Okay let's say Valve decided to make Half Life: Shephard, what's the story will be about?

Okay let's say Valve decided to make Half Life: Shephard, what's the story will be about?

Attached: adrian_shephard_by_alchemist10-d9qpwol.png (434x606, 278.16K)

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committing war crimes in the middle east

Shepard should be a boss the gman puts there to stop Gordon

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would be pretty kino, desu

about having a VR is the best thing in the world


I always imagined shephard as a young black guy for some reason.
maybe its the name "adrian" or something.
idk, just seems like it fits

Or maybe because he is in Marine Corps, which are filled either with Hispanics or Blacks these days.
imo Reinstated's lore is canon for him (aka beta HL2 universe)

Should have him going to North America for some reason.

Apparently the place is fucked so it's probably really Xen-y.

>chapter is titled Opposing Force

This has always stuck out to me as way too good of a photoshop. After seeing someone else say it in another thread, I'm convinced this is a leaked image from a Valve employee from a version of the game before they used the G-Man.

insiders say that gman being the vault weapon is literally one of the first things they wrote

but yes that would've been so fucking cool

Sounds like a PR stunt they put out once they realized someone kept this image

user you can see gman's briefcase next to him
you gotta let go

Some user said this However I couldn't find any SFM porn about Shephard

You couldn't find the porn or you couldn't find the model?

Could be quick model swap
Also Mike Shapiro (voice of Gman and Barney Calhoun) said there might be a spin-off game about "old friend", people speculating it's either Calhoun or Shephard

Maybe it's just a swapped out model.

Porn, thought it might be easier that way.

I'll never get over the fact that Valve gave us this neat tool to make movies just like the L4D1 and 2 intros, but it's literally just used for porn. I always hoped we'd get some fan videos of people making the L4D campaigns into actual movies with the quality of the intro, but nope. Just porn lol

Do they even still support/update SFM? I can't think of anything people have used it for that ISN'T porn

See Saxxy awards was a thing back then, from the range of shitty and quality animations, it was fun to watch.

Judging by Lazypurple's behind the scenes stuff SFM is a nightmare of a program.

From my observations it's hard to learn, easy to master.

That would be incredible

Combine already did that for him

>Adrian is let loose to put gordon back on the path gman wants him to take
>half life co-op game like Decay

Attached: Saulden.png (340x470, 204.88K)

if only...

Attached: Gordon and Shephard.jpg (621x639, 146K)

randy should be knocking of valves door after battle born and begging to make it

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why did they remove his baller ponytail in hl2? i never understood that, shits dope

>what's the story will be about?
Sending Adrian on mundane jobs while he obsesses over Gordon and Alyx
Think Postal but in a combine city

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Gman's workplace ethics

I just finished rewatching Shephard's Mind and I was thinking about drawing him with all the crap he has.

Gearbox would fuck up making opfor2. Keep Half-Life as far away from them as possible.

Put him to fight Dr.Coomer when he reaches his final form

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Fuck that, I don't wanna Randy to turn Shephard into Duke Nukem copycat.

>Randy says something reasonable
What timeline am I in?

Half Life did nothing but make cinematic cancer mainstream in video games.
Shit franchise.

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He takes his meds before talking about somethin related to Valve I guess.

Meant to


Why do autists love shepherd so much

>cinematic cancer
>literally had 2 "cutscene" type scenes in the entire game
>was popular and known for it's lack of cutscenes and over-the-top exposition dialogue

Cuz it's a good game

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Half Life isn't cinematic
Its shares most of its storytelling DNA with literature actually
thanks for posting though retard

I don't want Pitchford anywhere near the franchise

Why do you keep posting shit from a random neogaf faggot
Fuck off

Because morons like you keep responding

Valve games are garbage.
It's clearly you never played id Software and LGS games.


Lmao could you imagine?

Half-life 3, full of Borderlands style humor.

Attached: 1523489041837.png (1280x1280, 284.36K)

>it's so bad that it becomes good and everyone likes it

Attached: disaster-girl.jpg (500x375, 31.36K)

Reminder valve games are paid mods.
Even neogaf knows this.

So Hunt Down The Freeman?

I don't think HDTF had much humor in it

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Alright, you got me