Well, Yas Forums?
Well, Yas Forums?
I pre-order games online that I know I'll purchase 1st day so I can have them delivered to me without thinking about it.
Gay thread, OP is a fag.
Watching "conservative" youtubers past the age of 21 shows a lack of intelligence and critical thinking. Change my mind senpai bruh finna nigga
Unless it’s something you can’t get anyway else yah even then doing that’s questionable like is it really okay to lock something behind preorder
>Watching youtubers past the age of 21 shows a lack of intelligence and critical thinking. Change my mind senpai bruh finna nigga
Preordering can be acceptable if you have high confidence in the game and preordering will result in a cheaper price for the game. I haven't paid more than $45 for a new AAA game in years because of this
When I pre-order a game, I get to forget about it until it arrives in the mail instead of having to keep up with it and remember to go buy it when it comes out
I'm not a 0IQ chimp like most of Yas Forums so I know if a game is going to be enjoyable for me, and have almost never been burned.
They sometimes provide bonuses. Sometimes you forget, too.
I remember being the only one in my town to preorder Tactics Ogre on PSP and got some super nice tarot cards.
Both of these anons are wrong
>purchasing before you know what the quality of the game will be
mindless consumer.
Preordering hasn't been necessary since the early 00's. There was a time when a game might be sold out at launch and you would have to try several stores for a copy or wait a couple weeks. Even when that stopped being an issue they at least tried to encourage it by offering some cool stuff with your preorder, but that practice seems to be dead too.
my nigga
But what if they run out of downloads!? How will I get the game?
>I lack pattern recognition: The post!
If you plan on playing it day one, and you get a slight discount for pre-purchasing, why wouldn't you?
Shit I'm retarded I replied to the wrong guy
They don't run out of stock. You lose nothing by making sure it will be good before you invest any money. There is no benefit to gambling. If you fail to acknowledge this it's because you have no taste and have never felt disappointment. If you have experienced disappointment and still behave this way it's because you're stupid and have forgotten what that felt like so you continue to do the same things that result in the same disappointment.
If I'm gonna buy a game day one I'll usually pre order a couple days before release for whatever gay little bonus you get, and more importantly, the pre load.
When I preordered the first Destroy All Humans the store got it a week early and called me to pick it up before the actual release date.
It's pointless unless it comes with a bonus. You can just go to Walmart if you want to buy the game at midnight
The same goes for twitch.
>You lose nothing by making sure it will be good before you invest any money.
Trailers, demos, people with pre-release copies, or more importantly continuation of series that you loved or even just works by creators you know have a good track record.
Seriously, you're just continuing to prove that you don't have any pattern recognition. If you can't do ANY basic research and determine if a game will be worth your money before it comes out, then you either have a pisspoor bullshit detector, or you've been in the hobby for less than 2 years. Seriously man, you lose so much time by not developing these skills and actually having to try out EVERY single game that comes out to see if you'd like it or not.
Duke nukem forever invalidates everything you just said you gambling mouthbreather
Naeh, you're right.
You must be retarded. The reason you wait is so that you get more information without needing to spend money. You have a less tolerant threshold for the accuracy of information which is why you're willing to believe information that comes from biased sources. The fact that you're claiming my stance is that you must buy the game to figure out of it's good exposes your bullshit disingenuous argument. You refuse to read the words I'm writing out and instead decide to strawman like a retard.
I'm literally advocating that people use pattern recognition and develop the skills necessary to determine if a game is good before purchasing it. YOU ARE SAYING that people should be doing that BEFORE THE GAME HAS BEEN RELEASED as if that's better than waiting until after it's been released. You're advocating that you determine if you should spend your money when every single shred of evidence you see has a high likelihood of being biased in favor of purchasing it.
That's literally falling for marketing. You're trying to brag about falling for marketing.
quick question before thread gets nuked but why does every single political youtuber have skeletons in their closet? They are either secretly gay, into something fucked up, or behave completely differently to what they preach. I dont think a single political youtube has lasted more than a couple years without imploding at least once
dumb motherfucker
because most youtubers are putting on an act, they dont actually behave that way or think that way normally, they are just doing it for attention
I never even understood what is the pitch for a pre-order...maybe it would make sense if it happened in an eletronics store that isn't really about videogames so only sells them on the side or something but it's usually in stores that are completely about games
I'm not sure that's really true.
Even for the case of someone like the guy in the OP. Moron sure, but I haven't heard of any skeletons or him acting completely different from what he believes, though I don't read up much on him.
No skeletons afaik for Pakman either, just a bit spergy and unempathic.
>preorder game
>ignore all media
>game comes out
>its shit
>60 dollars wasted
why preorder
everyone have skeletons in their closet, the original saying is even that, so of course youtubers would have them too
>Trailers can pick and choose what you see by simming an "awesome" set of scenes
>demos have you play a selected area designed to hook the player
>people with pre-release copies are here to sell a product
Your final point of there being a continuation on the series is fucking retarded. You get shit like the Call of Duty franchise if you think you think the continuation of a series is more important than the game actually fucking being good.
If the game...
- is something you're planning to buy day 1
- has pre-order content
- digital with preloading
Then it is stupid not to pre-order it the day before release.
Otherwise, pretty stupid.
>falling for the preorder content meme
I don't actually play a game until all the patches are released.
I pre-purchased Persona 5 Royal so that It'd be ready and downloaded when I got home from work. I guess I could have waited until the day of but I already knew I was going to buy it.
>Missing out on preorder content because you refuse to preorder the game one day before release
> Chowder
Opinion discarded
>financially supporting companies that hold content hostage unless you participate in their anti-consumer practices
>10+ year old IP
>Went through several incredible rough changes both in companies and direction
>Original series except for 3D was subpar
If you couldn't see the signs that this was going to be garbage, then frankly you're ass. Don't know what else to tell you.
>The reason you wait is so that you get more information without needing to spend money.
That's only if you don't have enough information to decide then and there, which is just indicative of your lack of ability.
>He can't pick out bullshots
That's really the number one reason that I can't believe you've been playing games for longer than 2 years. If you can't tell the difference between someone photoshopping a hud onto an FMV and actual in-engine gameplay showcase, then sorry. You're stupid. No two ways about it.
>That's only if you don't have enough information to decide then and there
As I said your threshold for acceptably accurate information is far lower than it should be if it's your goal to not waste your fucking money. You're once again insisting that biased information is adequate because you're a fucking rube.
I mostly agree, but I think there are exceptions. If I know I'm going to buy a game like Doom Eternal when it's released, but it's revealed that if I preorder it, I'll get Doom 64 for free. Why on earth would it not be a smart decision to preorder Eternal, especially if I also would like to play Doom 64 on modern hardware?
>You're once again insisting that biased information is adequate because you're a fucking rube.
I never said the information wasn't biased. I'm just telling you your ability to pick out the kernels of truth even within biased information is lacking, and thus you lack experience. Again, it's a waste of your time if you don't develop necessary skills to deduce when someone is selling you bullshots and what is true out of that bullshot.
You also completely ignored all of the other non-biased information I gave you to track when a game is very likely to be good, such as knowing the company and directors involved and if they have a solid track record for providing good quality content. I have no idea if No More Heroes 3 is actually going to be good, but I know Suda51 well enough that I can safely dump my money into the preorder and I won't regret it.
Come back after lurking 5 years and you'll get into the same argument with another newfag too about this, but from the other side.
I collect physical games, so I occasionally pre-order if I know a game is a day 1 buy anyway and/or I suspect there will be supply shortages.
>Pre-order physical copy for hyped game you want to play day 1 with your duds after school's out.
It has no place in this world anymore.
Only if its a game you want physical and want to ensure you'll get it night one.
I wouldn't pay extra for it, and it would only be a game that is 100% getting released.
I think pre-order BONUSES are shitty, though.
>follow this mentality
>every else gets the game day 1 anyway
>all the discussion of it takes place within the first week
>by the time I pick it up, no one cares to discuss it anymore and any thread I make on it dies within a couple of posts
i wait a whole year to buy games on sale. newly released games are riddled with bugs anyway, why would anyone pay full price for that.
Mostly, but I got into the habit a looong time ago because I live in a small town that doesn't even have a place where you can buy video games, I have to go to the next town over which is a bit bigger, and if they're sold out, I've gotta wait several days. Sometimes I don't pre-order, but when I went to buy Three Houses last year, everywhere in town was sold out.
Gotta have fun with them exploits while they're there, man.
better yet- you should never ever pay full price for a game
I pay off a preorder for a game over weeks before release so it doesnt affect me financially in case some other emergency comes up.
Bro, I know that feel, but you're not missing anything. I decided one day to do this with a game I was really hyped for. Picked it up day one and joined the threads. 90% of it are absolute retards who I can't believe wouldn't die by drowning in their own vomit asking for help, and then just posting let's play tier screenshots and commenting on it.
You're not missing anything.
This is exactly correct for people with single digit IQ that can't make an informed decision about anything on their own. So perfectly good advice for the OP.
>I never said the information wasn't biased
You're saying that biased information is good enough to risk your money. That's not good enough for smart people. It's only good enough for dumb ass consumers who think listening to someone who got paid to tell you a game is good is fine.
Let me go one step further and give you the extreme benefit of the doubt: even if what you're saying is absolutely true in most cases it still doesn't give you an incentive to risk your money. All it does it say you don't think you have a disincentive because you've put forth a lot of time and effort into mitigating the risks.
So no only do you waste your time trying to pick apart lies from the truth in an environment saturated with lies, you also risk your money. And in your supreme arrogance you think this is preferable because you absolutely cannot control yourself enough to wait a few days before you consume like a good goy.
tl;dr: You did not supply a good enough reason to change anyone's mind. All you can do is state how low your standards are.
This is what I do. I always wait until a game is $20 with all DLC included usually a year or two after it comes out. I also don't buy consoles until the end of their lifecycles. Its not so much about the money but games these days are all just shit at launch and consoles never get enough games to justify the price tag until about three years in. Hell the WiiU never got any games.
Yeah this is true. The reverse has happened to me sometimes when I've played Dragon Quest games a year or two before they came out in English. I can't talk about them much here before they're out in English, and when they are most threads suck anyway.
>You're saying that biased information is good enough to risk your money.
Information is good enough, and I keep telling you that you need to develop the skills to pick out the good information out of bullshit. It's why I keep saying your bullshit detector is fucked. You get taken advantage of a lot in real life, don't you?
>Twitter meme
Otherwise, correct
I naturally stopped watching in my year 21, how did you catch this accurately
>you need to develop the skills to pick out the good information out of bullshit
I already have which is why I value non-biased information much more than biased information. That's exercising a practiced level of quality assurance by demanding a reasonable level of non-biased information before investing money.
You do the exact opposite of what you claim to endorse. The goal is to not waste your money. Stop acting like the goal is to get better at a skill you don't need to get better at when you can simply avoid lies.
most of the time i would find it stupid. not always but most of the time. i pre-ordered zelda the ocarina of time for n64 and had no regrets. it is and always will be gambling with your money when you pre-order tho.
>I already have
>which is why I value non-biased information much more than biased information
You realize this contradicts you, right? If you were good at picking out bullshit, then you wouldn't need to bother to put this much distinction between the two sources and then heavily only prefer one source.
In other words, you don't have a good bullshit detector, so you choose to avoid something you think could be bullshit so you avoid having your flaw exposed.
>You realize this contradicts you, right?
Not even a little bit of that contradicts. You say that people need to get better at sorting out the difference between lies and the truth.
I only preorder from developers I trust like Fromsoftware to show my support for the company. They are the only company I actively do this type of thing for.
What you're describing is gambling your own money on your own ability to not get hoodwinked.
Unless it comes with bonuses there is literally no point.
Or you just watch what they give you and have experience and knowledge to know "Oh, this part looks like bullshit, but this part looks good", or even "Oh this all looks like bullshit. Probably means they don't have anything good to show".
Sorry you suck at detecting lies, my dude. Have fun spending an hour or two each game figuring out if you like it or not instead of watching 3 minutes worth of trailer and maybe 10+ minutes of looking up developer credits to see if it's worth your time.
My argument is "it's fun to care about things" but turbocapitalism makes it impossible to care about anything
Some games you just know you'll enjoy. It's what happens when you play a lot of them and you stop being a teenager.
The only games I've preordered have been the day before after a bunch of gameplay videos came out. Also Yas Forums wouldn't know a good game if it cock slapped them in the face.
It's not really a gamble though, because you have deterministic and reliable information that can consistently foretell the outcome. If you can't tell from the first few trailers and a pocket's worth of information if a game is going to be good on the spot or not, you just lack experience in the hobby.
The act of waiting is the behavior that very effectively sorts out the truth from the bullshit. That is a conscious behavior. It's a very useful method to accomplish what you agree is the goal. What you are endorsing is a less effective method for accomplishing what you agree is the goal.
You're very literally stating that you make shitty financial decisions with no benefit. You have no credibility. Your opinion is worthless.
Pre-release media is not 100% credible or reliable when representing what a customer will receive. Post-release media is 100% credible and reliable for what a customer will receive because customers have the product in their hands.