I've seen every franchise I love get ruined....except Doom.
I've seen every franchise I love get ruined....except Doom
Must be why newfags on Yas Forums have such a hate boner for it
so you haven't heard of Doom Eternal yet?
>eternally makes Yas Forums seethe
I dunno, I haven't played it but it seems based to me
Is that the plasma rifle in his hand or did the artist just make something themselves?
I never could tell
So you were born after Doom 3?
Doom 3 is possibly the best horror fps ever.
>Civ still good
>Quake still good
>Metro still good
>Half Life: Alyx and Black Mesa are based
I haven't played it either I'm just false-flagging as an anti-doom fag because i'm bored. i'm going to buy it actually
Is this what Three Dog meant by "fighting the good fight?"
>Quake still good
good joke
Its just ok. Its not as good as 2016.
dont reply to that tripfag user
I'm enjoying it much more than Doom 4 actually, but 1 is still the best one
X-com franchise is still kicking user.
>modern doom gameplay
>not shit
It was ruined. Proper doom sequels = a room with 20 enemies for you to shoot and dodge at the same time, like the original ones.
Shut up fat samurai
Doom Eternal is shit though.
Doom only gets better with each new entry.
but nudoom is garbage.
Yes but no. Doom 2 is better than Ultimate, Eternal is better than 2016, 3 is better than 64. But 2 is better than Eternal.
Eternal is precisely what you just fucking described though, what it's missing to feel more like classic Doom (besides removing good features that hadn't been invented back then, like jumping or looking up and down) is maze-like level design with keys and stuff
>series starts as first person shooter
>continues to be an fps
>when rebooted, becomes a shitty platformer, hardly even in the same genre as the originals
>not ruined
Eternal is a room where you engage 2-3 enemies at the same time at most, not 20. Fuck you casualet
>series starts as first person shooter
>continues to be an fps
>when rebooted, becomes a up and down looker
>not ruined
>except Doom.
You haven't even played the game, just watched some streamer play it on Hurt Me Plenty
not true. there are a lot of enemies at a time in eternal arenas, close to 10. eternal is also harder than any commercial doom release, except maybe plutonia. you dont even play doom, "casualet"
I haven't even played it yet.
Epic shitpost, friend
>doomseethers can't count
This is my favorite map I generated on Oblige.
Doom eternal is a series of one on one encounters, where you shoot an enemy, run towrads it and trigger a gay cutscene where you cant be hurt meanwhile, then you proceed to repeat that forever, without constantly dodging enemies and shooting things.
It is retarded gameplay with PRESS BUTTON X FOR AWESOME and you are casual
>COMMERCIAL doom release
nice reading comprehension, casualet
This screenshot is supposed to demonstrate how hard Doom can be? Lmao, at least pick a proper slaughtermap you fucking casual.
Then If you have played doom you'd know fighting 10-20 enemies at the same time without cover is a common occurance in its commercial releases, where you cant one on one then by triggering a cutscene and replenishing your health before the next mob
I don't know why you'd reply with that if you played commercial 1/2
Yas Forums will try and deny it but it's true. Doom was modernized, yes. But was it ruined by MTX, sjws, retcons, or bad writing?
i didnt comment on enemy counter, i commented on difficulty. enemy counter != difficulty
nice reading comprehension, casualet
>triggering a cutscene and replenishing your health before the next mob
This troll worked for 2016 but it doesn't work for eternal
Replenish your memes, lad
>Proper doom sequels = a room with 20 enemies for you to shoot and dodge at the same time, like the original ones.
>not true. there are a lot of enemies at a time in eternal arenas, close to 10
ok zoomer
>10-20 enemies at the same time without cover
Most classic doom enemies are harmless in wide open spaces, only chaingunners, revenants and archviles can do anything at all to you in that situation
Doom is Go Fast and Shoot Demons. Pretty sure that's impossible to fuck up.
i seriously hope youre just pretending to be retarded
no shut up 40 imps in a gigantic open area is the pinnacle of hardcore gaming
You literally replenish your health in doom eternal by doing glory kills cutscenes, which is a less casual version of regenerating health in FPS, but still casual and a boring mechanic
Because picking up health is so much more engaging :DD one requires covering away, one requires engaging in combat
Doom 3 did
Are you being paid to advertise doom eternal since it´s a new release?
Sorry it is a casual game for the cowaduty generation
eternal is also harder than any commercial doom release, except maybe plutonia. you dont even play doom, "casualet"
every doom game is nothing but fun, except the shotgun in doom 3
I'm playing Doom on the Nitnendo Switch for no apparent reason and No Rest for the Living is super decent. I didn't expect a wad made for a commercial version of the game to be so well made, apparently they hired people who had a lot of knowledge of Doom and experience with modern wads before creating this new episode.
Health pickups means there is a limit to how much you can replenish in a level. If you are doing poorly you don't get to finish the level at all, and even a quicksave would not save you since your resources were out by the time you savescummed.
Most people who play doom dont savescum, I hope doom eternal has an option to redo the whole level on death at least
Plutonia and TNT with fast monsters is more difficult than Eternal.
And several maps from Doom 1 and Doom 2, with pistol start and fast monsters are more difficult too, in my opinion.
And before you say that pistol start + fast monsters is not the intended way to play the game, I already did that in 1994 playing in DOS.
Doom 1 and 2 were balanced for keyboard aim, they are very easy games.
why is it harder? At any rate, the gameplay is inferior because it is casual+gamepad oriented gameplay. You could design a call of duty level that is harder than any commercial doom, but it would still be a gameplay with little depth
>mentioning the only good character in fallout 3
You've committed a grievous sin
>Doom 1 and 2 were balanced for keyboard aim
A keyboard aiming with fast strafing is still more challenging than a FPS that is compatible with gamepads top lmao
FPS has no place in console
You're not taking into account new dooms design. Its about arenas, not level design. Arguing about the two is pointless to me because I think we can all agree that real level design is better than arenas. But that's not what the game is like. And since its mostly arenas, being aggressive for health is one of the best design decision new doom has.
>Doom 1 and 2
now I know you have never played them
>with fast monsters
aka nightmare, or using console command. you fucking idiot. might as well compare it to ultra nightmare on eternal
>why is it harder?
because ive actually extensively played all doom releases unlike you? eternal on nightmare is damn hard, even ultimate/2 on nightmare is easier. i very much doubt youve actually played eternal on nightmare all the way through
arena gameplay = hallway + cutscenes gameplay, the hallmark of modern hipster and causal gaming.
Everything for the console audience has to be some sort of hallway experience full of wonders and ebin moments and press X to awesome cutscenes
Just design a modern game with lots of open spaces, 20+ enemies at the same time, ,made to move fast and dodge constantly and engage one on one or 20 enemies at the same time with rocket launchers or BFGs or plasma rifles depending on the players notion of strategy adn you got a doom sequel. Not this "arena" bullshit of engaging enemies one at a time, and then doing awesome cutscene every now and then. This is trash console-minded gameplay
Holy fuck you've not even played the game but watched some streamer at HMP at most. Never mind. Not bothering.
I have not played eternal nor am I going to play, also It´s just shallow gameplay and I doubt it is hard at any rate, because it has no strategy to it. Once you get the hang of how to engage every enemy, its rinse and repeat. Play doom 2 deathmatch, shotgun only 1 on 1 in a very small room and it has more depth feinting and shooting the other player than doom eternal arena shit has
>I have not played eternal nor am I going to play
ok, thanks for telling i can ignore all your posts :)
Nightmare is shit because enemies respawn. Come on, man. To someone who accused the other user of not knowing what he is talking about, you don't seem to be much different.
You can't ignore all my posts because you are being paid to promote the game on Yas Forums.
Doom eternal is casual console shit. Restrained gameplay that requires no thinking or adjusting by the player, just like most console games.
If you want refined, adult gameplay you'll only find that at indie or smaller dev PC developers who still cater to that. Console games are all juvenile in gameplay and in story.
I suppose if you smoke pot all day then doom eternal would appeal to you
like i said, might as well compare it to ultra nightmare on eternal. go ahead and tell me other commercial doom releases are easier than that
>You can't ignore all my posts
i cant ignore posts from someone who hasnt even played the game but feels the need to shit on it anyway? oh watch me :)
>casual console shit
Bud. The game has been filtering out the casuals.
There is a reason doom 1/2 is still played and developed to this day. It has refined gameplay that lasts throughout the ages. Its engaging and interesting in its base level.
Doom eternal is just another console trash title that relies heavily on scripted arenas/cutscene moment for gameplay, which is just juvenile gameplay. And why it will be forgotten once all the le influencers and paid shills (u) stop promoting it.
I agree with you. Each game explores totally different mechanics and it's perfectly possible to like both. I prefer the classic Doom, but Doom 2016 brought me some extremely rewarding experiences (although I lost interest in it very quickly). But...
>And since its mostly arenas, being aggressive for health is one of the best design decision new doom has.
I don't know if I agree with that. Not every game that takes place in arenas would benefit from this system. Serious Sam 3, which introduced fatalities before the new Doom, for example, does not need to encourage players to play aggressively with gimmicks. The game practically only works aggressively (unless you're willing to try cheese the entire game, which makes it unplayable).
The fatalities in that game work well because they are basically insta kill for some annoying enemies like Kleer or juvenile scorpions.
You're replying to a guy who thinks running in circles around a clump of very slow mooks who throw very slow projectiles is the pinnacle of depth
who are you trying to fool lmao
og doom is probably the most modded game in existence because its really easy to mod, relatively. almost no one who regularly plays doom plays with vanilla gameplay
its really sad to see sheeple mindlessly shitting on something without even trying it out, doom 2 remains my favourite game of all time but doom eternal is such a great game. oh well, your loss
No, doom 1/2 has been filtering out the casuals. Duke Nukem 3D. Most older games that console casuals wont even touch because they just dont want a gameplay that makes them have to put effort and attention into the game.
There is a reason Doom eternal appeals to the modern audience, but doom 1/2 or duke nukem 3D do not. Its not the age of the title, but one is giving a cinematic experience as its flavor, whilet the other is just offering gameplay.
Modern gamers dont want gameplay
Ultra Nightmare is basically Nightmare, but it ends the game if you die.
If you play Plutonia or TNT on fast monsters + UV and decide to stop playing when you die the first time, then the game will most likely get more difficult than Doom Eternal.
>almost no one who regularly plays doom plays with vanilla gameplay
I despise the serious sam series. It's nothing but holding S and left-click. New dooms are much more than that, much more action-focused, and I think they benefit greatly from having to be aggressive for your health because of the arena design. The games would be worse off if the only way to get health was to scavenge the arenas.
Eternal takes far more effort than Doom 1 or 2.
>one is giving a cinematic experience as its flavor, whilet the other is just offering gameplay.
>Modern gamers dont want gameplay
Are you off your fucking meds? The main reason Doom Eternal has been getting overwhelming positive feedback everywhere is because it's offering a fucking challenge for Doom fans and FPS fans.
sure is shill
I'll go buy doom eternal RIGHT NOW because you think If I don't im sheeple. But of course, if I buy doom eternal because a shill told me so, then I'm not a sheeple right? ;)
There is arguments, gameplay videos, and reviews. I know doom eternal sucks because I saw footage of it and I saw the one on one, press X to cutscene gameplay it focuses on, and that kind of consolized experience bores me to tears
It would be my loss of money to buy doom eternal
>doom 1/2 has been filtering out the casuals
what fucking psychosis are you under? even UV+fast monsters those games are ridiculously easy by modern standards. not only havent you played eternal, but im starting to think you havent even played og doom for a long-ass time
you havent played eternal, your opinion is worth less than shit