unwojaking memes vidya edition
Unwojaking memes vidya edition
DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of clock town, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m actually IN THE GAME. you should totally play majoras mask if you havent already, it is peak aesthetic with comfy EXPOSED BRICK walls and everything. you can do some sidequests or three and get crazy watching how the totally realistic it is how NPCs get scared as the moon inches closer, it's so UNSETTLING like my favorite CREEPYPASTAS (dont look up ben drowned unless you wanna wet the bed tonight bro!) and dude, dude, DUDE, you have GOTTA go to the milk bar- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK MILK. BUT!!!! it’s like heavily implied to be ALCOHOLIC, in a KIDS GAME. it's so DEEP and MATURE.. speaking of which meegan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spend more on ourselves and our VINTANGE N64 COLLECTION. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this lon lon milk (it's soilent i carry around in a quirky lon lon milk bottle lol) and pop open another one!!!
This is now an [s4s/ thread
I'll add the good ones to my wojak folder.
>unwojaking memes vidya edition
nice art direction
threads like these are more cringe than wojaks could ever be.
Why lie? Nothing is worse than the constant, boring, repition of wojak and frog spam.
very nice
So what else is new?
>Using my image
You're a cool dude OP
>unwojaking memes vidya edition
Hey user I made you something
No user would ever post something like this.
That's the good shit right there.
>This thread.
We're bringing Yas Forums back.
>draw a shitty doodle meant to be a caricature of certain modern "men"
>it pisses them off so badly they spam it for half a decade afterward, desperate to strip it of meaning and power, equivalent to a screaming red-faced tantrum
Love this shit
>No user would ever post something like this.
Save us Chad
Save us from this hell
Here's something you might need to read while you're enjoying your permaban.
>it even pissed off the mods
Comfy thread.
>Here's something you might need to read while you're enjoying your permaban.
>This is delicious bait and I must eat it.
try this one
nipple, source
>Call wojak and pepe fags out for being the pieces of shit they are
>Their only comeback is to post more wojaks and pepes each worse than the last
I'm liking how meta these are becoming.
Now HERE'S an image worth saving
I love this one
i recently found out the context for this and the weird short guy was 100% right, if a little bit too zealous about it
anyway thanks for reading my opinion on a minor meme from a couple years ago. enjoy the rest of your night
While we’re on the topic I think based needs to go too. You fags have run that word into the fucking ground and don’t even know where it came form. It is equally as dull as Pepe and wojak.
hello? based department?
It's because they're seething and don't know how to respond
One step at a time
What the fuck do you think wojak or frogposting is, you deluded nigger?
Great post.
It got played out as soon as people forgot who Lil B is.
I guess soijak hits too close to home huh
Wojakfags are retards who didn’t get breastfeed
>I don’t know where it came from
Imagine being this retarded
"based on what?" is doing a pretty good job of countering it lately
Personally I absolutely agree.
good thread, thanlks
i'll feed you from my breasts, you fuckin nerd
Don’t do that
Yeah Buddy
Did people actually listen to him or was it 100% ironic
I guarantee you the people using it don't know who Lil' B is, nor would they care if told.
Yeah, to redditors who spam wojaks constantly.
I still don't fucking know.
Why do wojack posters get so butthurt the moment they're called out?
I made this awhile ago, use it wisely
>This thread.
Good work. Yas Forums fights back.
based on what?
Sure, but there'll always be a new hip word that means "good". Rad, sweet, hip, groovy. Based is just the latest one. There'll be another one next year, and another one the year after that. Same with words for bad. Tranny's back in fashion now, but it was onions or cuck or beta before that. That's just how teenagers act.
Because they're not user. They're newfag scum of the highest order.
They seemed to care when he was selling those bootleg nintendos
They certainly do not. They just parroted it like everyone else cus it sounds cool. If these incels knew it came from a black guy they would drop it like a dime.
Haven’t heard of that but I’ll have to start using it
Obviously the solution is to never make any
You can fuck off with that too. Jesus Christ, this is Yas Forums. Yas Forums.
he had some genuinely good tracks but most of it was pretty bad, so i'm going to go with irony
not the mean kind of irony tho, the fun kind
>Yeah, to redditors who spam wojaks constantly.
change from status-quo bad, scary
also it takes way more mental energy to try and respond to "i don't care about the wojak, it's you posting it thinking you're making anybody mad that's annoying" than it does to just post another
It was ironic for most people but I found myself genuinely enjoying his music. Also, he has a PlayStation with a modchip.
there's been like 20 posts and not one of them had wojak
are we doing it
Back to tumblr hamplanet fag
Doing God's work, user.
Twitter threads need to go too.
Well, say goodbye to every Canadian ITT
>Obviously the solution is to never make any
and then there's this faggot over here
Whatever happened to that pissanon? He would come into wojak threads draw a stick man pissing on shitty posts
Too late, user.
Based mario it’s finally time to do the impossible
Based definitely isn’t going anywhere within the next 12 months, it’s been the hot lingo for like 3 years now. I remember before based it was kek (although that is more contextual) but I don’t remember what it was before that.
Even kek didn’t last as long as based, that was only around for like 1 year max.
>>Yeah, to redditors who spam wojaks constantly.
imagine getting this buthurt over fucking wojak
the book
get more mad you soulless faggot
Oh, blow me. I can call you incels cus you are.
Finally, some good frogposting.
Who gives a fuck
Anyone else remember this game?
>tfw cant even play it anywhere
>Bought the HD version demo but I lost it when my old laptop died
lol I love it
imagine defending woj- HOLY SHIT IS THAT REAL?
Pathetic oldfag boomers must be absolutely FURIOUS that "kids" reinvented a meme so great and funny it lasted for over a decade, while their shitty le troll, green user, cool face and other unfunny faggotry got forgotten.
Based has been around a lot longer than 3 years. Thank you based x has been around since probably 2011-2012
please don't post wojak on Yas Forums
thanks -duck
Rare steppe-poster
shut the fuck up you stupid wojak tard
now tell me if that's real
I miss planefag
>while posts overshitted dumb kot dance XD
huuuurmmmurrrmmum (based in mongolian)
>I remember before based it was kek
No it wasn't. kek is just what WoW wordfiltered lol into. It's been around for ages. Before based it was probably what, redpilled? Alpha? And you're forgetting normie sayings like swag. The point is that new words for "good" pop up like weeds. The old words disappear at random when people start to use new ones.
Same with leddit, discord and any kind of social media screen caps.
holy fuck cats can dance like that?
>Over a decade
What the fuck planet are you from
Cute frog
thank you, it's beautiful
"Feelsguy" crossed over from Krautchan to here somewhere around 2010-ish.
holy fucking based
The first literation as "feelsguy" was in 2009, user. And wojak hasn't evolved at all since.
If someone told me that posting a shitty drawing I found off google images was all it took to trigger a bunch of weak faggot "men" and get a bunch of (You)s I would've done it ages ago
>please don't post wojak on Yas Forums
>thanks -duck
Well, he's "evolved" to become something shitty that autists ruin with endless variations, but other than that the design hasn't changed much.
Doing us a great service duck
Feelsguy isn't modern wojak in the slightest
please don't post wojak on Yas Forums
thanks -duck
wojak has become the omnipresent reaction face instead of the feelsguy rage comic.
You're just jelly because you tranny discord dangerhair 'creatives' still can't come up with a retort to it.
You are at the start of a new era user
Feelsguy's literally the base from where all the other variations came from
too much text, all it needs is "your post" annotation on the box
looks like a discord raid to me.
No, we think you're unoriginal. Back in the day we got through ten memes a month.
I fucking hate it because you can't properly convey over text that something actually doesn't make you upset but instead is just beyond fucking boring. I don't give a shit if you continue to make fun of soi faggots but for the love of christ at least come up with something new.
I meant on here. I know tybg was the thing to say on black forums and hip hop boards around that time too.
Yes you are right but my point is that based has been around for a considerably longer time than either of those. And at least redpilled became something more than just the hip word, it created a discussion of how to internalize the world around you or a way of thinking with offshoots like blackpilled and x-pilled.
“Based” is just all that it can be, sysnonymous with “I approve.”
>I’m a gay antention whore
Imagine being this seething cause you got quoted by qojak
>You're just jelly because you tranny discord dangerhair 'creatives' still can't come up with a retort to it.
Imagine taking wojak that seriously, holy shit.
Literally any time people make shitpost threads about wojak you guys cry so hard
Someone fill me in, what the fuck is going on here? I've been away all day.
Are we achieving singularity?
It's the template they all descend from, user.
but is it real though?
I want a Major gf so fucking bad bros
You know why? Because they were so shitty and forced they had no lasting staying-power. That's how crappy they were. Oldfags literally couldn't make anything funny. A long cat? LMAO FRIGGIN EPIC! A frog that pees and says "feels good man"? HILARIOUS!
I could go on but you should be catching my drift. You faggots couldn't be funny even accidentally.
Discordtrannies deperately trying to kill wojak