It was so bad it made R3 sell like shit and kill the franchise

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Your topic is 100% correct. Fuck that mediocre game and fuck Insomniac for chasing that CoD money

Resistance 1 was honestly kind of bad. I mean it was the beginning of a new generation so I'm kinder to it but its middling at best. 2 was solid average. Really you could have swapped it out for any high profile FPS and had a comparable experience.

3 is absolute K I N O though.

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>Resistance 1 was honestly kind of bad
>3 is absolute K I N O though.

3 ended the franchise in such a gay and retarded way, can't think of a lamer closer

Weird, most of my friends tell me that R2 is the best one and R3 was a big dissapointment.
They love Overwatch and LoL tho, so I don't expect them to be right.

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i honestly loved every game in the series, even burning skies and retribution. back on vita i was in top 25 for multiplayer rankings, played that shit all day using either the sniper rifle or the mule shotgun

i played the mp beta of 3 and fucking hated it but i only see people saying good things about 3. i might buy the collection when it is on sale.

based chad

1 is the only good game in the series. Two could have been great if every level didn't have some bullshit encounter where you can't take two steps without dying. 3 is trash. Game is about 500p with quincunx AA, i actually can't see anything when i'm playing it.

Resistance 1 was one of my favorite PS3 games when it came out. Then I tried Resistance 2 with the 40 player multiplayer and it was so mediocre I returned it 2 days later. Resistance 3 wasn't as bad but it lost a lot of made the series unique.

imo 3's multiplayer was really lacking but its singleplayer is arguably the best, if others feel similarly then that might be why.

2 was my favourite multiplayer-wise and least favourite singleplayer-wise while 1 was somewhere between the two. I liked all three games overall though. I also owned Retribution for the PSP which I remember being good and also really difficult.

all sony fps are garbage

R2 is literally Sony's meddling asking them to make the game more CoD-ey.

R1 was just a barely decent title(understandable, given their 1st title on ps3 hardware) but with interesting ideas compared to other FPS released at the time that a sequel could easly polish and be actually great.

But Sony, after seeing the CoD's money decided to turn into their CoD/Halo killer as seen how Haze turned out.
2 weapon limit, health regen, some levels being really obxnovius thanks to extremely wide level design where you are under attack 90% of the time if you don't follow certain routes on higher difficulties. plus probably other shit that i forgot.
R3 was more like what Resistence 2 was fucking supposed to do with all the cool shit from 1 being back and actually refined/balance with a pretty good campaign but R2's badness damanged too much the series.

Yeah and the MP was way better in the first . First resistance MP was so underrated

>We want to make a good game for what the genre is on consoles at this point in time
Resistance 2
>We want the Halo audience
Resistance 3
>We want to make a good game (singleplayer)
>We want the COD audience (multiplayer)

It's the forced conclusion we deserve

2 had the invisible enemies that one-shot you. what made those enemies so annoying was their delayed spawn which was made on purpose, so when you kill one if you reload the next one kills you while you are defenseless

go to your eye doctor

Goddamn i totally forgot about those.
Thank god they were only placed alone or with extremely harmless fuckers otherwise i would still be a raging mule by how unfair and annoying they were.

i really liked the first game at the time. i even found out the bodies would rag-doll into the air if you hit them with sniper close to a wall.

R3 is way more like COD than R2, wtf are you talking about?
R2 was 30v30 MP with custom/private servers and character classes.
R3 had 10v10 matchmaking with killstreaks and had much smaller maps


Don't get me fucking started on Haze, that also had to do with Sony meddling (plus Ubisoft when the game only worked on 360 and PC, probably never should have seen PS3 period.)
Still though, R3 was definitely aiming at the CoD crowd, and the co-op in 2 was what I played the most out of it.

>he never played Killzone 2

>R3 is way more like COD than R2

killzone 2,3, and mercenary are all fantastic games

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

killzone one was fucking kino tough

KZ 2 > KZ Mercenary > KZ 1 > KZ Shadow Fall > Shit > KZ 3

>remaster/port/collection/remake when?

3 is better than 1 and shadow fall by alot. not as good as 2, but the warzone multiplayer and operations modes are some of the best multiplayer the PS3 had

>KZ3 under KZ1 and Shadow Fall
Come on, user

I thought every killzone game's campaign (except that isometric PSP spinoff) was boring to be honest. The MP was decent enough though

SF was trying to be more like 2, but released unfinished and depleted of features. not to mention, that quickmatch completely killed the population of custom servers

killzone liberation for the psp is pretty fun too.

Bash me if you must but second is my favorite. I loved 1 for the narrative and 2 for everything but the two weapons limit. 3 just felt boring for some reason. Maybe I was just getting tired of the series by that point.

You're fucking retarded. Warzone is far superior in 2 and basically ruined by the bastardization committed by the lead multiplayer designer in reducing the player classes, screwing the balancing with said classes, and then the level design with chokepoints galore fuck things over causing matches to be more than just one-sided. Operations is the only redeeming aspect to the game, but even then the level design is just dogshit for anyone hoping to attack.
>KZ1 with far superior story
>not a dogshit MP as stated above, I played on PS2
>KZSF with a better story (for the first half, anyway)
>while more options for servers and superior level design, the gameplay is stripped down again
>game was rushed for launch
>features incorporated later were lazy copies from KZ3 or from other games
>still better than 3

killzone is fucking garbage
>game set in the distant future in another planet
>still using machineguns and revolvers
>input lag

both resistance and killzone are excellent franchises

1 plays like complete crap at a constant 15 fps or lower, game is a cool concept but absolute rubbish in execution

fuck, I forgot about that, and I have it on PSP. Good story, but I never got to play the MP. I'd probably have it between 1 and SF.

The online co-op was a lot of fun

>Resistance 1
It's own thing
>Resistance 2
Halo in the 50s
>Resistance 3
Half Life and Cod

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Resistance 3 is basically a console baby version of Half Life 2 or Wolfenstein New Order

>Resistance 1
>It's own thing

somebody didn't play any ps2 shooters, jesus christ

Which means it's really good for a console FPS

Resistance is such an open and shut series. People's opinions on the games are basically objective now. 3 > 1 > Retribution > 2 > Burning Skies.

In term of originality I would give it to Resistance 2
I loved the weird mix between Modern/Sci-Fi/Vintage

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>what is the Alien franchise
>input lag was fixed in 3, though I never had a problem with it in 2

Could have been. I think Guerrilla is one of those companies that started going for style over substance, and yet I've played through the campaign more times than I can remember.

It did give us this video

You're probably the only person incorrectly comparing R2 to COD. Resistance 3 is the one that came out in a post-Modern Warfare 2 world so it's the one that inherited that awful multiplayer game design the most. See , this is objectively correct

1 is the best co-op, 2 best MP, 3 best story.

How did they manage to fuck up the aesthetic so hard in 2? the og was basically WWII/early cold war against aliens/monsters

>that final allied push into London
>that multiplayer

sigh, it was my first PS3 game ever

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favorite and most hated guns in the series?
favorite: exploding revolver
hated: that one gun that tossed out exploding bubbles

2's last mission was onpar with any of 1's missions it felt like the climax we have been waiting for showing just how powerful Hale really was.

But from what I heard 2 was liked because of its 8 player co-op thing and people enjoyed the multiplayer. I think the problem is that PS3 shooters had zero staying power. Largely people only cared about them only because they were simply playstation exclusives.

All three of the games are liquid shit only played by retards. Resistance 1 is one of the worst games I've ever played, and I played Haze.

speak not its name!

They were technically impressive at the time of release, but that's about it. The AI was great.

I also played both games, I can't believe some people are even bothering discussing the Resistance series at all.
There is no shortage of great playstation series, Resistance isn't one of them and really demonstrates that Insomniac as a studio cannot do serious.

But I remember KZ2's classes being unbalanced to. Especially the rocket class having super speed as well as some armor. Lots of servers turned the class off entirely.