Frilly dresses>Bikini armor>Realistic armor

Frilly dresses>Bikini armor>Realistic armor

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Tasteful and period relevant (but not necessarily period accurate) armour that allows realistic movement but is feminine and demure >>> everything else

>Tasteful and period relevant (but not necessarily period accurate) armour that allows realistic movement but is feminine and demure >>> everything else

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I don't know user, I think you're going to have to post more pictures of cute girls in cute frilly dresses for me to really come to a decision


So what do you call this kind of look?
Bargain Bin Knight or Fancy Gladiator?
Cuz it's pretty much a normal person in a normal dress with some armguards thrown on & shit, which definitely works, aesthetically.
But then again, if you threw on nothing more than a cassis crista, you would literally have a murmillo, so Fancy Gladiator really does seem more fitting.

Frilly dress armor > Frilly dresses > Bikini armor > Realistic armor

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Absolutely love looking at this bitch, want to squeeze her soft breasts, but I can't stand her name

You've convinced me. Any more examples?

>t. resentful coomer that wants metal bikinis on all his pathetic waifus

Not that user but

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>Frilly bikini armor isn't real!

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This. Works on Gran too.

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Closet homo

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>female in snow region is wearing chain mail bikini with a fur hood and boots
where the fuck is this from holy shit hahahaha

at a guess, some Red Sonja comic

Fuck off pseud

From Tactics Ogre.

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seething dressfag

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Reminder that boobplate is 100% realistic.

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i hate djeeta!

That's none of the above. That's a fucking COMMONER'S OUTFIT with battle gauntlets.

dick plates were also a thing

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all that effort in details/shading and this is the best a modern nu-anime artist can do

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I love Djeeta!

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Most based post ITT


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I always hate warrior women in hentai
>strong warrior woman who casually goes about slaughtering monsters
>gets pushed over
>suddenly becomes pathetic and weak and just lays there crying as she gets raped

if I want to see a warrior woman get raped, i want her to be fighting back. what's the point if she's not resisting until her last breath.

Voiced by anyone other than Hisako Kanemoto >>>>>>>>> shit >> voiced by Hisako Kanemoto

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Not an argument

Cute and sexy

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For me it's the string bikini armor

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>not just wearing whatever is cute because its magic and who the fuck cares

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Wha is some frilly dress core?

Gran is ugly and unpopular!

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What's your opinion on Ann Takamaki's english voice? Just curious.

trash heap

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shitposting armor was a thing too

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Why are they wearing armor? It just slows you down, a bullet is going to break through it anyways.

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Ooooh God look at the size of the belt buckle on 2 I'm fucking COOMING

i will never understand granblue

They're japs, not niggers

it makes my pp hard.

because it's the spartan class and it's obviously designed after the outfits from 300

>only niggers have anything more than a dot for a a nose or a unfinished line for a mouth
fucking kys

>Not having Djeeta say SSSSPAAAARRRTTAAAAA!!!
one job



It's a MMO/turn based RPG that wanted to be a FF Tacticts clone. The only downside is that it's a gacha, art and music direction are solid though.

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Speedos>>>>>>anything else

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where's his peepee?

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>True nirvana of the infinite and non existent cosmos
>Full armor pee pee hard gets armor broken to bikini pee pee hard

I think he's just tucking it in.

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>needing to see the female body to fetishize it

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