Animal Crossing

Post islands, dodo codes, and rant about eggs and ugly villagers.

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Other urls found in this thread: Tune Maker

I have planted trees and flowers everywhere I can yet Isabelle is telling me I need more of the cunts to get to 3 star rating. Do I need to have them bloom into full flowers or something?

Post turnip prices and dodo codes pls

I'm too much of an uncreative brainlet to make a nice looking island.

>rant about eggs

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I want to impregnate and marry Cherry.

How to get horn hat???

How do NMT islanders work post-campsite? Can you still encounter them by that point?

>put my male avatar in a dress for shits and giggles
>get a slight erection

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>Spend hours looking for cherry blossom recipes in baloons
>Find every stupid egg recipe ever but only 3 cherry blossom recipes
>The event will end soon

Anyone else getting annoyed by this? Any tips on how to find more recipes?

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>open message in a bottle
>the recipe is a simple DIY workbench
What the actual fuck

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I want a fully immersive, 3rd person Animal crossing.

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When does the event end? Doesn't it have like another week?

>oh boy Animal Crossing sure is a hit
>people have had a few weeks with the game
>most people will have their town hall and museum and stores set up so they can kick off the training wheels
>they're gonna need a lot of money and wood to do this
>let's replace all the useful shit in the game with eggs for two weeks

Seriously who greenlit this? I can understand extending things beyond a day, maybe Good Friday to Easter but two fucking weeks of this garbage?

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>see Celeste
>hoo boy okay gonna grab that recipe open my doors and share with Yas Forums bros
>open door, come back and she’s gone
>you have to be the last person to talk to her because she disappears once you do
What the FUCK dudes I just wanted to share the starry love

Do you have to make the egg suit for every type of egg or just one?

> Any tips on how to find more recipes?
stop being retarded

My past 3 balloons were fucking clay
I"m still missing 7 recipes, this is bullshit

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But Harvest Moon already exists, user.

Come to my village and hit Hippeux with your net.

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fuck I meant Tune Maker


Guess I'll be enjoying the cherry blossom festival without you goons B)

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I've gotten iron, clay, bells, all sorts of nonsense from regular balloons. Tons of sky eggs.

Still only have picnic recipe for Sakura.

Reminder to craft eggs into dresses for a near little profit

I'm sitl convinced like 80% of the people who post regularly in these threads never played OG Animal Crossing. Not an instult or anything, just the impression I get.

I'm only shitposting. I'm enjoying both at the moment. The gamecube one is very charming, though.

How many reactions can you get per day?

>He's still popping easter balloons

How much profit we talkin?

are you that soul fag?

Its a good opportunity to grind the nook miles acheivment

other then tarantulas, are there any other night bugs worth catching?

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1 per day I believe

Do villagers give you pictures of themselves in NH if you befriend them?

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giant water bugs. check the rivers

>tfw no jock Anjou villager

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Atlas moths

I neither post in these threads, nor have I played the OG Animal Crossing
I did play the fuck out of wild world tho, and I've got a new leaf cartridge I keep convincing myself not to touch in order to see how long I can abandon them for

I want Barroth-chan in my town
Paolumus get the net

ACTAULLY just coomed to this

generally speaking, you get iron and clay (materials) from blue balloons. bells from yellow balloons. furniture / items from green balloons, and diy recipes from red balloons

Does everyone on Yas Forums have a gym somewhere in their town?

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without even knowing the price?

Help. It doesn’t say my spot on the queue at wtf happened?

Fuck, I want an Aptonoth villager.

>Just a fan
Oof, imagine the smell in there

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Reply only if you're a time traveler. What are you up to?

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no, i don't work out in real life, so i think it would be pathetic for me to set up a gym on my island. I give all my workout stuff to my lion villager

Nothing, got burnt out. Gonna wait until Lief shows up.

Killing myself after burning out in a week

Import qr design codes from new leaf

It fucking bewilders me how Nintendo didnt use the Starfox amiiibo for this

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Snotty titties


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New Horizons gets eggs, mobilefags get kitty cherry blossom content

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Am i the only one playing as a female despite being a male irl?

She won't update until the next day, so you'll never be able to find out if you've done enough.

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I want to slurp the snot out of her nose

Going back and forth between 4am and 5am to farm CJ and Gulliver. Got the golden axe last night, gonna push my fish into models since I have a lot, I’m 70/80 on both fish and insects. I really want more furniture so I can safely decorate the town and my house just how I like it.

Why are you people able to post NONSTOP threads about this baby game and not get fucking banned???? You're supposed to be 18 to post here


I used my Amiibo cards to in combination with RNG to get an entire village of birds and Genji:
Puck, Apollo, Flo, Genji, Friga, Sterling, Amelia, Sprinkle, Egbert

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I think my main problem with Bunny Day is that I don't give a shit about Easter to begin with and on top of that I just wanna enjoy the sakura trees and getting those DIY's instead

I'm worried halloween/christmas/etc. events will be similar to this but at least I enjoy those holidays so I'll probably enjoy them and actually keep the stuff I craft at the end of it.

Okey but for real, how do i stop being retarded?

What is the fastest way to collect the new recipes?

There’s a lot of Nintendo content left out. Hopefully get it later

Reposting Put some easter eggs furniture round the island. Only two pieces left. Come enjoy the afternoon and do some shopping too! Native fruit are oranges btw.
I'll leave at 7, just so you know.

Imagine how cool those hats would look if they had horns

it begins

>And Genji

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How many cherry blossoms do you need for every recipe? I have 43.

>Monster 2 is the original
>Monster 1 is the sugar free version

>Just a fan
>With a bright blue ventilator in the top right

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