>You arent the chosen one
>you are literally a nobody
>but you still beat the final boss because FUCK PROPHECIES
any games like this?
You arent the chosen one
Other urls found in this thread:
>You arent the chosen one
>you are literally a nobody
>but you still beat the final boss because FUCK LIMITLESS POTENTIAL
any games like this?
Wind Waker is like this. The only Link in the franchise that isn't a reincarnation of the great hero. So he doesn't start with the triforce of courage, he has to get that shit himself.
maybe not exactly, but i love Rain World for the same feeling. you go from a literal scaredy cat whos afraid of some plants, to an agile slippery motherfucking hunting lizards and interacting with gods.
Risk of rain 1, and perhaps 2 when the final boss gets added
How does that work? I mean that Link looks exactly like the others, is that a coincidence?
>You arent the chosen one
>you can find the chosen one in your journey and kick his ass
Every Link is the chosen one, retard. Stop trying to be deep with Nintendo games, especially baby versions of them like WW.
>you are literally a nobody
Literally the most boring thing you can do with your video game character. You are a nobody in real life, why would you want that in your video game experience as well?
Forget it, since the game came out WW babbies have been determined to prove WW is the magnum opus of human civilization and a fantasy world even greater than Tolkien. In reality they are are s o y guzzling beta fucks who wank over le cutsey art and stronk cunt Tetra.
Moon and Star kills all but Nerevar. Being able to wear it means you are the chosen one.
>He doesnt want the satisfaction of beating the big bad while being a literally nobody
Theres no proof of that actually happening and if you put it on NPCs it does nothing.
Also ghosts of other nerevarine-wannabes
Perhaps you eventually become the chosen one
Im going with what was written in lore.
Not what is or isnt done in engine.
Youre just wrong. You are the chosen one.
It's relatable, and a lot less predictable than YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE
Isaac Clarke looks like someone from TV or an actor. But I can't quite put my finger on it.
We know nothing about the Ring except that Azura blessed it.
>you are literally a nobody
That's outward in a nutshell.
You're just some asshole going on an adventure while everything in the world wants whatever is in your pockets.
Because if you're the chosen one, anything you do isn't really an accomplishment, it's just something you were already expected to be able to do.
>you draw the short straw
>they send you into the wastes
>kill the big bad
>become legend
>Character is not only a nobody, he also only cares about money/sex/booze
>Saves the world because if it's destroyed there will be no more money/sex/booze
>Character's motivation is to take over Villain's property
Name 73 games that do this
The only good type of character, holy shit.
I always thought he looked like a younger version of the Man in Black from Lost.
Also sorry for reminding anyone about Lost with this post.
> he wouldn't rather accomplish everything on his own merits than gobble down muh prophecy
>he doesn't start with the triforce of courage, he has to get that shit himself
>literally the worst part of the game
Yeah he sucked pretty bad
What? In the second play through when you can actually understand Hylian, the King of Red Lions tells Jabun straight up that this Link has no divine backing whatsoever and they're just rolling with him because he's the best they got.
>greater than Tolkien
Vox Day's Selenoth surpassed Middle-Earth years ago, gamma cuck.
hoping the keep going with content after the sor DLC drops. i love the feel of the game and i think it has potential far beyond what its already got.
I think you mean Hieronymus Bosch from Bosch.
when did dead space say anything about a prophecy?
>The only Link in the franchise that isn't a reincarnation of the great hero.
Skyward sword nigga counts too then.
This game is about 2 canadian lumberjacks fighting off demons and werewolves to folk music.
He was the right man in the wrong place
Tales of Xillia
iirc the people of WW Link's island worship bad end Link from OoT so the tunic is just some coming of age costume. Later on Tetra is definitely the chosen one cuz she becomes Zelda but Link is just the same dude
Then again I couldn't give two shits about how Zelda stories work so I may be wrong
Putting it on NPCs not doing anything is likely to try and keep you from breaking shit + Gamebryo infancy. Can you imagine how much more of a joke the game would be if you could just reverse pickpocket Moon-and-Star on anything and they just dropped dead? Plus kill scripts like that wouldn't really start showing up until Oblivion. It's worth noting that unlike every game after it, there is no "kill" console command, you had to manually set their health to 0.
>You are the chosen one
That's a matter of debate, and really never explained. There's the first theory in which you are Nerevar reincarnated and there is a prophecy. The second is that you're not, you're just some bumfuck that Azura picked and is protecting in order to knock the Tribunal down a few pegs. The third is that it makes no difference, by so effectively emulating Nerevar, you mantle him, thus as far as reality is concerned, you are Nerevar and Nerevar is you, and any deeds done by one can be correctly attributed to the other.
It is however, worth noting that when Dagoth Ur asks if you're really Nerevar, he responds mostly favorably to the "fuck that" dialogue option ("I'm a self made hero and I make my own fate" or something to that effect).
Outlast 2?
Dark Souls
Bonus points if the big bad guy acknowledges that you're supposed to be fucking nothing and has a meltdown when they realise they can't beat you.
>The big bad IS the chosen one
>he's doing what the prophecy told him to do
>you beat his ass anyway
Rance is a massive Gary Stu.
Neverwinter Nights fits the bill. You're one of a number of students at a sort of adventurers academy and only become important because most of the other candidates get killed in the attack on the place, and they're in need of people to help cure an ongoing plague.
Shadows of Undrentide is similar, although a bit less perfect since you're another student of a sort of adventurer school, albeit with only like five members so it's a bit less "able nobody" and more "gifted few".
metal gear
>Find out you're the chosen one for something involving crotches almost entirely irrelevant to the main plot
kingdom come: deliverance
This is a bootlicking slave mentality.
>Chosen Undead
Wasn't this the case in Dark Souls 3? It sucked so much I can't remember most of the plot but I think it revolved around old chosen ones getting resurrected to light the flame again and you killing them.
Dragon Quest Builders 1. Becomes a plot point near in the 2nd half.
What was the right place?
>not usurping the chosen one role so that every faggot in the world has no other choice but to seethe in silence while still being forced to support you fulfill the prophecy.
Literal lie they tell to every bumfuck who managed to reach Lordran without going hollow
I believe that's a title thrown on you to make you believe you're special, considering the 'chosen undead' is largely a patsy to getting powerful enough to rekindle the first flame. You're only remarkable because you didn't go completely hollow and eventually overcome the more powerful entities.
Same with Dark Souls 3; you're literally "unkindled ash" and manage to succeed through perserverence.
I forget if there's anything special about you in DS2, but frankly, who gives a fuck about that game.
You do realize that's the big plot twist right? All of that prophecy stuff is bullshit made up by Gwyn in order to keep the flame alive. All those corpses you see scattered around near the bells are the other "chosen undead" that failed. Gwyn only wants the strongest undead as that they are higher quality kindling material.
I like this post
Because it's not who you are in the game that matters, its the situation that the character finds themselves in. OP super special characters are boring because it doesn't feel like there's any challenge, they're not really overcoming anything because they're already either used to dealing with it or pre-ordained to deal with it. Some rando dude just figuring his way through it is more interesting, at least in horror scenarios any way.
One game that did a good mix of being a nobody while also being someone of importance is Prey (2017). You're the leader of your company, sure, but in the grand scheme of things you're a nobody and really do feel like that throughout the game.
FF7 technically