I hope your making some progress. We've all got a lot of time on our hands.
You ARE using this time in Quarantine to work on your game right Yas Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am. I ported some functionality to VR and it plays great like this. I'm worried about potential reception though.
your electronics will be worthless when this shit collapse my dude
As a matter of a fact, yes. I'm making a door right now.
I'm trying but I'm still learning, deving as an artfag is actually impossible
Five years ago I'd join you in laughs but at its current state it's probably the best all-around engine out there. UE4 totally shat the bed with optimization and mobile support, Godot was never very good to start with.
I still dont even get how to map movement to wasd. Or how to make good movement i can only find prefab tutorials and nothing that actually goes into what im doing aside from telling me to copy paste code they made
I need a coder. So I can focus on improving my art.
What's a good 2d engine that has the basics basics covered but doesn't use a proprietary language?
Yes, I'm fleshing out the dungeon testquest, you can now pick up an amulet to cast magic lighting and delve into the darker regions of the dungeon.
some of my favorite coomer material plays on unity these days
so it can't be that bad
i need a coder and an artist, so i can focus on improving my writing
I need a job so I can focus on actually making money.
This is the RPGmaker of the new age.
Sorry to ask, but since I'm a complete novice..what should I try to learn on my spare time coding wise? I figured Python would be the best to start with.
What do you want to do?
Hitstop is always shit, it's up there with screenshake and typewriter text as one of those cargo cult things indies always add for no good reason.
would you play something that looks like this?
i wish i could live in 2013 like you, 2020 sucks
Python is fine. The language is of less importance compared to the coding methodology, practices, and habits you begin internalizing.
I have no idea what's going on but the lighting is pretty cool. Good luck with your project.
>look at me! I'm uniquely cynical! I'm a smart person because I think everything goes to shit!
You and ten million other boring people, user.
i probably wouldnt pay for it
it looks like a ps1 game but without the charm
Honestly, no clue! I'm not planning anything fancy and trying to shoot too high, just something practical to start with and work my way up to 2D or possibly text game stuff.
Thanks, I guess I'll start there, then.
>i probably wouldnt pay for it
I would never charge anything even if it was good
>it looks like a ps1 game but without the charm
well at least I'm half way there, I did want to emulate the ps1 look.
this is just a really rough beginning, hopefully I'll be able to put some soul into it.
Yeah the rapture is soon or the dimensional merge
I'm reworking my game from the ground up, wish me luck
you're looking at the prologue of the technocracy if anything, get on that VR train early because that's where we'll all be living in a decade and the last thing you'll want to be is non-technical
is primitive 3D doable for a solo project or should I stick with 2D?
I've been sewing masks and managing my beehives.
Someone send me toilet paper.
pleaseI'm down to five rolls
programmer here, what do you need senpai
3d is probably the easier option unless you can already draw / animate in 2d
just line up ur showers with ur poops and use the shower head as a bidet
do you know c#? have you made any games?
Yes, looks comfy
It's time to stop being brainrotting hiveminder and reverberating shit you heard once faggot. Unity isn't as bad as it was several years ago, some of the best shit we got in the past few years are unity related projects like remaking Daggerfall and Cities Skyline. It's a reliable platform now.
Im making a very simple 3D multiplayer spaceship game to practice with network multiplayer
but fuck if im going to do any 3D modeling.
would be cool if i can find a 3D art user here and we can become yesdevs, but if not ill probably just get someone from fiverr
im a poorfag so dont expect more than 50$ on the work and i also need some sound effects/music user
is 3D seriously easier? I would have thought sprites would have been way easier than modelling
a bit rusty but yes
very basic stuff on the side and as part of a course in uni, I've done more general programming than game dev really
What are you trying to make?
well yeah that's the usual answer you get from a programmer. Game dev isn't hard coding, but you need to fucking put work into it. There are no complex tasks to solve, but the goal is that you have to efficient. There countless assets for you to use, it's a lot easier to make a game if you have a background in programming and zero art skills than the other way around. Yet most of the programmers either never even try or drop it after they made it through 3 youtube tutorials.
it's easier cause you don't need to put even remotely the grind as you would with drawings. And there is so much depth to drawing that you can waste your whole life on it, while 3d is just fucking learning the software and that is it.
I'm just starting to learn programming with sicp
Why do you need good art if your game is just an practice?
this is a good place to start with sounds, its where I get mine
Just use probuilder then.
I will be releasing the game, probably on .io or something, so i want the game to be somewhat presentable. doesnt have to be amazing art, some simply low poly is fine
looks nice. did u use a reference for it?
I use playmaker and bolt and there is nothing you can do about it.
Not really. But if you're looking for simple low-poly stuff to make that are specifically spaceships, Probuilder would be great for you.
Currently building a third person control point capping game. Simple premise. 2 groups of girls want to take over a nightclub and get there fave song playing, because the current one sucks. If the other team plays there song, they fall on the ground and cover there ears, resetting everybody back to there positions.
One teams anthro bat girls, they want heavy metal pop
the others magic imps. They want your stereotypical club music
they battle it out picking up weapons and capping control points. The weapon system is entirely based on nano-tech so instead of bullets it fires nano-bullets made of the nanotech itself, which slowly recharges over time. So think something like a castlevania style game where all your weapons are based on a mana system. if you run out your weapons are weakened till you have enough for another attack.
currently developing the camera..
Is it better than blender for that stuff? I guess you really like spaceships.
, They look very good
Im starting my map today. How big should a tile set be?
>Is it better than blender for that stuff?
I just find it easier to use since it's in Unity and I'm used to Unity's controls and workflow. It has limitations since it's based mostly around extrusions and such (and its CSG tools are really really shit). I've used blender for more complicated and unusual shapes but my spaceships to start with have always been in Probuilder.
Pick a console (nes/snes/gb/etc) and choose from that as a base for your sprites. Learn from the people who already had to answer that question for their games.
yo user i'll work for you
I wanna focus my game dev learnings to make a fighting game but have no idea where to start or how. Any kind suggestions?
no, i've spent nearly every day for the past month learning to draw. still not good but i've become completely obsessed with it and hate myself for never diving in sooner
Godot's good for an absolute beginner right? I'm gonna start practicing now that this quarantine shit is actually being put in place
Anyway my asteroid mesh combiner system had a few edge cases where it was creating invisible asteroids that you'd smack into like a big fucking stupid baby. I fixed it that so that all asteroids render properly, and I've generally been doing some QoL and bugfixing stuff under the hood as I wind down for this month's kickstarter devlog. Probably going to redo how ambient lighting is set next.
alright user drop an email