I'm a bitch ass pussy when it comes to horror videogames. Will I be able to make it through Subnautica?

I'm a bitch ass pussy when it comes to horror videogames. Will I be able to make it through Subnautica?

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No you will die.

probably not
the depths are spooky as hell even when nothing is happening
it's the unknown
and there is leviathons that will spook your guts out

Probably not, it's surprisingly tense, especially in the deeper parts

Just beat it today. 2nd time playing but stopped playing near end the first time. Its a great game, but simple. The scary deep ocean feeling is legit at first. Its easy to overcome once you actually explore. And this game is meant to be explored, like a lot.

You're going to love it. A lot.

at most it's eerie, fuck off

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Endless Ocean is 100x scarier than this Pixar looking shit

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you suck

yikes, that's an opinion not worth acknowledging

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Nope. I fit that description and I gave up after maybe 10-15 hours. Shit is just way too spooky

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subnautica is a ocean horror game
especially if you're playing with cinematic lighting on

It really depends on how you feel about underwater environments in general. I'm a huge pussy about horror games and don't play them, but I find underwater to be fascinating, and I enjoyed subnautica a lot. Mind there's still some scary and tense shit to go through, but if you don't find the general sensation of being underwater scary or unnerving, you'll be fine for the most part.

depends, a friend of mine who has no issues with deep ocean stuff played the game and made out fine, but personally i find the deep ocean terrifying, even in normal games let alone a game focused on deep ocean shit

i remember the first time i noticed by fear was playing crysis warhead, i got one of the rowboats onto the water and just kept punching it to make it move away from land, then it toppled over somehow and before i knew it there was a shark coming straight at me and all i could see around me was dark as shit water

It's probably fine as long as you limit your play time to daylight hours.
It's pretty spooky alone at night.

Why are you mad?

Unless you have an extremely poor sense of direction, it's not at all scary.

There's a monster that eats your ship in certain areas but it'll piss you off more than scare you.

Nah, just never leave the shallows or go into Kelp forests and you'll always be super comfy.

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After I found out that the big scary fish are easily out ran, I stopped being scared.

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It's overrated, but the setting is interesting enough + the creatures look and sound good, if you don't mind the Pixar-esque style.

The creatures are much less scary when you realize how nonthreatening they are. Top-tier predators that are described as lightning-fast and dangerous can barely catch you after you get one of the first mobility tools/vehicles.

don't mind me, best music bit that hits right when it needs to, just passing through
literally the perfect music for grappling onto a leviathan and punching its stupid face in with the prawn

No, you won't.
The Reaper Leviathans are the absolute worst, and they aren't even the biggest thing that wants to eat you.
Reminder that Reapers can, and WILL follow you into the 'safe' shallows

Probably. It's unnerving at times but it's not horror.

The AI could do with some more complexity other than, chase for x amount then fuck off. But in order for that to happen, the devs would have to stop being such little bitches and make actual combat.

Yeah, you'll be fine. There comes a point where you just get use to it.

I had a fear of endless open water when I started. By the end of the game I was slightly less off put by it.

Thanks for reminding me of the retarded no-guns thing.

There are a few interesting behaviors— Mesmer hallucinations and Stalkers playing with metal— but yeah the standard slow, menacing swim towards the player routine is dull.

I always remember how the bases are mostly pointless and the creatures are never threatening when I play Subnautica; I end up going back to Ark for more variety and a sense of purpose behind doing things. Even though Ark critter AI is potato-tier, there are plenty of quirky interactions with certain species, and it's fun to hunt down your favorites and tame them.

Is ark an actually decent single player game?

Is Below Zero good yet?

Not really. Its story detracts from the game way to much though at least the creators admited defeat and the story is getting a complete overhaul come next patch its still increadbly buggy and overall the environment is less interesting. The above ground sections dont add to much to the game either. All made worse by the fact its still unfinished so you will be progressing along only to be met with unfinished areas and incomplete tech trees. So tldr no.

>the bases are mostly pointless
Confirmed for never having played the game.

Dios mio

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>story is getting a complete overhaul next patch
Does that mean the voiced protagonist is out? God I hope so

You'll probably fall asleep while collecting parts to make a sea moth because the game is actually boring as hell.

It's not perfect, by far, but I've got about 300 hours in the game, all singleplayer, and I haven't even bothered fighting a boss, yet.

You have to tweak the game settings to own our preferences. The main thing I changed was making taming much faster; spending hours babysitting unconscious creatures didn't sound fun to me. I also made it so that resource nodes (metal, rocks, trees, bushes, etc.) all respawn quickly, even near my bases, but only if I had moved far away from the spawn spots, to prevent seeing it happen. I kept the time low partially because I was paranoid of a bug that causes resources not to respawn, but I don't think I've ever witnessed it.

I also recommend installing mods. I added spawns from newer expansions to the Island (before I started playing on Ragnarok) and Ragnarok. I've got some cosmetic mods and usually play in third person. I also unlocked all engrams (all craftables) instead of using the default system that forces players to specialize and craft things for each other (or steal). Ultimately, you're working your way up an informal tech tree of dinosaurs, tools, and resources in order to breed super critters for taking on the bosses, but I find the game fun enough just exploring, setting up simple bases, and taming whatever seems most interesting at the time.

>be me
>snorkeling in lake Winnipesaukee NH last summer
>buddy tags along in a rental kayak
>cue surprise encounter with a 12 foot long atlantic sturgeon
>its fucking bigger than the kayak

I never went swimming again. That wasn't even the ocean. What the fuck.

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Admit it. You nearly pissed your pants during your first encounter with a reaper.

la atrocidad de las sietes mares

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The scariest thing about Subnautica is how janky and glitchy the game is.
Still a fun game but any time something starts to scare you, just wait a few seconds at it will clip into a rock or spaz out or just freeze up and/or disappear.


My gf who is terrified of horror movies beat it just fine. Just dont be stupid around the reapers and you'll be fine.

I've played pretty much every noteworthy horror game and a bunch of obscure ones as well. Subnautica is the scariest game I've ever played. Nothing about it (or any other game) makes me jump out of my seat or pause the game out of fear, but some of the regions create an atmosphere that is extremely unsettling. Like some people will tell you the game is very easy and leviathans pose almost no actual threat, but as I said it's the atmosphere that matters. Seeing leviathans in the distance, or hearing them but not seeing them, is a lot scarier than dealing with them up close.

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Lets just clean that image up a little

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To this day, even having completed the game, I still can't force myself to pilot out over the edge into the dead zone.

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I looked at the picture, then read your post, then I looked at the picture more carefully. Send shivers down my spine when I saw it.

The dead zone is scary, but it's not the dead zone itself that's the scariest area in the game, it's the border of the map and the dead zone where the ground suddenly becomes a 90 degree slope and you see nothing but blackness beneath you.

The entire map you know is a giant inactive volcano that the aliens used to sap thermal power from.

Don't remind me.

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Technically speaking Subnautica isn't a horror game. Exploring the ocean just lends itself to feeling spooped.

>Technically speaking Silent Hill isn't a horror game. Exploring a haunted town just lends itself to feeling spooped.


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I was getting that feeling just finding some biomes for the first time. Some of them start off with massive cliffs in which you can't see shit.

No. You don't get to do that. Silent Hill was intentionally created as a horror game. Subnautica was not.

>music immediately cuts out

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Subnautica was most definitely made to be scary. The sound design alone makes that obvious.

Look at this man of men, shitting on Wojack posters and giving out sauce in one breath.

"Entering ecological dead zone."

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I don't know lads. I virtually can't play horror games, I'm too much of a pussy for them. But I played through Subnautica just fine, actually enjoyed it.

Why did the game stop handholding you story wise after a certain point of the game? The last story prompt was to go to the island and wait for rescue and then find a life pod 500 M deep, and then nothing.
I have no idea where to go/what to do after I discover the underground river (the green zone with a giant leviathan skeleton)
I found a massive cube thing down there but I have no idea what to do with it. I managed to find a way into a lava zone with a humongous leviathan, but I have no idea what to do there either.