Japanese woman spent her childhood living in Mexico

>Japanese woman spent her childhood living in Mexico
>She says that Mexicans only play Nintendo and SNK shit

Is this accurate?

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Go to mexico and run a survey


yea pretty much. majority of nintendo fans are spics. it's because the nintendo consoles have always been a cheap alternative and that's what the mexican families can afford

>High class: Nintendo and xbox.
>Medium class: PC (Basically just steam and the worst kind players).
>Low class: PS4.
Also note that this is the current trend, younger people tend to play more in Ps4 and 25+ gamers tend to prefer Nintendo. Guess which group can actually buy the games?
>nintendo consoles have always been a cheap alternative
That's a blatant lie. They have the most expensive controllers and games for some reason. The games themselves can cost the double than in USA, luckily I live near the border and have a visa.

Oh, and about SNK, that's correct. Every single mexican, even younger generations know about king of fighters and metal slug.

>SMT4 poster
i like her
>Persona poster
never mind.

Well, yea. On arcade, Neo Geo was the most popular because cartridges could be pirated with ease.

About Nintendo, while it was expensive, consoles weren't unusual. Plus, there was a Nintendo-only TV show and a magazine. So basically, every kid and teen in the mid to late 90 grew and got really into Nintendo.

Hell, even today, the presenter of the show is idolized as a god. It's ridiculous seeing today a 60 something dude with a Ocarina of Time shirt and a baseball cap on TV. It's kinda pathetic, actually.

>visit mexico

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It still surprises me that SNK has such a massive presence in Central/South America.

You have to recognize the work that Gus did in Mexico for Nintendo and videogame penetration in general. Currently he is only talking shit about AMLO and that's what makes him pathetic really.

No, atleast not at all
They do love playing snk shit specially kof and metal slug but nintendo? Lol no, they all pretty much own an xbox or a ps4 and play fifa shit or cod or another meme mainstream crappy game

there's an uncomfortable amount of these images

Take a look at any KOF XIV tournament and you tell me

And also Mario looks Mexican enough to relate to. They even call him The Great Gonzales as his wrestling name in Paper Mario 2

Yeah it is, just look at hatkens inclusion in Smash.

What the fuck, Nintendo consoles and games are the most expensive and it has always been like that.

>>She says that Mexicans only play Nintendo and SNK shit
True, also not vidya.

Nintendo always had a stronger grasp in the LA market than sony or microsoft.
about snk, beats me, but most of the fighting games you could find at the arcades were SNK games.

Mexicans are deviants. They pirate hentai and games all the time.

what about half mexicans? :)

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i would be lying if i say that i didn't pirate games and hentai like a motherfucker when i was young.

>They pirate hentai and games all the time.
Wait, you don't?

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Yet here i am spending $1,000 USD every month in fantia and buying all the weebshit i can.

i'm a half mexican chicano and i can confirm i'm a pervert that pirates hentai games



They seem pretty based.

>Nintendo always had a stronger grasp in the LA market than sony or microsoft.

That changed quickly when later generations established themselves in the market with the proliferation of piracy.

By 2015 or so, I remember, Xbox (360 and One) and a little over 50% of market share in México.

Funny you say that, I pirated my first one yesterday after playing Doki Doki Literature Club and being traumatized. I needed another VN to make me feel happy again (i got making lovers)

It used to be like that but American shit taste rubbed on our zoomers so they play Fortnite, Minecraft and GTA like the gringos. Many of them are getting into fighting games thanks to DBFZ so there's still hope for the future

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well, you're right there. i was more focused in the nes/snes days. i think the one that took the biggest chunk of the market from nintendo was microsoft.
i remember getting an xbox and halo 2 at blockbuster for a very reasonable price. it was the metallic case version.
shit was so cash.

Mexican here, I agree, 95% of kids in the early 90s had Nintendo, you knew about Sonic / SEGA, but I never met anyone who had a SEGA console.
Then with PSOne / N64, at least in my case the fanbase was 50/50, and has been since then.

About KoF, I dunno, I always thought SF was way more popular, or maybe I never cared for KOF so I didnt pay attention how popular it was.
Around the block, people were crazy about World Heroes and Waku7 instead of KOF, then came the Marvel fighters made by Capcom and everyone went buts about them.


Arcades were always a thing in Mexico back in the 2000's. Most arcades ran a MAME emulator where you had a list of a bunch of games to play. Most people just played a modded version of KOF 2002 with unlimited supers.

that doesnt make us deviants you know


>tfw no gf with rem hair
why even live

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What the hell was she doing in Mexico?

I've got some in my "why does this exist" folder

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If you go to LatAm, remember

>King of Fighters
>Dance Dance Revolution
>Pump it up
>The Simpsons
>Dragon Ball
>the N-word has spanish roots and it is not racist.

Good luck bro.

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Family lives in Mexico

A lot of asians inmigrate to this shithole

my cousin down south was playing a bootleg gta 2 on his ps1 in like 2015

so they are based

Mexicans are Ninten drones

They upload their collection to FB

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>They pirate hentai and games
wtf I love mexicans now

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No. It's like believing sexpats living in those shithole 3rd countries.

Spic internet comunity calls mexican cockroachs because they run behind the wall to USA

>the N-word
ya talking about these darn NEGROES boy? I sure hate them darn NEGROES and their baboon like actin'.

What I don't understand is why are Mexicans really into Xbox? The only thing I was able to figure out was the Xbox One S is cheap and the games are usually cheaper used, so poor Mexicans buy that up. I don't really know.

>>>the N-word has spanish roots and it is not racist.
troll post
You're supposed to use the word "mayate" as it's the polite way to refer to a person of color.

Yeah I'd say so, specifically the NES. I'd visit as a kid and it'd always be NES or random corner arcades, up until like the late 2000's where it became, in morelia anyway from what I saw, modded xbox's/ps2's. Got my ps2 modded there for 30$, shit was nice till an ex of mine kicked it.

Gears of War has a big Mexican playerbase.

Halo and COD, it's just brand loyalty. The majority also buy xbox to play with their friends so it becomes a snowball effect, apart from that the used market is quite big in here and xbone games are cheaper 2nd hand.

Both the original and the 360 are the easiest home consoles to hack (also the Wii) so a lot of parents would buy their kids an Xbox in order to save money. Also kids and teens always want to be more "adult" and play violent games not "kiddie" GC/Wii games or "weeb" PS2/3 games
Once they grew up their normalfag taste never really matured so they bought the Xbone to play FIFA, GTA and COD with better graphics

So does fantia have a subscription plan where I can download everything I want?

>cheapest console and games on the market since Microsoft had official presence in Mexico way before the OG Xbox came out
>first ones to bring games translated to spanish (Iberian spanish but spanish nonetheless)
>first ones that make dubs for their games in mexican spanish starting with the first Gears of War
Marcus VA is pretty famous just for that interpretation, before that he was a unknow argie immigrant that worked mostly on radio (pic related).

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Maybe in central america and the caribean, but in the south (Perú, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile) you can say "negro" without problems.

Confirmed for not even having seen a mexican in your life. Great majority of us are playstation fans because it's easy to hack (stores sell them already hacked even) and football games are on it, fifa, winning eleven, etc.
t. Actual mexican

You can say negro in Mexico and even if it sounds "racist" it is still considered a joke.

I feel like this post comes straight from year 2000.

You can say negro here in Brazil too, if you want to offend someone call them black ("preto").

was thinking the same, maybe if he said ps2

No repulsive fuckin' monkey ass spics actually look like that you fuckin' faggot motherfucker, 100% of them look like pic related and are only 5' 5". Get the fuck off the site you filthy beaner.

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Depends in the artist, 90% of them want you to pay for older months.
Check yiff.party for the ID, i upload everything i rip there.

how many cartel members you think have run a train over that

based meco

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that's a hue girl my man

There is this actress I follow on twitter and I wanted to get some of her videos.

No. Every mexican I know is into anime and fps

Nope, bad luck.

Her videos might be cheap but remember you have to be subscribed to that month to buy it.
And if you unfollow you lose it.

Spics are not welcome in Yas Forums.
Go back to the hispachan shithole.


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