he assured everyone that he would, and that the book was going to be released soon-ish.
That was in 2012.
I liked the world building in the first book, the second book made it worse because he was bedding women left it right for no goddamn logical sense.
Most fans of the series stopped expecting the third book years ago. I usually tell people who just finished reading the books that they should stop hoping for the third book and move on to another series. There are plenty of other popular fictional/fantasy series that have been completed already, and at least you can read the entire series.
Also became a kung-fu master in 2 months or so. And broke all the magic "rules" previously settled. Is like a bad visual novel but worse.
>Also became a kung-fu master in two months
This is why like 95% of the people who read the book can't stand the MC. The author writes him to be basically superhuman who can do incredible things quickly and without much effort. There is no sense of training or working hard to achieve great results. But when you write your MC to be infallible right off the bat then you basically are telling the reader "Yeah, this guy can do it all and I don't give a fuck what you think."
This was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I don't read/watch things that aren't finished anymore. Not that this was a particularly good series to begin with, but I like to be thorough with the things I read.
i hope the author stopped giving a shit after writing the second book like i stopped giving a shit after reading it. it'd be nice to know that we went through that psychological development together. i fucking hate books now.
Everyone who reads this book and thinks that kvothe is a gary stu fundamentally does not understand the idea of an unreliable narrator
hes fucking LYING to the scribe kid, you spergs are just too stupid to remember he exists
>cant do anything wrong
>constantly fucks up everything he does and has to fix it
i dont think you actually read these shit books. if you are going to complain about them, at least be honest
I read the book but I guess you and I don't see the MC in the same light. He might fuck up a lot but he fixes things in an obnoxious and immature way. People who hated the MC complained about his overall character. Does he fuck up? Yes, but it's the way he fucks up and the way he fixes things.
It's not good writing, at least not for an MC.
Go to bed, Rothfuss or finish the fucking third book you fat fuck.
>is supposed to be a shit book
Fuck off Rothfuss, your novel sucks.
>it's okay that the vast majority of the book is bad, it's narrative framing!
ah i see what you mean. yeah he constantly does dumb shit, then bs his way into making his situation better each time. the only thing that has kept me interested is him running the inn with that goat faerie guy, all the other bs is just that, bs
I liked the books a lot and I think Kvothe is a Gary Stu, but
I thought Kvothe lost in his last battle and basically cheated with the sword tree by calling the name of the wind or some shit like that. I haven't read WMF in a long ass time, but I remember the end of the shitty Ademre arc as Kvothe being way too cocky, getting his shit kicked in, stopping the wind or some shit to get passed the sword tree and then pissing everyone off enough to get him kicked out.
He's a horny virgin at the beginning of the book and although I think that Kvothe banging a bunch of chicks fits his character, it was pretty damn cringy imagining old Pat writing about that shit and Kote sitting in his tavern basically bragging about his past sexual experiences to a total stranger for a biography.
the book is a comedy, he willl be proven to be a complete fraud
It was fun at first when he was some sort of autistic D&D bard with good stats, and I won't mind if he's also a prodigy with that names magic (a bit gary stu, but I could tolerate that). It went to shit when he's also Russia's greatest love machine and Jackie Chan holding a baby in a furniture store.
>he willl be proven to be a complete fraud
I thought the book wasn't autobiographic.
christ, imagine unironically reading books
the book is an innkeeper telling his story to some writer. the entire thing could be bullshit, we wont know until the last book
The book mentions multiple times that Kvothe has no reason to lie to Chronicler about the story and that Kvothe wants the story to be completely accurate, but it also mentions several times that Kvothe is a bullshitter and intentionally spreads rumors and misinformation about himself in order to make a name for himself.
Either way Pat writes it, he has to decide between either Kvothe being a real Gary Stu or leading everyone on for 3 books while in reality he's just a fake. Pat has constantly said he hates when authors lie to the readers and intentionally lead them on, so I'm inclined to think that Kvothe is really just a Gary Stu and the unreliable narrator thing is just a coping mechanism for fanboys. I'd rate NotW as one of my top favorites, but i still hate how Kvothe is a Gary Stu and he's one of my least favorite characters in fantasy literature after probably the first half of the book.
This 2bh, literally nothing gayer than literacy
So far his furry friend said he's a gary stu and he killed the allegedly strong as fuck bug-things. So he might be exaggerating a bit but that's all.
Pretty sure his "student" points out that Kvothe makes shit up because the one woman he constantly pines for is NOT the most beautiful woman in the world nor is her character that "pure" or nice.
yeah but physical and sexual attraction is probably the most subjective thing in the entire universe. I wouldn't put it passed Pat to use cheap shit like this to say "See, i gave you all hints that he was bullshitting the whole time!"
Honestly I hope Pat pulls it off and makes everything work in the 3rd book because I love his writing style and the world he built, but I don't see how it's possible after WMF. Kvothe being a fake is the only way I'll ever like that character, but that'll make me lose a lot of respect for the overall story unless it isn't done in a super cheap ass way.
>main character orbits some whore
>has a qt thrift shop owner that wants his hog, but he wants none of her thottery
>is friends with some shmuck, instead of cousin to a king
kvothe is a retard
Ah right, I forgot about the beta-orbiter logic in that shit. Jesus.
Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss? More like Name of the Simp: Patrick Rothfuss, lol
I can empathise with the self-insert problem. I'm working on isekai trash and my idea behind it would be that a camp counselor with a bunch of high-schoolers go into a fantasy world. And everyone except the counselor gets special powers, but it eventually corrupts them.
>edgy el hazard
0/10, will not read.
I read about 100 pages of this juvenile trash before tossing it. I'd rather read harry potter fan fiction. Absolute waste of time.
>el hazard
thats a name i havnet heard in a long time....a long time
Can't imagine it being worse than sword of truth series. I don't know why I even read so many of the books. The writing is terrible and the protag was obviously a self insert for the author who always seemed to enjoy spewing out his beliefs on everything under the sun. The girl was pretty bad too with her bullshit mind slave power.
"He beats her, you know."
There is some speculation that Master Ash is Bredon, and that sly remark which is intended to sound like Master Ash physically beating Denna is actually alluding to Bredon beating Denna at the game of Tak.
sunk cost fallacy. i read too many of the sword of truth garbage. i finally stopped at a book where some guy poisoned richard, and every 2 seconds he had to tell him how much more good he and his people were then richard and everyone else. my god those books were such shit
>>has a qt thrift shop owner that wants his hog, but he wants none of her thottery
She wants access to the archives and hopes that fucking him senseless will persuade him to tell her the secret entrance.
>limps back to his house with cum falling out of all orifices
Shes all yours bro.
I liked the first book, it was a turn your brain off and enjoy. The second one though, jesus christ one of the worst things ive read
Anyone got a opinion on Wheel of Time? I'm halfway through the first book and having a good time but god damn are some of the women garbage. This author was fucking redpilled as fuck.
oh fuck you form remembering I'll never get the third book
what's the matter with the number 3 anyway? I personally like it and I think that triangles are really cool
my favorite book series. im dreading what amazon is going to do to the tv show. the author volunteered for a second tour in nam so he could mow down more VC from his helicopter.
I recently discovered that the Anita Blake novels are still going. I've been catching up on audiobook. I'm up to Affliction (book 20 or whatever) and I'm getting tired of page after page of Anita getting railed by male wereanimals. She has this black tiger chick that basically hangs on her every word and so far there's been a half paragraph mention that they've been sleeping together for a year. You'd think we'd have gotten a sex scene, but nooooo, that would get in the way of another sixty pages Anita fucking dudes. This is a STRONGLY recurring pattern in this kind of fiction which is clearly aimed at women. The Sookie Stackhouse novels were the same.
>Sultry vampiress pulls her in for a kiss.
>I'm totally not gay, BTW, readers. Her soft lips brushed against mine and I pulled back.
>Suddenly my two dreamboat lovers walked in. Both male. Usually one would be a vampire and one a werewolf because genre tropes, but they're both vampires in this increasingly off the rails novel series that spawned an even shittier TV show.
why are you reading young adult novels for teen girls, user?
I'm reading it too and I'm not enjoying it. I guess mainstream fantasy just isn't for me.
>Second game starts with the protag glossing over his epic, high stakes sea-faring adventure alongside his dealings with Foreign Nobility and bedding a princess.
>Spends the rest the game fucking a witch/doing fuck all.
Wow, totally not a waste of time.
What kind of books you into? Favorite book? maybe I can recommend something since I've read a shit ton of fantasy.
Anita Blake went really downhill, but they directly inspired the Harry Dresden series, which is still kino.
The Anita Blake novels are not young adult novels in any sense of the word. They were originally crime/detective novels. Then they started turning into badly written erotica after about book 9.
>harry dresden
where my /dresdenfiles/ lads at? we getting 2 books this year
I've read the first and loved it. Friend told me its the worst one but I thought it was funny and pushed the plot forward very well.
There's been 2 books that i've ever thrown against the wall and raged on amazon reviews. This is one of them. gary stu is correct but worse, it's a self-insert power fantasy for Rothfuss. I don't think I've ever seen or read anything like this kind of self-masturbation before. I recommend every aspiring writer or even veteren author to read this book. Find it, read it, asap.
The first book is basically an intentional satire of the genre written to prove how rote and formulaic detective fiction is. Except it actually turned out to be one of the better examples of the urban fantasy detective genre.
i really enjoy the dresden files, there is only 1 i actively dislike, he is working on the set of a porno for reasons, and the entire book is kind of a drag, but after that the books really get going, id recommend finishing them
I feel like such a goddamned contrarian when fantasy fans keep recommending me this. I actually loved the prose, but don't know if I've ever hated a protagonist quite as quickly as I did Kvothe.
It's the usual problem I have with a lot of bland hyper-competent fantasy protagonists but dialed up to a comical degree.
Popular games get more hate because they're always in the limelight and end up drawing out the people who complain that it was over-hyped.
A character being overtly competent can actually be an interesting theme, but you have to do more with it than build the narrative up to jerk him off.
I really didn't expect much going in and just thought hard boiled detective wizard sounded fun. Turns out his worldbuilding, characters, and humor is great. I heard it gets more serious Changes so I will at least read to that.
The First Law and asoiaf are probably the only fantasy novels I've read in the past few years that don't feature a central protagonist that makes me regret reading every page they're on.
protip: never start a book series that is unfinished because many writers are assholes who stop caring if they get rich
Harry Dresden is starting to lean into some JJ mystery box nonsense that might blow up if his face if the payoff sucks. For example, the identity of Cowl and Kumori.
Also, there was that incident where Harry built a model of Chicago to perform a tracking spell or something like that, and he made a fatal error in the model that Bob doesn't discover until later. The problem is that someone else came into the apartment and went down into his basement, and altered the model so it wouldn't explode and kill Harry. The identity of this party is unknown. If you keep laying on mysteries, they can eventually backfire.
I've learned most fantasy readers just want wish fulfillment and put themselves into super awesome characters who always do the right thing and are great at everything they do the first time. I'm honestly sick of it.
Why do so many fantasy authors fucking suck at writing women?
A lot of the Aes Sedai are absolute cunts for no reason. I believe book 4 or 5 they really get put in their place, and it's so gratifying.
Do you really need this answered?
Nobody really cares if videogame protagonists are flawless and superhuman, it's not like having a decent story matters in a videogame.
It's not like a book, where you're forced inside their head to deal with their inane view on everything and get none of the catharsis of their actions.
Some of the female characters I can at least understand where they are coming from but I was fucking pissed when they left Rand with his dying father at the doorway and just said sorry. Also Egwyn is trash.
glokta is probably my favorite character ive ever read
Why on earth wasn't the first book of the new set released ages ago if he has two books ready to go this year? Or this really a giant book he's cut in half?