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Fuck no, USB C for the convenience.

If you get a strikepack for your ds4 it fixes the problem, the connection is never wobbled out of place. It’s also got lower input lag than regular ds4 wired and bluetooth, I checked in ds4windows. Hopefully there’ll be a similar option made for the ds5 if the port is as shitty as the ds4’s.

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>shitty micro-usb again
>shitty lightbar again
>shitty useless touchpad that makes the Start and Facebook buttons cramped and pushed to the side again
Sony should have unironically gone back to the Dualshock 3 rather than continue using the worst controller design since the Atari 5200.

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>touchpad meme...again
>dedicated social media button that I still to this day confuse for select
this would be like microsoft giving kinect a third try. fuck it all, sticking to PC

Never had a PlayStation. What does the Touchpad do exactly? Is it basically a laptop trackpad? Never hear people talk about it but it does look fucking sweet and unique. Have to give them that.

Micro-B stops being shit when you use a magnetic usb cable and tip.

But they really should just put USB-C on it instead since its superior.

its a gimmick bar that replaces start and select in almost 100 percent of games. you push it like a button on the area that you want like it was a touchscreen. its stupid, but it has to come back or you wont get ps4 BC

you rub it like you're strumming a guitar


How do they replace the analog face buttons?

guess i'll buy AA batteries this year bros

you press the left side in for select, the right in for start since we have the mongoloid share and options buttons instead this time


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DS4 is superior to DS3, they just have to remove the touchpad and the light bar.

DS3 the last good sony controller?


>those nails
do watermelon-americans really?..

no, the original one before dualshock


what's wrong with micro usb

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It's flimsy and fragile.

but it was already confirmed for type-c

The Dualshock 3 sucked nigger.
>buttons got stuck easily
>Easy as fuck to break
>that charging cable
>Six Axis
>L2 and R2
>the sticks
Dualshock 4 is far better as it feels like it was made for human hands. The only issues are the touchpad and lightbar, and they're remedied if you use the controller the way any controller is meant to be used, i.e., emulation.

never had a problem with any micro usb

You're clearly in the minority.

What's so special about usb c besides being able to plug it in either direction and having more bandwidth?

it's easily the most failure-prone connector in recent times

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I've never heard any of my friends or family complain about micro usb either, never had a problem either and I use a cheap chinese 10 foot knock off one for my DS4. Switch pro controller has no issue either

That's because you don't treat your controllers like trash.
Most users on Yas Forums death grip their controllers and squeeze them, that's why they like xbox controllers so much, those were built with angry gorilla kids in mind.


switch pro is type c dude

It's like a trackpad and also functions as two buttons. The only game that I've played that uses it is Gravity Rush 2. That game uses swipe gestures and ps2 ports use the buttons presses as start and select

Switch Pro uses USB-C.

Fucking lies.

What's convenient about USB-C?

don't know what to tell you. Actually I don't think i've ever had a hardware issue with any controller before aside from cheap third party GC controller knockoffs I bought from gamestop when I was a kid

Subjectively, you and the people you know never had a problem. Objectively, it's fragile. Even if every DS4 user never had a problem with the microusb cable, it doesn't change the physical characteristics that contribute to its fragility.

everything uses it now, i dont have to plug in a new charger for every device if my phone and all controllers use just one type

It can be plugged either way I'm assuming that's what he is getting at.

oh wait I just remembered, N64 controller analog got loose

He's probably the fucking autist who won't buy anything that isn't USB-C because "everything else uses the same cable"

So do we know what the ps5 looks like yet?

I just got a ps4, why does the controller die in like 10 hours?

No, it's just a "fuck micro USB" thing. I'd rather they switch back to Mini USB than keep using Micro USB.


The more use you get out of a single cable, the faster it degrades. Stop making a whore out of your cables. Not every hole is meant for the same cable.

Pretty much every new phone has it or will have it, so they're getting more common. You can't plug them in upside-down, either. They also are a decent but more durable from what I've read, so that makes them far better than Micro.

I want Mini to come back. Micro and C fucking suck.

>What does the Touchpad do exactly?

Kill your battery

Because batteries are finite.

it's outdated by 10 years now

>complaining about crap that is needed to implement BC

retarded blue light. turn it down as much as you can


how about let me connect a PS4 controller to play PS4 games

>The only issues
Nigger, they made every face button digital, which fucks up every single PS2 game that used the analog buttons.

If everything I have runs off the same type of cable I can just buy a dozen short cables and a dozen long cables and be fine.

Detroit Become Human and Gravity Rush 2 are the only games I have played that actually used them for anything else than a select replacement
Same for the motion sensor, barely any game uses it

Every new non-iphone uses it.
The Switch uses it.
Many newer electronics use it.
It's easier to plug in.
Many laptops have USB-C ports.

this is your mind on applel

>still no way to turn off the light bar
that shit is so fucking terrible

>USB has universal in its name
>None of the cords are the same
What bullshit is this?

>Same for the motion sensor, barely any game uses it
Damn shame, more game need gyro aiming. After you play with it it's impossible to go back.

There is no wrong side on USB-C.

Is this what being an Icuck does to your brain?

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Because you're too much of an autist to go to your settings and turn off vibration and the light bar.
Either that or you bought a used one. Also 10 hours is a fucking long time to sit and play games.

it works as a laptop trackpad on my pc
pretty convinient for launching games from my couch considering steam big picture is the worst

Consoles are for normies. The sooner you accept this the sooner these rage inducing decisions will make sense to you.

I don't understand people who complain bout the touchpad and lightbar. They literally never get in the way.

They waste battery


>use ds4 on pc
>barely touch the cable
>it disconnects
What an absolute piece of shit

But are they good for anything? They are not and they look ugly. Aesthetics are also important.

They drain the battery. Touch pad especially sucks since actually using it as a touch surface is awkward as hell and nothing like a phone.

The lightbar is fine, and it's cute with local multiplayer with the colors
the touchbar is NEVER used and it's a shitty gimmick for nothing

I always turn the lightbar off when I use my ds4 on pc
if I have it on it just lights up the room

same, had to buy a bluetooth adapter and just let it charge when i'm not using it without moving it at all. Although it might be the cable cause i have to charge my phone the same way.

not noticeably

Some games use them in fun ways (HZD lets you manipulate the map with it, Dishonored HD lets you use powers that aren't in your quick access, for example) and I think they look fine. Personally I think the light bar is aesthetically pleasing and my only complaint ablut the touchpad is the options and share buttons being so close to the face buttons and dpad, but if they were moved I wouldn't complain.

They never get in the way but I have never seen them actually useful for anything. The only time I think i've ever even noticed my Light bar was playing destiny 2 when I noticed it was glowing yellow because I could use my Super... which the game already tells you in the user interface.

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Is this some kind of issue? The only times my micro usb cables ever broke were when I accidentally knocked the device off something and it landed on the cable, which would break any small connector.

It's actually the touch pad. LEDs are dick for power consumption compared to complex touch sensors that are always on.

My DS4 started having problems a couple months after I got it. If I plug in the charging cable it thinks it's a microphone attached to it, and when plugged into a PC it constantly disconnects because of this. Never had a problem like this with any other controller, even the Xbone controller doesn't have this issue and that's on a Micro USB as well.

I have gone through at least 7 micro-usb cables ever since I got a PS4 in 2014. They chew ass and USB-C is much less fragile.

works on my machine :) (for 5 years now). I also use it for PC multiplats

>which would break any small connector.
nah bullshit. I treated my Micro USB cables the exact same way I always treated my Mini USB and USB C cables and I've never had to replace any of those because the connector got fucked, there was always a short in the wire, and that was after years of use. Micro USB cables are lucky to last a few months.


The lightbar is fucking terrible
I can ignore the touch pad, but I had to cover the lightbar with sharpie because it was ridiculously bright and glared like mad on my tv, and eve the part that shines through the top of the touch pad was distracting as fuck

This is incorrect.
In most games, it operates as a single additional button (usually opens maps for example), as there is still the OPTIONS button which is used for whatever menus START was previously used for.
It's very rare that games utilize BOTH button presses on the touchpad, even though it's capable.
Instead devs would rather use it as a single button addition + fun gestures

>not noticeably

Prove it

Why do niggers neve trim their nails