Game doesn't respect your time

>game doesn't respect your time

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lol poorfag

fuck fade captchas. who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have people wait that long?

fucking Hiro

>giving money to Hiroshimoot

I think they only spam the slow-fade ones when you post too much or something. Or maybe when Janny warns you.

>you missed one of the invisible marked squares
>do it all over again

It's when you post "too much". At first you'll only get slow fading ones, then you'll get an "Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please buy a pass, goy" every single time you try to complete a CAPTCHA. This shit lasts for hours unless you reset your IP.

fuck those slow fades. I just refresh because even if you get it correct it'll still tell you to retry

slow fades are the fucking worst

What's that?

You will literally get nothing but slow fades if you post enough in a specific timewindow. Gookmoot designed this shit to be as insufferable as possible so you buy a pass.

>Select all squares with trucks
>Slow fade captcha
>13 trucks in a row
I just give up on my post after a while

>his captcha score is below .9 so he has to do them
stop shitposting so much bro

Attached: score.png (281x81, 2.52K)

The “click all boxes until none are left” literally never works for me

Here you go lads

>not even google themselves use this retarded captcha
>but it’s still on tons of sites everywhere
Why can’t we just have text ones again wtf

I just pick random shit and it works. Hope that fuck up fucking google at least a little.

Attached: 1585163292374.png (645x597, 340.56K)

If you reset IP and clear google cookies it usually resets the asshole captchas.

didn't that shit break a while back? I used to use it

I did that back when recaptcha was just two words and filled in "nigger" for the wildcard. can't really do that anymore.

The reason Google uses the picture Captcha is so that they can get people to train their AI for them, for free.

>didn't that shit break a while back? I used to use it
It only breaks if you use it for all posts, use it only when you see faders or skip ones and you'll be fine.

>tfw can't post because some faggot got rangebanned in your area

Attached: 1493896499514.jpg (456x402, 32.55K)

The correct answer is skip. Its checking if you're human.

>frogtranny complaining about being rangebanned
gee I wonder why that is

>Switch to audio captcha
>Type shortest word you discern + "nigger"
Congrats, you can now do it faster without training jewgle world domination AI for $0/hour.

I keep failing these as of like a week ago even though I do nothing wrong and wait like an extra 5 seconds after finishing all of them
What's the deal?

The most infuriating ones are when it asks for something that kind of looks like what's on the screen, but the thing ISN'T what it's asking for, but you just know if you don't incorrectly select it Google will think you "got it wrong" and will give you fucking seven more challenges before letting you post.

i haven't seen a captcha in over 3 days. google has learned all it can from me and got bored. all i do is click the im not a robot box and that's it.

I'm sure Hiro is raking in some sort of dosh from them

The captchas are harder on the more popular boards because Hiroyuki thinks that the inconvenience of having to do them multiple times in a row will convince you to buy a Yas Forums Pass.
It's not going to work, gookmoot.

The ones without a matching image are the best, because just skipping counts as a success without having to click on 7 fucking squares
They only give you false ones if you were going to have to solve multiple anyway, so it's just a bye.

>Being this much of a good goy

Same, had to purchase the pass because hiro rangebanned my area.

>Funding the destruction of Yas Forums
Makes sense, only shitposters buy the pass

I'd buy a pass if I didn't have to fiddle with crypto garbage.

You fell for the obvious ploy and now he'll do it more. Good job, idiot.

I dunno if it does it anymore but usually they seemed to pair unchecked ones with checked ones, so there would be one image that had an answer it was expecting you to give to make sure you were honest, and one where it didn't know, but not necessarily in that order. Hence why you could 100% without shadow of a doubt get one correct and hit the please try again.
I also assume the reason for this is it wants a subjective view of the data. When asked to tick all boxes containing traffic lights, what exactly do people consider the "traffic lights". Only the actual bulbs? The box containing the bulbs? The pole holding the box containing the bulbs? What exactly do people consider a traffic light as? I've wondered myself this question. Maybe I overthink it and it is just assigning Street view shit or something.

He rangebanned all VPNs and my area, I prefer paying 20 dolars a year to post here than having to go to reddit or infinite.

I just want to click "you are not a robot" and have that be it, is that so hard?

>lying on the internet
I wouldn't do that.

t. robocop

These have been the fucking worst on Clover ever since Noscript went down.

Why does it need to know if you are not a robot every time you post
Does captcha think you will transform into a robot in betwEen post aha


Attached: fuckingniggers.webm (720x405, 2.28M)

I'm confused. If it says skip, does that mean I just press the skip button, whereas the verify ones actually check if I'm right?


can't complete the captcha on Vita

either use kuroba with the google cookie or use the audio captcha

>get the slow fades
>literally do all of them perfectly
>still get error
>fast selections happen
>literally do all of them perfectly
>still get 10-14 retrys
>slow fade again
>error again
>fast fade
>literally do any shit no even fellowing the instructions

Attached: 1582325567539.png (1024x938, 358.31K)

>giving money to 4chin


I posted from my Vita a few times years ago lol

>zoomers literally can't solve captchas

I only ever used the Vita browser to post screenshots to vitagen. Shit would take like 5 minutes of trying.

Captchas are getting needlessly bullshit. See
and that isn't even my post, user's just right.

>>still get error

its not, its intended to slow you down

>tfw nothing changed after the coronavirus and all you did before is stay home and post on Yas Forums because you have no real friends

Attached: 1582510883497.webm (1494x514, 2.34M)

>gookmoot switched to bitcoin only payments for pass
Fuck this

isnt BTC not even really anonymous anymore since you need to give proof of identity for a wallet?

>not instantly skipping when you get slow fades
literally never gonna make it

Fuck up you boomer wannabe. These new captcha's are cancer

I literally got 13 slow fades doing that shit,then it's the selection squares but they literally never work

got rejected by PayPal again?

Attached: 1376103463966.jpg (490x301, 27.82K)

He's a confirmed cyber-criminal after all.