Game 1

>Game 1
An interesting concept with an ultimately half-baked/rushed/low budget execution that is held aloft just barely by its uniqueness
>Game 2
A direct upgrade from game 1. A full realization of game 1's concepts now fully fleshed out and expanded upon
>Game 3
The standard and quality of game 2, but loaded with more content. Less exciting than the tremendous leap from Game 1 to 2, but enjoyable nonetheless.
>Game 4
The series has become comfortable and formulaic and Game 4 is yet another refinement of Game 2, with so much content now that it becomes overbearing and distracting
>Game 5: Reboot
Game strips the fat and changes up systems, but ultimately never lives up to the magic of it's fully realized second incarnation

What's her name, Yas Forums?

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far cry


Post girls with elephants


White animals fuck women, cope



too many words didn't read desu

here's a better one

game 1
>generally considered best overall, but archaic and rough with some faults
game 2
>tons of new features and mechanics, but at the same time buggy and rushed
game 3
>highly marketed big money product that plays things very safe, and ultimately suffers from that

name it

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Shame she's ugly

Dark souls. Pretty obvious.

Where would u unironically find beastiality porn? I know an easy source for cp but never anything more

Kill yourself incel.

What's wrong with drinking horse milk. You drink it from a cow and goat. Same crap


Baby elephants look fake

true but it could also be halo

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are you referring to the canadian version were they help the person film?

>animals fuck animals
I fail to see the problem here.

hoping this is just some honeypot shit

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Uncharted to a fucking T

absolutely based.

Dragon Age


>game 1
A spiritual succesor to a beloved franchise while not as mechanically sound as the best games as it's predecessor is still solid in it's own right.
>game 2
A very flawed game that tanks.
>game 3
The swan song of the series that manages to put a very nice end to the story and the development of the main character and gameplay that equals if not surpasses the peak of it's predecessor, but the damage has already been done and the series is dead forever.
Atleast it had a nice ending.

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First four is Megaman.

>baby elephant getting more action with real women (and probably anime women too) than most of this board
how will you incels ever recover from this?

Why are elephants so cute?

user you know you could probably Google some right

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Can't believe nobody has said Assassin's Creed

I feel no shame when I admit I cannot compete with a baby elephant.

Prince of Persia?

Aren't baby elephants fucking heavy?

If you leave out the final one this could apply to Just Cause

Yeah, he legit could've broken her neck. Not sure why she didn't even attempt to move or get away

a pretty unremarkable rpg with an emphasis on combat and a charming satirical backdrop
>Game 1.5
a boring retread of the first game with one major gameplay change that doesn't really go anywhere
>Game 2
shifts the genre a little while retaining the same continuity and tone, generally considered a step down and is ultimately forgettable
>Game: Spinoff
shifts the genre even further and introduces a colourful cast of characters trapped in a terrible, boring gameplay loop
>Game: Subtitle
goes back to the series' roots and refines the systems present in Game and Game 1.5, generally considered to be a massive improvement that brought the series into the eye of the mainstream
>Game: Subtitle 2
a further refinement of the previous game and seems to be considered the peak of the series so far

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Only on the dark web m8 I saw top 10 scary [real] dark web stories and it seems like the place to go

Megaman starforce.

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Mario Party

because she wanted that big elephant cock

I would pay to lick her feet clean

Neptunia was never good and I literally bought the remake of 1 and played it to 100% completion just so I can tell you faggots that it's not good.

I think this is street fighter

Flawed but unique take and spin-off of a much larger franchise. Ultimately didn't get as much attention as it deserved.
>Game 2
Still treading as a spin-off title for it's more popular and older main franchise it brings another unique dialect and continuity.
>Game 3
After being scrapped in development at least 3 times it declares itself it's own property and begins to diverge far enough away from it's main franchise that it becomes it's own thing. Ultimately this is where the franchise peaked and the developer pretty much coasted off of the commercial success of this title for the rest of it's life.
>Game 4
Very flawed but lovable game. Brought it up to the extreme mainstream and unfortunately ruined the community forever due to normies.
>Game 5
Attempted to step back in with it's older brother with mechanics that Game 3 got rid of but failed spectacularly in almost every regard besides it's character design.

Guess the franchise.


I know the answer but I just want to say how shitty your opinion is


3 > 4 = 2 > 5 > 1
Try to argue with me.

You think it’s Halo, but you’re wrong because 3 is the best one.

RTS edition
Game 1
>original is an RTS classic with lots of visible strategies and strategic flexibility
Later games
>not perfect but still good
>not the best balance and players start using meta gaming because its most efficient
Recent games
>Devs start stripping out entire layers of strategy because players dont use them due to afromentioned metagaming, and devs cant be bothered to properly balance the game
>game is reduced to a very flashy point and click, select all units and click one enemy unit and then win,
>this is the most popular of the entire series because it appeals to brainlets
>series keep devolving untill its just a high budget clash of clans

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Based. P3 is the best persona

Name the trilogy
game 1
>is reguarded as a classic for the most part
Game 2
>its debatable if its batter then game 1, but its reguarded as good
Game 3
>game is a fucking masterpiece
>it has flaws but the game has the most soul that has ever been put into a single game, the devs put more effort into a 2 minute advertisement then the next top devs can be bothered to put into their whole game
>its so successful that it ruins the "AAA" market for a decade as the other devs desperately try to recreate the hype and chase its coat tails
Game 4
>game is fine, no way it could live up to game 3 but its popular enough
Game 5
>all the original devs are gone and the game is an absolute shitty mess that nobody gives a fuck about

look on your mom's facebook account

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>game 1 is good, a game nobody saw coming and became a staple over night
>game 2 is good, it better in some ways then game 1
>game 3 is an absolute shitshow and the company hets closed

would that babby elephant be able to crush her?
I mean, he looks pretty chunky

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Are elephants the new horses?

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I was reading this thinking of Halo but yep you got it man

>because 3 is the best one.
Spotted the zoomer born after 1996.

Novel idea with a fun if not slightly dated combat system.
>Game: Subtitle
Mobile spin-off that furthers the plot with a very different combat system.
>Game 2
Best game in the franchise, perfects what 1 set up, and the plot isn't super confusing despite continuing from the spin-off.
>Game: Subtitle(2)
Another mobile spin-off, different (but still somewhat similar) combat system, tells a story from before Game 1.
>Game: Subtitle(3)
ANOTHER mobile spin-off that tells a story that barely matters to the franchise as a whole, similar combat to Subtitle(2)
>Game 3D: Subtitle(4)
Yet another mobile spin-off, follows the story directly from Game 2, same combat system as Subtitle(2), very important lore involved.
>Game: Subtitle(5)
Game made for fucking phones, tells a story from so long ago it shouldn't even matter to the actual Game plot. It still does. Normal mobage gameplay (shit).
>Game: 1.5 Remix
>Game: 2.5 Remix
>Game 1.5+2.5 Remix
>Game: 2.8 (with Game: Subtitle[2] 0.2)
Shameless rereleases within rereleases, 0.2 furthers Subtitle(2)'s plot and is essentially a tech demo, return to Game 2's combat system.
>Game 3
Follows plot directly after Subtitle(5) with very little mention of what happened within. Combat similar to Game 2, yet slightly worse. Plot paced horribly with everything happening in last 2 hours.
>Game 3 DLC
Fixes combat (mostly), fixes plot (not really), at least adds good boss fights.
And no I'm not counting the Japan-only FMs.
I hate this franchise.

Halo though the description for 4 and 5 is off to me.
>the devs put more effort into a 2 minute advertisement then the next top devs can be bothered to put into their whole game
Hell yeah, love those videos.

I don't know I'd have a tough time watching quiet get fucked by an elephant

>Game 1
>game 2
>game 3
>spinoff 2
>game 4
>game 1
>game 5

>first game is good
>second game is debatable , good more or less
>third game is atrocious
>fourth game is such a disaster that it becomes a meme and gets the company closed

>I know an easy source for cp but never anything more

sure kid

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