Ken Birdwell had a friend whose 12-year-old brother used to draw. Ken had always liked his work so he asked him...

>Ken Birdwell had a friend whose 12-year-old brother used to draw. Ken had always liked his work so he asked him, several years later, to do a couple of sketches of possible monsters. He presented sketches of several very sexual-oriented monsters to him and Gabe Newell, managing director, the kind of material Birdwell did not expect.

>Among them was this "Mr. Friendly", with something that looked like a penis. The creature was to literally "rape" the player, holding them with its tentacled arms until the point of fatal copulation. Birdwell was quite disturbed by the concept and wondered if Newell would like it; it turns out he did.

>They then chatted about possible psycho-sexual alien behaviors and their relation with disturbed teenager sexual fantasies. The sexual themes of some of the enemies were intended to appeal to the innate homophobia of 12 year old boys, the targeted audience for the game.

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well now all 12 year olds are genderfluid so this wouldn't fly

Would've been pretty based desu

Then they proceeded to make a model and animations for it and then scrap it from the game.


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>disturbed teenager sexual fantasies
Meanwhile, in reality, the 12-year old little guy probably just wanted to sneak literal penises into a game for hilarity's sake.

Who didn't draw penis everywhere on his friends notebook?

>After O'Bannon handed him a copy of Giger's book Necronomicon, Scott immediately saw the potential for Giger's designs, and chose Necronom IV, a print Giger completed in 1976, as the basis for the Alien's design, citing its beauty and strong sexual overtones. That the creature could just as easily have been male or female was also a strong factor in the decision to use it. "It could just as easily fuck you before it killed you," said line producer Ivor Powell, "[which] made it all the more disconcerting."

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Why would invaders not make use of sexual terror to demoralize the enemy?

Isn't this basically just a giant headcrab? The headcrabs quite literally fuck your face until you die.

It looks like an early draft of the Gonarch.

Yeah I had a feeling what with the giant ballsack (eggsack) they had in the game.

how fucked up would it be if it turns out the kid was starting shit like this because he had been molested and psychologically fucked up?

>The headcrabs quite literally fuck your face until you die
that's a facehugger. what headcrabs do to their victims is way worse.

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Facehuggers don't technically outright facefuck you to death. They blow their load inside you and then the xeno kills you once it pops out of your chest. The only time they'll outright kill their victim is if you try to remove them in which case they strangle them with their tail.

It was intended to explain why corpses ingame disappear, as Mr Friendly would follow the player and "hug" the bodies out of existence. It was seen as rather tedious and didnt line up with plot points so it was scrapped but nonetheless was a neat concept

Ironic how the times have changed.
Today, it seems like insecure projecting adults are the ones scared about confronting sexual themes in media instead of 12 year olds.
Case & point the insane overreaction reaction to pic related

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Haha wouldn’t that be crazy haha

I really want to fuck one of these things

I mean come on, Gonarch is derived from "gonads."

I think it's more because the show looks like complete trash

What is that? That art style is awful.

An netflix show called Big Mouth. And yes it's hideous. It's like the worst parts of western cartoon art design meshed into a Wild-Thornberries-tier ball of ugly.

>defending big mouth
fuck off kike

my favorite thing is when lolicons clutch pearls about this show as if they'd have a problem with it if the kids weren't ugly

It's a spicy subject because he's actually gay from what I heard.

Giger did the same thing for Alien.

The xenomorph hunters have huge phallic heads, the facehuggers literally rape your face to forcibly and fatally impregnate you.

It's way more likely that the kid was drawing shit like this because he'd seen alien and understood why the monsters gripped audiences.

>my favorite thing is when lolicons clutch pearls about this show as if they'd have a problem with it if the kids weren't drawn by kikes

fixed that for you

the 90's were a wild time.

a dumb person with a very ordinary problem, shitting up Yas Forums

Why not just put it in as a random enemy for variety if you already have it modeled and animated?

Western cartoons nowadays are designed to look horrendous in a funny haha kind of way to make up for the fact that the writers didn't put any effort into the comedy or story unless it related to their own sexuality or fetishes.

How is it worse?

the headcrab jumps on your head, incises a chunk of the top of your skull off with its beak, and then takes over the motor functions of your brain while leaving all your consciousness and feeling intact as it slowly mutates you into a skinless monster

What's the advantage of leaving you conscious?

Weapons of terror are nowhere near as effective as they seem, especially when it's a war of aggression. The germans dropped the stuka siren very quickly, for instance.

Not gonna lie, I had my first boner(s) when I watched Aliens/Alien Resurrection when I was 13. Xenomorphs ruined me before I had even seen a naked lady.

jesus christ

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And the animations they made for it don't represent the original concept at all. They pussied out even before cutting it.

If you are physically unable to do anything to it, why bother getting rid of the consciousness?

My first boner was the bus crash scene in Dawn of the Dead.

If you let your kids watch Big Mouth you should probably be sterilised

Haha bagina fugg

>The creature was to literally "rape" the player, holding them with its tentacled arms until the point of fatal copulation.

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>So people hate spiders, right?
>Let's put a massive cock on this spider, let's have a spider with a cock.
>Not good enough, you know what would help here? We put a vagina in there.
>No, not instead of the penis. Put the vagina ON the penis.
>Yes, now it's perfect.

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>According to Marc Laidlaw, Gordon was to become an agent for a resistance force, possibly in the service of the G-Man, in one of the early incarnations of the sequel's storyline.

>Along with the other agents, he was to wear a black, leather stealth suit with various devices latched onto it. It would have replaced the Hazardous Environment Suit from the first game but still provide a user interface and a "more sinister" AI voice. Described as a torture suit or practically a straitjacket, the outfit was to resemble "something out of a Clive Barker film."

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We're talking about a war against even the civilians of a planet. This isn't just combatant vs. combatant.

I just finished playing Half Life Echoes and I have no idea what the fuck was going on other than the Epistle 3 stuff.

Yeah, it's a pretty solid design.

Takes up calories

What kind of response is that? Shit is interesting.

That would make even less sense, seeing as how a civilian would already be worrying about being killed by aliens with no means of defense or retaliation. Being rapes by said alien before being killed literally doesn’t change the human’s response: he doesn’t want to encounter said aliens. That’s like a wolf raping its prey before it kills it. There’s literally no need, as it doesn’t make prey more easy to overcome in the future.

so it's the gonarch with a penis

>Described as a torture suit or practically a straitjacket, the outfit was to resemble "something out of a Clive Barker film."


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>12 year old afraid of being raped
>wow what a homophobe

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Is there any other game with as much leaked in-dev content as Half-Life 2? Reading about this stuff makes it seem like Valve was all over the place when it came to coming up with a sequel to Hal-Life, but I imagine this kind of thing happens in the industry all the time.


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boku no spoonfeeding summerfags

>not recognizing penal academy

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Yes, correct. Do you understand that in WWII, Germany literally attached sirens to their stuka bombers during the blitz on london in order to terrorize the brits? It didn't work because when someone's homeland is being invaded, it's effectively impossible to demoralize them.

Multiplying the reasons to fear them seems logical to me, bro. Fearing death is something some people can tune out. Just look at the attitude of violence vs. sexual content in America. You're trying to think logically, but fear isn't necessarily bound by logic.

faggot wojack reddit meme spammers deserve to be lynched like the niggers they are. Fuck off.

Yes, well. In the case of fiction, it's more entertaining for the villains to be despicable and feared on every level. Getting into logistics is going full "no fun allowed."

it's a cartoon literally written by pedophiles depicting underage children with vaginas and dicks on mainstream television
only kikes can get away with this shit

are you so irrationally angry because it's like looking in a mirror for you?

name 1 good reason that isn't you finding it disgusting

God I feel bad for your fucking kids if they exist

the art is shit

Kill yourself kike shill

It looks like garbage and its subject matter is pornographic

Really hope you never breed you permissive retard

Gordon - Gordon, listen to me. I know you've been through a lot at Black Mesa, fighting off an alien invasion, slaughtering military black ops, literally extinguishing a species in the border world before waking up in this hellscape only to start again. But Gordon, I have a more important mission for you - I need you to fuck my daughter. Gordon. Only you can save the Vance bloodline now. Lord knows I would like to, but as good as that milf puss is, she's barren and I'm shooting blanks. It's down to you and my daughter, Gordon. I'm afraid if things keep going on like they are it will be too late. She built a giant sapient robot, Gordon. She named it 'dog.' She's never even seen a dog. Doctor Freeman, you must do this duty to mankind and to me as your friend. You need to fuck Alyx.

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>Reading about this stuff makes it seem like Valve was all over the place when it came to coming up with a sequel to Hal-Life

According to Gay Ben, it was exactly that. 'Half-Life' wasn't really a brand with a defined look when they first started toying with a sequel, so they were willing to experiment with ideas on what the sequel would look and feel like.

I've always found the xenomorph more sexy than scary

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