post irl boss fights
Post irl boss fights
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>When you write a 5 paragraph post completely shutting down user's arguments and he just responds with a laughing anime girl
I haven't forgotten and what scares me is that it would likely pass if attempted today.
You just know.
Totally forgot about this
And some people pay good money for these rapists of the seas.
I don't want to fuck any obese people regardless of color.
commies btfo
The real Dr. Mobius
lmao. so much testosterone raging through all of them, and yet the two sons still have a 50% chance of becoming massive weebs.
>that fucking camera flash
someone got a promotion
>So you've come at last, for my McNuggies
Why does this image infuriate me?
lmao i love it when niggers try so hard to look smart that they make themselves look dumber than anyone around them
why is that?
aesthetic as fuck
that brown girl looks sexy as fuck desu
The slice of bread spreading crumbs everywhere is what triggers me.
Enemy has summons
this is fucking insanely unreal
>he doesn't know
that and the bit of the crust in his shirt. it gets worse the longer you look at it
>shitty hentai vn
>the guy isn’t a disgusting neckbeard
A shame that this commie faggot was actually more nationalistic than the so called "nationalists" in Japan at the time. He actually wanted Japan to be independent and not become a vassal state for the US.
1961 photo of the year
>"From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck.
Truth is...the game was rigged from the start."
>when the MC is an anti-hero and has to fight the true hero
worse, hes a scrawny disgusting soiboi
But it was a boss fight.
I know hoop apes tend to be weebs, but hunger apes doesnt.
I-is he ok?
Jah'Stein, the Split
i still love and feel terrible simultaneously about the guy in top left.
>dolphin getting closer to a vagina than 99% of this board
how will incels ever recover?
>my feet hurt
>too many old hags
>i wish i was at home with my cunny
I would have sex with him, but only if maidplay was involved
no such thing as communist nationalism
Some user in another thread said it was chinks fucking up again
was he ok
You just know
>Epic nigger
Always gets me
lmao what a bunch of faggots. They were only sticking around hoping the retard would do something to the bitch so they could snare white knight points
Look at these retards. Inb4 plastic leaches into the bottles and the food goes bad.
Did she died?
wasn't there a story about a dolphin and his handler having sex in secret for a while? I'm sure it's actually happened a bunch of times nobody ever knew about it but that one time
Sorry I dont like the smell of fish
It's for bartering you smooth brain.
This, if you need more than 2 weeks' worth of food/water, things are fucked to the point where having rice-a-roni is the least of your concerns. Self-sustaining farm territory
>communist nationalism
It's a thing in Asia. The Vietnamese didn't give a shit about Communism. They just supported the side against literal foreign invaders. Why do you think the Chinese and Russians would eventually hate eachother despite being both Communist?
Marvel vs Capcom 2
>irl boss fights
for this board of incels? losing virginity
Bartering with who? For what? If collapse gets to the point where we're back to bartering over shit, the world is done... not much will be left worth fighting over. I would gladly off myself if it ever gets to that point
"these retards"? its one guy. two of them have the same gun and mask lol
Happens all the time dude. Theres so much hidden dolphin trainer porn out there
is the the dick flattening girl?
you're retarded lol
no, she straps you up to a milking machine
Hoarding bottled water is retarded because if it ever comes to a point where you actually need to use it you might as well dig yourself a well. A single person would drink and entire case in a few days let alone using it for other things.
>I would gladly off myself
user, you were bound to that regardless. You've been harboring suicidal thoughts for some time.
nah couldn't be
>he doesn't know
Incel btfo
Why's that?
Looked it up. It's not real, unfortunately.