Western remake

>Western remake
>Actual remake that stays faithful to the original in terms of narrative, only upgrading visuals and smoothing out technical hiccups the original might have had

>Japanese remake
>Changes narrative moments or even the entire narrative at a whim. Barely recognizable as the same game

Defend that, weebs.

Attached: reignited.jpg (3840x2160, 1.06M)

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Fuck off, you say that westerners aren't guilty of what the Japs have done.

Attached: file.png (302x332, 299.89K)


Attached: xtsMU9FAkPDnD6paKTuiVn.jpg (1920x1080, 634.79K)

What are you implying here? As shit as WC III Reforged is, the narrative is intact.

What did they change about the narrative?

I fucking hate video games

Spyro remake isn't flawless.
There are many details that newer players won't notice but for people who really loved the original games stand out like a sore thumb.

Attached: 1574831580358.png (709x652, 333.17K)

>western remake
>mindless/soulless graphics update

>japanese remake
>creative soulful re-imagining


Both are trash.
Better to play gacha and mobile games.

not defending this game, but didn't they say from the start that it was a "reimagining" more than a remake?