Quake Champions has no hot ch-

>Quake Champions has no hot ch-

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whos the guy in the middle
i don't keep up with QC

great thread
gonna hide it tho sorry

that thing is gross, her outfit is awful, her face isn't great, and that haircut is absolutely atrocious and belongs back in the past with sexually abused 2000s emo girls who listened to MCR

He's the Slipgate Marine aka Quake guy.

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i actually assumed he was some sort of new character

is Quake Champions fun?

yes and no


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Yes. Surprisingly the abilities aren't as big of a problem as one would expect.

I just want more skins bros

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Imagine thinking any of that garbage in op is better than this

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nice of you to consider players' anonymity! now do yourself the same favor.

imagine hugging that big tail while pounding that big, cold blooded pussy

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>a tripcode is the same thing as your real name
I don't think so Jim

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Trent Reznor voice pack for Ranger when

thanks doc

Have they added the doom eternal outfit? If not that’s a very bad sign.

Looks like ranger with some shitty skin

Fucking hate this anglojew tripfag.

You can make him even better

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thanks doc

game has been dead for like 3 years at this point, speaks for itself

>complex objectives.
fuck all that.

spoonfeed me Yas Forums, what's the best way to play quake in 2020 and im not talking about this hero garbage that's champions

or any arena shooter honestly

BR fags fuck off

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Quake Live probably. You'll be up against elder basement goblins who've been doing nothing but playing quake for over 20 years though.

Git Gud

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actually has more players now than any time since 2018. used to be proper dead but now has been upgraded to undead. clan arena brought a fair few people back and i'm never queueing for more than a minute or two.

it's by far the best AFPS, people who bitch about the abilities haven't played it since 2018 and don't realise how balanced it is now. rapha himself has said he'd massively miss the champion system if it was removed at this point.

just don't go on the subreddit, it's literally run by people who hate QC and actively brigade for its failure.

the champions are decent. you have a couple of noob friendly nuke champions by they are actually competitively the weakest, while those with great movement options (slash and her slide, athena with her grapple, anarki with his CPMA movement) are all the strongest.

at this point the only people complaining are just the exact type of whining LARPers who use any minute infringement upon their AFPS purity test as an excuse not to play a game they were never going to be good at anyway.

I'm really enjoying Clan Arena it's basically the CS round system.

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When are they going to make it where keels grenades detonate if you walk on them

Filthy human meat has good fashion sense; you shall be stroggified instead of processed.

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rapha bitches about this game every time he plays it. It actually made me stop playing this game

>letting literal who e-celebs decide your tastes

Nah b

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so 600 players. 400 of which are waiting for diabotical open beta

>not playing something because someone else bitches about it

nah son, he just knows what should happen and what shouldn't, and he calls out all the problems. they are real

>400 of which are waiting for diabotical open beta

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Sounds like a deep lust for that authority dick.

you treat your employees like this?

when did you last watch his stream? dude's loving it these days, playing the best quake of his life by his own account.

the last thing he was bitching about was that there WEREN'T abilities in clan arena.

if i wanted to play hero bullshit id play other more successful clones of the genre than """quake""" champions

had 2k online couple of days ago. not exactly flying but double the peaks of last year.

diabotical is in a sorry state and it's only being latched onto like a liferaft. all the hype had been deflated out of it by the end of the second weekend of closed beta. strangely enough it barely effected quake's numbers when it was in beta.

Isn't it funny how the people who don't even play the games make the most noise? This game is as "Hero ability" as Halo 3.

ew a tripfag who's also an OP

you could just play quake live with the 12 other people who still want to just play quake live. or wait for diabotical for the whole month that it will be populated before it goes the way of warfork/reflex/toxik and every other soulless, cheap q3 imitation.

QC tries new things and it was a struggle at first but its genuinely succeeded in making AFPS more varied and interesting. the main bitching circles are russians who demand 120fps on their pentium III, aspies who get triggered by any slight deviation from the Q3 formula and 2GD's shill army who get personally offended by anyone enjoying QC.

The people in game are generally all really chill as a result.

a couple weeks ago or close to that? but yeah the abilities part is whatever cause its been watered down to the point that it might as well not even be there, but the engine is constant problems and there is no content

Everyone will "Git Gud" when Id manages to make the engine for QC "Gud".

they can't, they don't own it. it needs to be remade. hopefully they are doing that

last time I played QC I was called a gay nigger, hella chill bro

Liked the game but it ran like fucking shit on my toaster and the loading time was gigantic.

they just added clan arena and some doom based gimmick mode, new maps are coming in june. that's TDM, FFA, CA, instagib, hot rockets, holy trinity, rip and tear, sacrifice, CTF and duel + duos as the modes. that's a shitload of modes for a pretty small player pool. not enough people to fill them all as is.

they've been slacking on maps by like i said, they're coming in june.

the "engine" problems is another sign of the LARPer who will inevitably parrot shit that was fixed months/years ago like the dodgy hitboxes or iffy netcode. they just did a big optimisation pass that massively cut down on texture memory requirements and pretty much elimated the stuttering. this is all while getting the different types of movement and weapon feel absolutely dead on, which is the hardest part of an AFPS (and something DBT is massively struggling with).

The abilites are exactly as they should be. Powerful in the right hands if used properly, but not an overpowered win button. How can you say with a straight face that shit like Athena's grapples "might aswell not be there", completely changes how the character is played.

Works on my machine :)

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ok adam calm down, can't they put you on doom MP or something?

ignore him. he's probably just your standard issue "i used to be good at AFPS once" grandpa who thinks all his problems are due to engine/balance/netcode/design instead of his alzheimer wrists better suited for match 3 games.

Best Waifu

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I just know what is shit and isn't, no big deal, take it easy bros, catch ya around

I like how most noob players can't even pull off the tips in the loading screens. This game is one of the best pleb filters.

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>i know a game is good when i don't constantly fail to live up to my own unrealistic standards of how much ability i have.

....it..it...it's the "engine"

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yas Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

It always amazes me that arenafags always seem to have this extremely specific coding knowledge that is literally only applied to shitting on the games made for them.

>they've been slacking on maps by like i said, they're coming in june
Got a source? I want to believe you but I require proof since this is Thinkerror we're dealing with.

yeah, but why is quake live better?