This triggers you, doesn't it?
This triggers you, doesn't it?
No, deserved.
Of course not.
Bought this in November and had a lot of fun. Probably put over 70 hours into it so I'm happy.
Why would a good game getting good reviews trigger me? Fuck off contrarian retard.
It does t®igge® me.
Lots of people don't know any better, it isn't their fault they're casuals.
>graphics don't matter
>game sucks because it was downgraded
so which one is it?
Put 300 hours in to it. One of the most memorable game I've played in a while, no regrets.
GOTY edition is on sale 70% off steam
Doesn't trigger me, one of the best fantasy RPG's ever created.
>I'm really badass I play video games that aren't considered "casual"!
It’s universally agreed upon that The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece. Everyone agrees unless you want to be a contrarian. Just like everyone agrees that you’re a homosexual that wasted a thread you stupid bitch.
But will it age well?
Do I need to play 1 or 2 to enjoy 3?
Hello, and welcome to posting on the internet. I've never played anything but the first Witcher, the setting and characters just aren't interesting to me. I'm glad that people find them enjoyable, but they aren't for me. Have a good one!
its a great game marred by follow the red shit.
Not at all.
[Push forcefully]
It’s one of the best ways to spend $15. Even if you only get past the tutorial it’ll still be worth the money. I’d suggest playing with a controller though.
this game really simulated what its like to be a wticher
>grind all day hunting monsters
>finally complete the last quest on the board
>come back the next day and its full of more barely distinguishable monster hunts
it really felt like i was putting in hours like a job
>barely an RPG
>mediocre ubisoft style open world
Witcher 3 succeeds only in its story and world-building and fails everywhere else. Even Skyrim is more of an RPG, while games like BotW and RDR2 are better open world games because they reward exploration and offer much more sandbox fun and interactivity within the world.
It's good but absurdly overrated.
>it's not an rpg unless i can create a female character with big boobs
Witcher 3 is a good game in the same way that a marvel superhero movie might accidentally be good. It's multi-million dollar, safe, focus-tested, corporate garbage for the masses. Literally its only purpose is to generate billions of dollars worth of profit from the low-IQ beer-guzzling McDonald's-eating ret.ards that outnumber real humans. Except this time, it also happened to be a good game.
But masterpiece? This AAA normie marvel tier game, no matter how good it is, will never even approach the level of masterpiece or cult classic of something like Bloodborne. Because its focus is too broad. Appeal to everyone, excel at nothing. That's its motto, and every AAA game's motto. If the game happens to be good, great! But it will never be a masterpiece. There is no soul. No master spark of creativity, which is the very life force and essence that the word "masterpiece" refers to. Someone had a vision, and painstakingly crafted an artistic achievement by infusing their very soul on a metaphysical level into the finished piece. Not so with Witcher 3. It is a product, not art, and it is corporate achievement, not an artistic one. And it is certainly no masterpiece.
I've only played The Witcher 1 but I disliked it so much I ended dropping it (apparently) near the end of the main story and decided to discard the rest of the franchise for good.
I'm of the opinion that Yas Forums doesn't actually know what an rpg is, and that "not an rpg" is really just "an rpg I don't like."
Nope, it gives me joy. As does this. The best game of all time scored aptly
Good day to you too, user!
Nobody will read that. Have sex.
>except for the people who disagree, everyone agrees
Witcher fans sure are smart.
Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time and I still dislike Witcher 1. I tried getting into it 3 times and I just can't do it
Yes massively overrated games trigger me.
what are you trying to imply here? that people who aren't casuals are yiddish?
Perfect? No. Fun enough to grab my attention for over 200 hours? Yes. So yeah, it's good.
Do I have to play the first to games or can I skip them to play this?
Movie game
dilate witcher tranny
it's actually a very good game though
It's 100% off on piratebay
>imagine pirating executable files
It's more convenient having it on steam
Just start with 3
Confirmed never played it.
The combat is mediocre as fuck with limited mechanics, there's an excessive amount of traveling, and the "tracking" mechanic is only interesting the first 3 times and tiring by the hundredth, but the game isn't filled with retarded quick time events or skipped boss fights.
i skipped the others and it was fine
I couldn't get into this series, tried all 3 games, just couldn't get into them. That being said, it deserves all the respect it gets.
>, there's an excessive amount of traveling
its nothing comared to rdr2, there's fast travel
First two are pretty rough to get into.
Wait Yas Forums likes this game? It's literally the epitome of quantity > quality
It's on sale right now for $12. Should I get it?
What happened to that one guy that was autistically spamming TW3?
He moved on to Yakuza and RE?
>user comments
>shopping cart
You can't believe how this shit triggers me.
>normalfags love normalfag muh grafx game
it's just reality, user
Fair, but it's more a typical flaw amongst a lot of these open world games.
More pointing out that user clearly has never played the game because he's a poorfag who only plays games he can emulate for free.
my only complaint is that memorable characters from the first game and Ioverth didnt re-appear. Although I understand why since depending upon player actions in the 1st game they could be dead and the game is already very long.
Still, missed opportunity to not have Siegfried appear in the tournament for Blood and Wine.
10/10 otherwise. The hipsters that populate Yas Forums hate it though.
that's right
No, it was a fun game, I enjoyed it a lot.
does it have all the DLC and stuff?
if not Id say it's still worth it
easy 50hrs
1 is better than 3
It'll age well, but fade into obscurity regardless due to being the third in a trilogy that already hasn't aged well as a whole.
i love this game, i wish CDPR weren't making that shitty cyperpoonk game. I hope it's good, i really do, because it is showing all of the signs of mega trainwreck. W3 was the culmination of 2 prior games that were made from trial and error and a sincere desire to pay homage to the Witcher. and it succeeded because of that. I would love to see more games like this instead of corporate slop.
No but you should play them anyways and it will feel like more of a grand satisfying adventure.
what games do you play that aren't considered casual?
No. I mean I don't like the genre but I don't shit my pants that others do.
No, even tho I didn't like it and enjoyed the Witcher 1 over this one.
i walked in blind as a bat, by the end I felt like the characters were old friends. It's probably more powerful if you had read the books, then played the first two games, but it really doesn't matter. going out of order or even backwards through all the material is fine.