Frilly dresses>Bikini armor>Realistic armor
Frilly dresses>Bikini armor>Realistic armor
Tasteful and period relevant (but not necessarily period accurate) armour that allows realistic movement but is feminine and demure >>> everything else
>Tasteful and period relevant (but not necessarily period accurate) armour that allows realistic movement but is feminine and demure >>> everything else
I don't know user, I think you're going to have to post more pictures of cute girls in cute frilly dresses for me to really come to a decision
So what do you call this kind of look?
Bargain Bin Knight or Fancy Gladiator?
Cuz it's pretty much a normal person in a normal dress with some armguards thrown on & shit, which definitely works, aesthetically.
But then again, if you threw on nothing more than a cassis crista, you would literally have a murmillo, so Fancy Gladiator really does seem more fitting.
Frilly dress armor > Frilly dresses > Bikini armor > Realistic armor
Absolutely love looking at this bitch, want to squeeze her soft breasts, but I can't stand her name
You've convinced me. Any more examples?
>t. resentful coomer that wants metal bikinis on all his pathetic waifus
Not that user but
>Frilly bikini armor isn't real!
This. Works on Gran too.
Closet homo
>female in snow region is wearing chain mail bikini with a fur hood and boots
where the fuck is this from holy shit hahahaha
at a guess, some Red Sonja comic
Fuck off pseud
From Tactics Ogre.
seething dressfag
Reminder that boobplate is 100% realistic.
i hate djeeta!
That's none of the above. That's a fucking COMMONER'S OUTFIT with battle gauntlets.
dick plates were also a thing
all that effort in details/shading and this is the best a modern nu-anime artist can do
I love Djeeta!
Most based post ITT
I always hate warrior women in hentai
>strong warrior woman who casually goes about slaughtering monsters
>gets pushed over
>suddenly becomes pathetic and weak and just lays there crying as she gets raped
if I want to see a warrior woman get raped, i want her to be fighting back. what's the point if she's not resisting until her last breath.
Voiced by anyone other than Hisako Kanemoto >>>>>>>>> shit >> voiced by Hisako Kanemoto
Not an argument
Cute and sexy
For me it's the string bikini armor
>not just wearing whatever is cute because its magic and who the fuck cares
Wha is some frilly dress core?
Gran is ugly and unpopular!
What's your opinion on Ann Takamaki's english voice? Just curious.
trash heap
shitposting armor was a thing too
Why are they wearing armor? It just slows you down, a bullet is going to break through it anyways.
Ooooh God look at the size of the belt buckle on 2 I'm fucking COOMING
i will never understand granblue
They're japs, not niggers
it makes my pp hard.
because it's the spartan class and it's obviously designed after the outfits from 300
>only niggers have anything more than a dot for a a nose or a unfinished line for a mouth
fucking kys
>Not having Djeeta say SSSSPAAAARRRTTAAAAA!!!
one job
It's a MMO/turn based RPG that wanted to be a FF Tacticts clone. The only downside is that it's a gacha, art and music direction are solid though.
Speedos>>>>>>anything else
where's his peepee?
>True nirvana of the infinite and non existent cosmos
>Full armor pee pee hard gets armor broken to bikini pee pee hard
I think he's just tucking it in.
>needing to see the female body to fetishize it