Animal Crossing

what are you town plans?
I need inspiration

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Other urls found in this thread: Tune Maker Tune Maker Tune Maker

trying to get town house layout done and cannot for the life of me. squares are where i'm planning for houses to go

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Stuff 10 houses into 1/4 of the island like a retard

I watched some dude on youtube show off his town and he just spammed flowers fucking everywhere and did the most basic symmetrical crap with everything and faggots in the comment section are going wild in heat over it. If you just put flowers everywhere in your town then you are 100% a faggot with zero creativity, same goes for "lol the whole town looks like it's in japan with zen everything!"

Sounds like you're jellymad over his (you)s

be totally original
>waterfalls behind museum
>ramps leading up to cliffside house
>gym area
>picnic area
>garden area with fountain
>swapmeet stall
>beach side stalls
>fountain in front of Resident Services
>rope fences on beach
>Godzilla on the largest beach rock
>10 villager houses lined up in one corner of the island
>shops separated by a river
>small tables with food and vending machines near shops to give off cafe vibe
>a zen garden area with all the DIY rocks and cherry blossom recipes you can throw in
>lighthouse by the dock
>arch at the airport dock
>symmetrical paths
>amusement park area
>heart lake

cringe retard has no flowers or aesthetic

>wah why do people make zen gardens in their japanese game thats literally a virtual zen garden they shwould be making a based arcade with a nazi flag

>tfw only did one of those
holy shit, feels good

Anyone have a spare Cherry Bonsai recipe? Will trade nook tickets for it. I'll even give you an electric guitar for it.

>they shwould be making a based arcade with a nazi flag

user in the last thread was looking for a Doctor's Mask. I have a (used) one I can trade over. And if anyone can help me craft an Iron Shelf to give to Cherry it would be appreciated.

There is not a village, town, or city that has flowers everywhere that isn't cement. Fuck off it literally defines your obnoxious personality irl and looks hideous. Flowers in spots that make since are aesthetic.

check out my epic town

The only recipe I've managed to shoot down is the Pochette.

Well, got my tenth villager to move in just now - pic related. I'm planning a tiered residential area, but staggered about to avoid the "block" look. The campground is on an island already and I'm going to let that get wild again with weeds slowly. I'm going to move the museum to the back center and have space around it for fencing and outdoor displays. I'm not quite sure about shops, but I'm thinking a boardwalk along the longest stretch of beach?

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he literally didn't ask what you had

Able's sisters is selling some good stuff, drop in if you like. Bulletin messages are always welcome.


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ask again without a trip and you can have an iron shelf.


>"lol the whole town looks like it's in japan with zen everything!"
Hey, having one bamboo covered rise with a hot spring is all right, right?

>heart lake
Jokes on you my island came with a heart lake.

>durrr what i put on grass that don't look good wit my 200th cerry blossom lantern
>durrr I can't put any cherry blossom items or zen items near my incredibly close trees
>durrr flowers everywhere x3

Been looking for a smug villager for my 10th since I currently lack one and I found Whitney on an island and I wonder if it's worth it.

Even with terraforming, the majority of islands will look the same.

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I only did it to help identify my character. But if it's an issue I'll turn it off.

Shes literally top of the top tier of wolves. go for it.

Yes, Octavian has a very clear zen style house so i decorated his area with a handful of bamboo/zen stuff. The second you let it get out of hand is cringe

What is your native fruit?

I had Avery, who justed moved in today, visit Beau on his birthday. I gave the deer an elephant slide since I think it suits him. Beau also kept saying stuff about eating with his face covered in cake that made me feel lewd

This game is pretty.
I found a bamboo island. I was excited to make a sakura/bamboo town, but I didn't realize this went away so quickly. Better get to hunting those recipes. Aside from that, I can't really form a plan without seeing more of what the game offers.

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Imagine wanting to make your island a cringe Japanese-themed village instead of making it into a based Nordic village

post tunes Tune Maker

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i understand. it helps but i think in this game, with our game names and towns circulating, it doesn't help with people who really attach to attention

give me a dodo i'll come and craft you a shelf. i'll require just the raw materials, you can keep your coof mask

I tried putting waterfalls next to either side of my inclines and it is not letting me.

>The second you let it get out of hand is cringe
Please stop posting you embarrassing faggot. Please.

Gulliver sent me a Katana in the mail. Does he sent those to everyone?

It might not be a smart idea, but I'm just going to lay shit down until my town has all the shops and shit it can get and when I get the terraforming tools. Then I'm just going to relocate shit

I actually wish there were biomes you could choose from. So you could have a temperate one like the normal, but you could also have cold, tropical, desert...

I can also offer...a spoiled you can attract ants.

ill do just that if we ever get a stone wall fence like the ones scattered around whiterun

>heart lake
Got one surrounded by hybrid flowers :}

I feel like I'm not utilizing the cliffs enough, but mostly because fuck paying for inclines

>even more randomized bullshit to spend hours resetting for
Please no

tempting tempting. nah it's too special to take.

the cost to make an iron shelf is 14 iron, btw.

I just want a natural, relatively undeveloped town where everything is spaced out. Not interested in some super crazy themed town. I don't think I'm even gonna both with the terraforming, maybe just like rounding off some of the weird edges on my rivers.


Peaches, a lot of my fruit has been picked tho

Can you get cherry blossom recipes from the nook miles islands? I have over 200k miles and i'm bored of popping balloons.

I have some villagers on mountains... But not myself.
Actually not on this list, at all.

I'm working on having a 4x house square lile GC, with me and 3 villagers.

MIGHT later move them somewhere and use 4 player houses later, IDK.

Already have a traintrack at the top of the town.
Dem memerberrries.


I want to keep it rural and spread out. I don't like grids.

this is the dumbest meme in these threads
>INB4 someone calls me a pierlet
I got the largest possible length, this meme is still utterly retarded

wow wtf unisntalling the game now

I want off this ride, villagers are giving me repeat bunny day recipes I have no use for.

Fourteen planks, not counting stairs.

I need inspiration for making nice looking ponds. Anyone have good ideas?

>If you just put flowers everywhere in your town then you are 100% a faggot with zero creativity
Guilty as charged. I got zero fucking ideas what to do so I'm just making shitty flower breeding areas all over the island.

Im stealing this idea thanks

How would you rate my town? Able is building he shop near the bottom inner left near the beach line.

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Oh no. Doki, communication error kicked me off

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>mfw i have all of this but don't value other people's opinion
gonna put a few more heart ponds in later

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why are there kids listening to a song about a penis

i have 14 as well, but i also count the stairs, so 16. B)

I'm extending and moving my mountain around to essentially split my island into two parts divided by the mountain. I want to make something that feels like the rural Japanese countryside, taking some inspiration from the environmental art in Non Non Biyori.

Well it looks like your island is shut down now. I was going to sell my oranges while visiting.

Billy is based.

Your layout seems very arbitrary.

Whatever you say pierlet
>I-I swear I have a big one
then act like it

Is mask seller user still here? I missed them last thread

Is it possible to make your island larger? Perimeter-wise.

Want me to open it up again?

b-bassed as hell..

>Got Julia
>Claims to be a girl
>Is clearly a Peacock


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Did I crash the island?

>Minimally terraformed natural island
>Overengineered urban island
>Themed island using one of the handful of item sets available
>Total conversion island
>Meme island using patterns everywhere

Just make what you want and don't worry about being original

Yeah they put too many Japanese themed items in this game.

It's like this series is becoming more Japanese with time.
Used to just be that you had some lucky cats and daruma dolls and that was mostly it.

>h-ha I don't care

A cloaca is a cloaca.

If you need inspiration, you're probably a timetranny

Go for it, I have the lake among my fruit grove as well

Sure, if you want

Waterfall museums own, though.

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If you terraform you can remove entire mountains to open up space.

That's not what he asked

that looks kinda ugly

>shitty default path
>no fossils on display
>those half-assed waterfalls

I mean, traps aren't gay, soo....

As an ornithologist, one thing that really grinds my gears is when people call all peafowl peacocks. I understand the mistake, but it's still a mistake.

Peacock specifically refers to the male, which is what most people recognize, anyway.

Peahen refers to the females, which don't look as /fa/ as the males.

I guarantee you that any idea you could have for your town, some autistic Jap on Twitter has already done a much better job of it. You're right, don't even worry about it.

Doki is open again, friend

i think your town seems pretty nice mr. user

>Double south
Did literally 90% of players choose the worst layout?

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When they're done right.

own shit


>those waterfalls that lead to nothing
If Blathers drowns because of excess water flooding the museum it's all on you and your bad terraforming.

I have all the stuff needed ready for whenever you are.

This looks cool as fuck

>Double south
post your town

My peacock living on bread, biscuits, grapes and bloody catfood as dad got them addicted to it and steal all our cats food. Trying to breed more white ones but someone keeps pinching them.

These are the same no-talent people who will call a cityscape soulless.

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fellow bird-nigga

I put my villagers into an organized grid because I actually like the look

interesting, i always just thought they were all peacocks and the males were just prettier, didn't know "peafowl" was the term for female

i'm gonna need a pier length comparison image

I want Audie to sit on my face

I would like some help
after visiting some other anons islands, I realized double south rivers is shit and would like to restart, but I don't wanna lose all my furniture and stuff
I was wondering if a helpful user would help me transfer all my items by holding it on theirs until I restart. Ill timeskip ahead one day to unlock the airport asap. I have 40k nook miles I would give in the form of miles tickets or DIY recipes for the help

This but with Carmen.

That looks bad. The waterfalls on the sides should feed into the water on the front.

on my way!

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was going to make a fruit orchard in my island today but i can't be assed to work up the energy

>he doesn't know how to spoof amiibos
>he's playing the Nook Miles lottery day in day out

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Been using Bloody Tears since the original AC. Tune Maker

I like it, i would spread the villagers out but i dig the island in the middle

count the planks nigga, goes from 10-14 planks


Also Based

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That looks dumb why not put in a moat at least

Hey...can we share?

about to start rolling for a new villager, wish me luck

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That's neat. Over here we only have the 'boring' blue ones.

I cant buy anything from amazon right now....

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>How would you rate my town?
do you actually want a rating or are you going to do the same thing when you asked what people thought of your villagers and just go "nuh uh"

I did a few on here, no shame here since there are only so much you can do but I see you're making a bait list anyway so you should add these too for an ever growing copypasta for these threads
>player house at the top level overlooking villagers
>stepping stones to cross rivers
>town area and a segregated more natural area on the other side of the map
>fruit orchard that other players can't get to easily
>bad attempts at diagonal walkways
>custom design paths that don't fit well with the environment
>japanese styled fences or weeb look in general
>artificial islands via terraforming
>obvious path to private beach
>town on a multi-level incline
>"bubble" paths (divided circle paths leading places)
I've done a good few of these honestly

I'm putting the museum at the very top level surrounded by a giant lake. On its sides, I'm going to have little islands with telescopes and other decorations fitting for a museum.

>"Here's an Apron!"
Thanks, I'll just stash it with the three others I already have...

Heading on over with fruit if you or anyone needs any

anyone got red rose seeds? only flower im missing at this point that i really want

You need an android phone with NFC for that, which is something 80% of neets dont have

>day in and out
You can only do it one day before it autofills

This is incredibly well done.


Ables has cool glasses, tuxedos, and maid outfits
I also hid ~15 or so bags of bells ranging from 30-100k around the island

come shop and chill
please mind the flowers and write on the bulletin board if you so desire.

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Not to mention Yas Forums is fucking retarded and can't do anything on their own. I bet you 90% of the board can't find SNES ROMs now.

sure, actually i'll open my town to visitors. bring the iron.

My ables got Samurai Armors, After School clothes for boys, Punk shit, SanGoku style Silk Shirts, Viking armor, Farmer overalls, Mages robes, thief bandanas from Japanese culture and an assortment of shoes. swing on by.


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I set my town up so the second tier is a dedicated orchard for fruit. Since my third tier is three tiny mountain peaks it's unusable for normal facilities. I'm slowly setting one of them up to be a mountain hotspring surrounded by my bamboo farm while another is the campsite, haven't figured out the third yet. My sea level is strictly the village.

I've never been into the aesthetic of hyper customized towns with really fancy layouts, I like the vibe of taming this wilderness and rolling with the chaos. I still want it to feel like a small village, the games set on a small island with crafting elements.

(Also, my towns name was a fucking accident. It's one I've used for years in other games I've played and I didn't realize until the second I hit enter that it sounds like a Covid-19 joke now lol)

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"Peahen" refers to the females, "peafowl" refers to the bird collectively. Though a bunch of people I know just call the females "hens", which isn't wrong.

Now that I have terraforming, Im not sure what I want to do with my third level. For now, I'm trying to get my town square under control. I think I'm going to swap where my museum and cranny are. I really wish when placing or moving a building we had the top down view of designer mode. Things would be so much easier. Tune Maker

nah nah, peaHEN is for females - peaFOWL refers to both peaHENs and peaCOCKs

it's not bait if it's true

The only reason to hate double south exits is if you're some soulless commie block faggot who needs all their shit to fit in a tiny area and probably terraformed their river into a straight line to maximize space. Please tell me you're not like that.

Anyone with a shop selling Japanese robes? I just crafted myself the cone hat, and now I need to complete the look.

>10 villager houses lined up in one corner of the island

Guilty as charged, can't help it though. I love my commieblock rows, makes things simpler.

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Can I plant flowers on other peoples' islands? I've got a shitload of white mums I don't need any more but it feels like such a waste to sell them.

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Does anyone have Coconuts to spare? I need 4

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Yeah. You can plant weeds, too

>force you to design your town, without paths, in order to unlock paths
>streetlights are a different color from the ones at city hall, neither can be changed to look like the other
The little things in this game are killing me.

I'd like to know this too, I have SO MANY WINDFLOWERS.

an evil user planted a ton of red tulips on my island

Nigga, go on a fucking Nook tour

gonna copy some of this

whycome there's roads and road surface markings for vehicles, but there's no vehicles?

I would like some constructive criticism. I don't really care about the whole neighbor showboating and more look for feedback on my villager layout. It started with me wanting to try and keep the houses near each other for more interactions and a more cabana type of housing, but it is becoming too cramp and I need to work on changing housing locations.

I like the double south rivers and this island since it has the small island hub already built in to it. I need to get terraforming for I can make a bridge on the left side of the mini island since apparently it is off by a block to work.

>stepping stones to cross rivers
I'm totally doing this, 8 bridge limit my ass

Nah i learned from George Carlin, it's a PeaCUNT

Going to put all the serfs in a commiebloc and live on a hill ringed with spiked fences, bonfires, and not-Godzilla statues.

Does anybody know if there is any pattern to how villagers spawn on islands? Like does it cycle through animal types, through personalities, or is it just completely random?

>>bad attempts at diagonal walkways
people need to give up

pretty much just like japan

Can I use minor keys in new horizons?

He sent me a geisha wig

its gray and ugly