Do guys really not see any issue living like this?

do guys really not see any issue living like this?

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Someone post it


>im so rich i can afford a ps4 with one game
fuck off, op, we don't care about your shameless bragging.

I suppose he could use a better chair but some people find those ones comfortable. What else could you possibly complain about?

The only problem is the chair, Replace it with a comfy loafer, love seat, or couch and it is great.

What's wrong with it? I live alone and adding crap I won't be using is retarded

Reminds me of that scene from True Detective where Cohle says Rust looks like he jacks off to murder pictures.

hahahaha reddit funny xd

I like the fancy chair.

do women really not see any issue living?
just off yourself you useless cunts lmao.

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This room sparks joy

You could at least buy a better chair.

Tell us what's wrong with it.

Of course I do. Luckily I don't play meme games.

just get a couch off the street

hello? incel department?

past a certain point, a man who lives like this can be a bad thing

>Yas Forums in 2020 has sunk so damn low that it's now stealing content from 9gag
Just nuke this board already, it's beyond saving.

Of course, which is why true patricians live like this.

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Depends. Is that the start or the end? If the latter, it's a bit empty.

Where's the live, laugh, love hanging?

>not having already seen this over the last two and a half years and taking the picture as a prompt for discussion instead of straight content
Wave hi to your reddit friends on the way out.


it's been so long i forgot they were still here

If you know you're staying in your place for over a year, and you don't furnish it -- you're disgusting. This is my place, taken a couple weeks ago. Avocados in the corner are even bigger now.

And no, "gamer memoribilia" isn't furnishing a place. If you have a shitty dollar store fake-glass cabinet for your merch, but don't have an actual book case filled with literature and text books, you're a manchild.

I can give you plenty of tips on how to easily, and inexpensively, spruce your place up. The easiest tip is to get plants. Sounds like a meme but it makes a huge difference. Just get some easy to take care plants. Not memey succulents, either. There are plenty of leafy green plants that will grow well and give you some wonderful O2 to breathe.

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Of course i see. A fucking soapfactoury instead of proper PC is fucking gross.

just missing a coffee table with an electric kettle and tea bags

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this is fucking disgusting
dude doesn't even have a second chair for co-op

>get better chair
>1 table
that's it

Why do you have dried cum on your tv shelf?

>desk is literally bending
>having visible cables

holy fuck, do you even respect yourself?

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Looks like a cluttered mess.

Unfortunately that happened when the movers brought my furniture in. You can see it whenever there is a glare. I'll probably have to repaint.

>literature and text books
Why the fuck would I have that when the PDFs are on my phone, tablet, and PC? Also, I'm done with university, so I sold my textbooks. I'm not in the practice of wasting money for pointless aesthetic.

>not having your bro sit on your lap

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It's not worth it if you're never gonna have anyone over IMO. The last place I lived at was too far away for most people I know to visit me, so I just got bare essentials and lived like OP (didn't even have a couch) for two years until I moved to my current place.

Was there ever any background to this or are we just left to imagine what is going on?

do guys really not see any issue living like THIS?

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I have a bookcase, filled with tons of literature.
its all fiction novels and manga
still counts motherfucker.


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>cluttered with shit you don't use or need
You do it for social validation.

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>renting a 1 room apartment with fridge, oven and electricity included
>have a desk, office chair, desktop computer, queen sized mattress on the floor and an air conditioner
>have the cable guy over to install internet
>snidely remarks "sure is important having an air conditioner when you don't even have furniture"
>father always giving me shit for not having a sofa and tv + cable
>mother in law always giving me shit for not having decorations

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I really don't get this mentality among girls.
>place is clean
>things look taken care of
>clean kitchen with what looks like a empty fruit bowl and a water bottle
I don't understand the point of filling your house with pointless knickknacks to nail to the wall. Sure, he could use a couch or another chair but maybe he's like me and lives away from the city / suburbs from the city, so it's easier to just go to people's places instead.

From who? And why do I need that.

Nice setup but it's missing the Xbox and bookshelf.

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But your morale and general happiness would likely improve to have a functional space. A well stocked kitchen with proper gear; a couch to lounge; a table to eat at; art work and pictures to hang; artifacts you've brought home from your travels.

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>why do I need that.
This is what I ask you

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are you actually this retarded

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Personally I don't want to live like that, but I won't hold it against a man for living that way.

I would suggest that they re-examine themselves. Have some nice furniture to sit upon or set your things can be pleasant and do wonders for your morale.

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who the fuck wear swimming trunks unless youre actually going to go swimming, at the beach, pool, or amusement part (with a water section) area? like god damn

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yea, that chair would be horrible for your back.

But, why?

I've wasted 400 bucks on various office chairs that have broken after a few months of (heavy) usage. Pulled some piece of shit out of the dumpster and covered it in a blanket, hasn't failed me. Fuck office chairs.

>well stocked kitchen with proper gear
I don't really care for cooking, and besides that I had things like pots and pans to make food anyway, so I don't really get what you're going for here
>a couch to lounge
I usually just used my bed for that
>a table to eat at
I ate at the table where my computer was at
>art work and pictures to hang
you don't really need those if you just play vidya or do stuff on your computer all the time like I do
>artifacts you've brought home from your travels
this one is a fair point, but like I said, I couldn't have people over at the time due to distance so if I set a bunch of stuff out like that it'd just get dusty all the time

White trash

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>"You can stay here, but you have to sleep in the bathroom"

I prefer mine

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I assume that is a sort of wilderness cabin, so in that case, it's pretty comfy.

>cluttered with shit you don't use or need

Not sure what you're talking about. Everything in that picture is used, and it's certainly not cluttered. Plenty of floor and desk space.

>social validation
Lmao. Projecting because you feel insecure that I have a nice apartment.

>You will never be this comfy...

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This reminds me of how my brother lived when he first lived on his own. All he had in his bed room was his bed, two laundry bins, and a recliner aimed at a TV where all he did on his days off was play CoD Black Ops with some cul-I mean clan.

I guess there’s nothing wrong with it, but it seems like such a fucking uncomfy, boring waste of space. Then again, I’m a designer.

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The fact that you insist further proves my point.

I was going to move from my parents apartment next year but fucking wu flu ruined everything and now ill have to help my parents financially during the crisis.

I really can't wait to have a place of my own and build myself a little office for studies / work and a cool living room.

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That was obviously taken during a LAN party at a house where there was a pool. No point in changing out of your swimsuit if you're only going inside to play Unreal with your bros.

I prefer land over fancy furniture. A one-room roundhouse would fit my needs as long as it was on land that allows me to hunt, practice HEMA, target practice, and grow my own crops.

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Designer fags are always doing something. You don't count.

cool job tho user.

>pointless knickknacks to nail to the wall

Bruh, no one is asking you to fill your place with "life laugh love" posters and generic shit from ikea. But get actual things. A mirror, a painting your purchased from an actual artist. A picture that you like from a photographer or one that you took yourself. Some things from your travels around the world. Plants.

Why do all you fucks immediately think of "pointless knicknacks" when you think of decorating? Is it because that's all you think decorating is?

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whiskey is so much more space efficient.

Get a nice armchair and raise the tv about two feet off the ground and that'd be max comfy.

Yeah, I feel bad for people who own a PS4

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>wu fu

Please be mindful of what you say. That was very insensitive and xenophobic. The Chinese having nothing to do with what’s going on.

>he doesn't want maximum empty space for VR

jokes on you, my entire apartment is in VR where I don't have to dust off shit or clean up.

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I was honestly expecting worse from that spoiler text, you have fun OP

Yes, all that shit is pointless knickknacks, save for plants.

Very nice additions.

What's wrong with the Xbox?

>he's never lived somewhere with hot weather

Great setup if you’re trying to make sure no woman will ever fuck you

Fuck off Kody

>not dragging all the shit you need for free from next to the dumpster

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I wonder how she is doing

They have everything to do with what's going on. Stop the deflection. The entire planet is angry at them right now. Baiting is pointless, genuine arguments are pointless, everyone knows the truth at this point.