>book that has a great setting for a video game
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Book that has a great setting for a video game
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>great setting
How would this even work though? Would it be set long ago when there were hundreds of honorable magic knights? Now when they're figuring their shit out? Fighting over bridges on the plains? Could you be an assassin as well as a knight? Or a mage? Would it be an RPG? ARPG? CRPG? Souls-like? It's a great story but I'm not sure how well it would translate as a game.
Great setting but I'd play a Dishonored Mistborn rip-off first.
And maybe a WoT game but only if I get to genocide the faggots of the western continent and the bigger faggots of the eastern desert.
Make it play like Space Marine but with more emphasis on dodging and being clever.
Basically a Star Wars like setting, probably an rpg with class determining character history/story as well as abilities. Also no Disney fucking with canon all the time
The entire time I was reading Mistborn I couldn’t help but think of video game mechanics. Would definitively work as one.
I think this is why I disliked Mistborn so immensely. Felt like I was reading a video game tie in, so I never ended up finishing it.
Would work as an RPG or RTS. Maybe a hybrid like spellforce but with muskets.
Read the first book and absolutely hated it.
The writing was fine, just a little plain. The characters were mostly dull except that one guy who didn't need to sleep.
But worst of all the fucking thing dropped its plot halfway through the fucking book.
"Oh look a mystery, what could this mean??"
Then you just mead a stupid fuck on a mountain who spills everything in a page of exposition.
Fuck you. Should've dropped it right there.
Hey, writing good video game settings is Sanderson's entire life's work.
Anyway, I vote the Bible. Shit's whack
A good setting in a book doesn't always make for a good setting in a videogame.
I don't think Roshar would be a good setting for a game. I can only see it working as a Hyrule Warriors kinda game but holding plateus against the Parshendi
That's okay because Sanderson doesn't write good settings for a book.
As a kid I always wanted a Redwall game. Still think it'd be neat.
It's inexcusable that there's never been a good Conan game.
Who the fuck allowed you to reply to me?
I did.
Nice argument for your favorite book, faggot.
Oh? Who are you, some kind of Replying Police?
Sorry, I know I'm not supposed to talk to people of lesser birth.
Ghost of a Tale is something similar.
Golden Axe
>not wax and wayne era mistborn
I wanna be a reckless lawman who can fly through the sky by chugging metals
Its not my favorite. The thread is about good settings for games. I think gunpowder magic would be cool in an RPG.
Whats your issue man?
rhythm/cooking game with ero scenes
why does anyone read this mormon fuck's books?
He's just a budget Frank Herbert
i want a vidya set on roshar but if they did it would be a shitty hackjob rendition of the book's storyline
go back to one of the desolations and let me play knights radiant souls
Budget Frank Herbert is just Brian Herbert tho.
Redwall cooking and fermenting sim game. Expand your forest church into a mighty abbey turning out hundreds of dishes and drinks, periodically defend from rat invasions.
Could it work?
Lack of exposure to good books and all their friends read it. Same reason people play CoD.
please PLEASE enlighten me how talking to pig manlet butchers could make a good video game
I unironically like cheesy long fantasy sagas.
Oh yeah, that's the third reason. For the cheese. Also why people play CoD.
Wheel of Time
i read both
i like books nigger read more than one sometime
walking simulator cinematic trash
Already exists.
even the shittiest bookfags are above codfags
your cope is showing
lets not pretend that even the best video game stories are any less cheesy.
Your autistic metaphor is really gay, fag.
Robin Hobb's Farseer trilogy could make for a good game. The setting was solid, the characters just sucked.
That's not necessarily true. I agree that the stories which get touted as the best are invariably cheesy tho
I'll anal vore you into submission, hetfag
>dedicated braid-tugging button
cliche brainlet books apparently
when is someone going to post THE book
you know the book i'm talking about. THE fantasy book all the snobs like.
this looks sick. what's it about?
>the pirate part
Maximum comfy
there is no book, this is obviously just a bait post trying to start a flame war.
The Aleph?
Go be homo somewhere else, this is Christian board.
Seven strangers who each have one thing in common get sent on a journey by a cult who worship mysterious aliens.
Can't wait for the Aes Sedai spanking quick time event.
Agreed, currently reading the greats from Howard. Conan, Kull and Solomon Kane. Holy fuck do we need a Solomon Kane game I know it'll basically be the Witcher considering Solomon was written in the early 1900's and inspired literally everything after it and it gets barely any recognition. Shameful
press f to tug braid teehee i said it
Technically the setting is just post-disaster America, which was already covered with Wasteland and Fallout. I just wanted to post because it's a great read.
I tuned out in the middle of this sentence. Outlook not good.
There is a book, I thought it was more famous than apparently it is
this is not the /sffg/ crossboarder thread I thought it was
Fug, I thought I was the only autist who spams Borges whenever people ask for fantasy recs
The modern world is not ready for someone as wholesomely righteous as Kane. Every game journo on earth would right Opeds about how problematic his absolute faith in god and puritan morals is.
But that's the boring half of the sentence
Seriously though fuck puritans
except levellers, levellers are cool
I keep meaning to read his non-Conan stuff too. I've got Sword Woman sitting on my shelf at least, which is his historical fiction stuff.
The Queen's Executioner, and the two series the Belgariad and Mallorean.
More like I got to the end of the sentence, saw the word "aliens", and realized I'd already lost the context for it.
The two series written by the guy who was deliberately trying to write the most generic hero's journey ever?
Nigger that's some powerful ADHD
A stormlight Mount & Blade mod would be cool?
Play gravity rush.
Fug you're right, how the hell did I forget how shit entertainment is? We almost had a Conan show until the higher ups at Amazon changed. Some bitch saw it and canned it.
Don't remind me. I wish I could read.
I always felt the same, Mossflower especially would translate into a cool RPG I think.
I heard Jacques absolutely despised video games though and would never allow it.
Bring a book with you into the toilet instead of your phone, it will get you more used to reading again. Then you can do it outside of shitting too.
i think this would be a cool short game, like something 6-8 hours. spec ops: the line + red dead + some spooky and philosophical elements with judge holden. the ending could be neat.